They call me Mr Fixit!

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"HAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA! Have you seen Tsunade's face when that priest said 'Art is a blast'?!" Naruto asked laughing.

"Yep, priceless." Kurenai answered, circling her finger on his bare chest.

"So, you're sure about this?"

"About what?" She asked in confusion.

"Switching sides."

Kurenai giggled and rubbed his thigh with her leg. "Didn't I make this clear to you last night?" She asked seductively.

Naruto grinned. "Well, you clearly didn't have enough last night."

"Mmm… so what if I didn't?" She licked her lips.

"Then I just have to make sure you do right now!" With that he turned around spread her legs and…

"Naruto-sama! Oh…"

Demon's eyes widened. 'I'll fucking kill this guy!' He thought, turning around to face one black silhouette. "When will you fucking stop doing that, Raikage?!"

"I'm sorry, Naruto-sama, but I had to inform you that I just received a letter. It seems that Hokage is calling for the Five Kage Meeting."

Naruto rolled his eyes. "Already knew that!"

"Oh…" The Raikage muttered.

"But… it's actually a good thing that you appeared." The blond demon continued. "Inform Mizukage-chan that you're to follow the instructions in that letter."

"What?" Ay asked. "But Naruto-sama, aren't you…"

"No, my trip can wait." Ex-Konoha genin stated. "This however is better be done as soon as possible… Besides, I want an answer for one question."

"Um… I see… well, I'll be off now." The Raikage said as his silhouette disappeared.

Naruto sighed. "Now that was a mood killer…" He turned back to Kurenai. "I'd better be going…"

She pouted. "Oh, come on! Don't go."

The demon rolled his eyes. "You do know where we are, right?!"

"In Konoha, why?!"

A pause.

"Oh, I see…"

"Yeah, besides I have one more thing to do in this village…"

Random Konoha street…

Hyuga Hanabi was having a really bad day… Well, she had to admit, that was not unusual. Ever since her sister made herself the Hyuga clan head all Hanabi was having were bad days.

'Fucking bitch! I was supposed to be the clan head!' Hanabi cursed in her head. 'I was better than her in every way! She didn't even receive clan head training, I did!' Then a deep frown appeared on her face. 'And then she just shut herself in that library, create that fucking technique, beat father and…' She glanced up, where her Konoha headband was wrapped around her forehead. 'And I'm a branch family now… a slave. Now I understand what Neji-niisan feels.'

Actually she felt even worse, for even though she was now a Konoha genin, she wasn't appointed to any team. Hinata's request of course.

'Bitch!' Hanabi cursed again. 'And slut!' She referred of course to the fact that the Kazekage was currently staying at their residence. 'Because of her I must catch that fucking cat everyday! But one day I will have my revenge… I will be free…'

Beneath Konoha…

"Ah, Moegi-chan! So what did you want?" Naruto asked.

"I uh…" She hesitated for some seconds, and then removed her clothes in one quick motion.

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