True reason

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Moon country. Naruto's camp…

"Shit, shit!" Neji cursed.

Mei rolled her eyes. "Calm down, Hyuga. What are you so jumpy about?"

"Yeah." Yugito nodded. "Naruto-kun is back. Everything is alright."

"No, you don't understand!" Neji snapped. "Have you seen his face?!"

"Yeah, he was angry…" The Mizukage replied.

"Angry? Angry?! He was fucking mad!" Neji shouted. "And when he is mad, there's gonna be a…"


"Holy fuck!"

Enormous explosion shook the area. It was far away, but it was so big that all tents and temporary constructions collapsed… Even people couldn't remain on their feet.

"What the hell was that?!" Yugito yelled, standing up.

"I don't know…" Mei answered. "But it was certainly something big."

"Status report! Now!" Neji shouted.

Some Kiri jounin puffed into existence in front of him.

"Neji-sama!" He began. "Huge explosion happened…"

"Presumed target?"

"Moon Country capital…"

Neji's eyes widened. "Oh shit…"

"What?" Mei asked.

"Fucking shit…" Hyuga muttered. "He… He wasted the entire country…"

Moon Country. Capital city burning remains…

"HAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Naruto laughed madly, standing alone among scorched grounds. "Now I REALLY feel better!"

"Man, you sounded just like that Gaara kid, when he was little…" Yamato commented.

"Hell no!" The demon replied. "He wanted to please his 'mother' with blood of his victims, the only thing my mummy would've got is a big fucking RKO! Besides, he didn't care who to kill, friend or foe. I do… By the way, how do you know how he sounded back then?!"

"Umm… Well I… Pick up things…" The demon blade answered.

"Haha, sure…"


"Ho, ho, ho! Quite a mess you did here, sonny!"

Naruto's eyes rolled into the back of his head. He didn't even need to turn around in order to know who that voice belonged to.

So instead of responding, he just took out his gun...


"Ho, ho! Trying to kill the old man again?"

This time Naruto did turn around. Yep, the old man stood there, inspecting Naruto's bullet in front of his face.

"Nice weapon, sonny!"

The demon sighed. "Is there something that can kill you?!"

"Hehehe, not in this world!" The old man replied.

"Hahaha, that won't mean I will stop trying." Naruto said, sitting down on a scorched stone. "So, what the fuck do you want this time?"

"Ho, ho, ho!" The old man leaned on his walking stick. "Is it so hard to believe that I'm just an old man who wishes to talk to a smart person?"

Naruto snorted. "First of all, you are not a man…"

"I told you not to insult my manhood, sonny!" The old man interrupted. "Even now women will do everything just to touch this piece of meat!"

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