The action begins

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Time 8:41. Kurenai's apartment…

Yuhi Kurenai was not a morning person. Yep, she did not like to wake up early… yet she did. Of course, beauty requires sacrifices. So every day the red eyed jounin woke up at seven o'clock, or even earlier, to do morning exercises, refreshing shower, make up, etc.…

But not today.

Damn right! She felt too damn good for it. There was something strange with her legs, and her head felt very light… light and cozily buried into something comfortable.

"Mmm… warm…" She said, still half asleep. Then it dawned on her. 'Wait a minute… too warm.' Sleepiness away, Kurenai slowly opened her eyes, and saw a chest… man's chest.

"I see you're awake." A familiar voice said.

The raven haired woman looked slightly up, only to meet face to face with one and only Uzumaki Naruto… Sunglasses and necklace on.

"Yo!" He said, bringing up his only free hand with a can of cola in it.

It took all her willpower not to scream. "N-Naruto? What are you d-doing in my bed?"

Naruto only smirked. "What? Forgot already? By the way, have I told you that you're sexy when you stutter?"

Her memories hit her like a ton of rocks. She clutched her head. "Ooh… yeah, sorry. It's not usual for me to wake up with a man in my bed."

Naruto's smirk widened. "Well, get used to it." He exclaimed, getting out of the bed.

Kurenai's eyebrows rose. "What?"

"You don't remember that either? Well, then I guess I'll have to refresh your memory a little." The jinchuriki stood up and turned to her. "You said I can stay with you."

After suppressing the will to nosebleed from witnessing Naruto's form dressed only in sunglasses and necklace in front of her, the female jounin was a little confused. "Well, it's okay with me if you want to stay…" 'Especially after last night.' "But don't you have your own… oh right, you don't." Indeed, everyone, or at least almost everyone, knew about the sad fate of Naruto's ex apartment house. It was hard not to notice a burning house in the middle of the village, when people were screaming about horrible demons, and in which cruel ways their lives must end.

"Exactly, I don't… Where are my fucking pants?" Naruto looked around the room but could not find them.

"How should I… oh, there they are!"


"Look up." And look up he did… only to find his pants hanging down from the fan.

"How did they get there?" He asked, trying to get them down.

"How should I know? I only remember being on the fan myself…" She blushed a little.

Naruto smiled. "Yep, that was nice… wanna go another round?"

Kurenai smirked back. "Maybe…"

"Heh, well then…" He started to unzip his pants back… when knocking on the door interrupted him. "Fuck! And that promised to be a great morning."

Kurenai was a little angry herself, but it just couldn't be helped. "Hey, can you please open the door?" She asked.

"No worries." Naruto said with a smile and went to the door.

Meanwhile outside Kurenai's apartment house...

"Alright, we're here."

For team eight this morning has proven to be unusual already. Why you ask? Because their sensei Yuhi Kurenai was an hour late to their team meeting… And she was NEVER late! Yep, the red eyed woman was very proud of herself always being the first to arrive… And now she was late for an hour! That was really strange… especially when she appointed the meeting herself.

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