There is something I forgot

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Moon Country. Naruto's camp…

"Naruto's back?" Yugito asked hopefully. "Where is he?"

Neji frowned. "He's… in the hospital…"

"Something happened to him?" She asked again.

"No, not to him…"

"Oh…" Yugito understood.

"Yeah, oh…"

Kumogakure. Raikage's office…

"Raikage-sama! Raikage-sama!"

"What is it?" The village leader asked.

"Important message, Raikage-sama!" His assistant stated. "Ranked top secret!"

"Who is it from? Naruto-sama?"

"I don't know, I didn't open it."

"Very well." The Raikage took the letter. "You may leave."

The assistant nodded and left.

"Let's see…" The Raikage took out the letter. "What the…"

"Raikage-sama!" He read. "This is Takedo Kusakabe, third strike squad! I'm writing this letter to you, because I believe you must know this… And also because I think everyone will try to hide this fact from you…"

Raikage's eyes narrowed. 'What fact?'

"…Yesterday your brother was severely injured in battle…" Ay paled at this, but continued to read anyway. "But that's not what I'm going to tell you. Your brother was fatally injured, yes. He had no chance of survival, yes… But then Naruto-sama returned…"

'So he has succeeded!' His enthusiasm quickly disappeared when he read the next line.

"…He returned… and I saw with my own eyes how he drained Kirabi-sama's soul!"

Raikage's jaw fell. 'This… This couldn't be right! That's a lie!'

"I assure you, I was just as shocked as you are probably right now. You know me; I was loyal to you and Kumogakure my entire life! I will never betray my home village! And I won't ask you to do anything. I just thought you need to hear about it."

The Raikage clutched his head in shock and pain.

'Kirabi is dead… And Naruto-sama has drained his soul!' He thought. 'How is that possible?! I… I can't…'


Man's eyes opened wide in sudden realization.

"I remember… I remember everything!" He said and glared. "Uzumaki Naruto!"

Moon Country. Royal palace…

"So, Tsuchikage-sama has departed…" Shikamaru concluded.

"Yeah." Temari replied. "He said that with the battle over he had no real reason to stay here personally… and quite frankly, it's my time to leave too…"

Nara's eyebrows rose. "You're leaving too?"

"Gaara ordered me to return immediately after the battle…"

"I see…"

"Don't worry, you still have the army." She tried to cheer him up.

"Yeah… You should go then. I don't think your brother likes to wait."

The girl chuckled. "No, he actually doesn't."

"I thought as much. Be careful on your way."

She smiled. "Don't worry; I can take care of myself." Temari said, leaving the room.

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