You want peace?

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Time 22:48. Hokage's office…

"So, we have two more Akatsuki dead, but got Asuma killed in the process…" Tsunade calculated. "Well, that's actually better than I expected…"

"Yeah…" Orochimaru countered. "If you don't count that all three of them were killed by Uzumaki."

Tsunade scowled. "Damn him!"

Jiraiya nodded. "The things are actually even worse than you think…"

The Hokage rolled her eyes. "Could it be worse?!"

"Yeah, it could!" The hermit stated. "One of the killed Akatsuki, Kakuzu, he was actually my agent…"

Tsunade slapped her forehead. "Perfect!" She said with sarcasm.

Orochimaru waged his finger at them. "Yes, Tsunade, maybe you're right."

"What do you mean?" The blond woman furrowed her eyebrows.

"I mean that we probably won't have to deal with Akatsuki in the future at all."

"How so?" Jiraiya sounded confused.

The snake charmer glanced at him. "Do you remember that Shikamaru boy?" Jiraiya nodded. "He said, Naruto mentioned something like 'Red dawn's going down'."

Toad sannin's eyes widened. "Now that you mention it!" Tsunade interrupted him.

"So let me get this straight… Naruto's going to take the Akatsuki out for us?!"

Orochimaru shook his head. "No, no… not for us. For himself." He exclaimed. "They are a force to be reckoned with, and he doesn't need one around if it's not under his command."

Tsunade norrowed her eyes. "How do you know so much about him?"

The snake sannin shrugged. "You have to know your enemy…"

The Hokage nodded. "Very true…" She then crossed her arms over her chest. "So, that leaves us with… what?! We just sit and wait until Naruto destroys Akatsuki and come for us?!"

Orochimaru shook his head. "No, we don't have time. We're going to do research…" Jiraiya's eyes lit up. "Not that research, you fool!" He turned back to Tsunade. "We have to find some way to counter Uzumaki's genjutsu. Because if we cannot… then we might as well just surrender right now."

"Wait, wait…" Jiraiya waved his hands. "Didn't he say that we must have yoki to do that?!"

The snake charmer nodded. "Yes. That's exactly the type of research we're going to have…"

Same time. Kumogakure…

Naruto sat alone in Raikage's office like a lone wolf…'Well, Yugito's busy for the night and… wait a minute… if she's busy then what am I supposed to do?!' But his solitude did not last long…

"Raikage-sama!" The door busted open and one blond woman came in. "I'm sorry for the intrusion, especially this late at night, but I heard Yugito's back. Is this true?!"

No answer…

"Raikage-sama? Are you here?"

"Nope, he's out. I'm in his place…" Said a much younger voice from behind the armchair… which slowly turned around. "Can I help you, captain Samui?" Naruto said with a smirk.

Samui's eyes widened. "Naruto-sama! You're back! B-But what about…" He interrupted her by raising his hand.

"Don't worry, Yugito's just fine. She's in the council chamber right now…"

She sighed. "I see. Thank God…" But then her mouth hung open. "Wait, if Yugito's busy for the night…?" An evil smile appeared on her face. "Does that mean you're free for the night, Naruto-sama?"

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