Do you smell it?

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Time 17:43. Forest area…

Many people think that Wind Country is just a plain desert. Maybe it's because forest area and desert area have a straight border. That means when you leave the forest, you enter the desert. And those who don't know exactly think that this is a country border as well.

That suspicion is wrong however.

Far from it, actually. The truth is… the Fire and Wind Country border lies in the forest… deep within it. But, they were in allegiance for such a long time that even small towns near the border started to count themselves as a part of Fire Country… which greatly pleased the fire Daimyo.

Also this very border was the one, that team Kakashi was closing to.

They recently received an almost impossible task – to save the current Kazekage from Akatsuki… Actually, they only needed to investigate the situation and report back… Bah, who am I kidding?! Perhaps the only member of the former team seven who gave even a slightest damn about the mission must be blowing off Orochimaru somewhere.

If you watch from the side, you'll see that the only excited person in a three man cell was Sakura, who was no doubt in hopes of receiving some information on her dear Orochimaru's blower… Sasuke-kun I mean!

Hatake Kakashi – the reinstated leader of his first genin team looked deep in thoughts for some reason. Of course you might think that he's dreaming about his Icha-Icha books… But this raises a question – why then he is giving Naruto these strange glances?

Speaking about Naruto. Sure, he wore a smile on his face. But if you look closer, you'll see that so far he found this oh-so-dangerous mission as boring as Iruka's academy lessons.

'Fuck! A long travel… And with such a nice company. Damn, I swear that if this goes on, then Akatsuki will find me dead, because I'll kill myself out of this boredom!' Then something caught his attention.

"Wait… Do you smell it?" He said looking in the distance.

"Smell what?" Sakura asked in frustration. 'Damn this fool! He interrupted my thoughts about mine and Sasuke-kun's wedding night!' She thought, drooling a little.

Naruto smirked. "Firstly, stop thinking about having sex with Uchiha. He's gay. Secondly…"

"Sasuke-kun is not gay Shannaro!" She interrupted him.

Naruto rolled his eyes. "Secondly, if I ever hear Shannaro again, then I'm gonna kill someone." He threw a glare at Sakura, and she gulped. "And thirdly, I smell a woman… up ahead."

"Hmm…" Was all Kakashi said.

Two minutes later they caught up with mentioned woman.

"There she is." Naruto exclaimed. "Told ya!"

"Oi, isn't it Temari-san?" Sakura asked.

Kakashi jumped ahead. "Maybe. Let's find out."


Having heard a girlish scream behind her, Sabaku no Temari, a proud jounin of Sunagakure turned around. And when she did, she almost immediately came face to face with three Konoha shinobi. Two of them she recognized at the first sight. Haruno Sakura was her good friend, and Hatake Kakashi was well known throughout the world. Still, the third one gave her no clues about his identity.

'Who is… a man, blond hair, black clothes… hmm, maybe someone new? But one thing is clear… he sure is hot!'

The same girlish voice put her out of her wonderings. "Temari-san? Are you alright?"

"Oh? Y-Yeah, sorry… So where are you going, and who is your handsome teammate?" The Suna jounin almost slapped her mouth. 'I didn't say it out loud, did I?'

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