You can't stop me!

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"SHIN-NE, NARUTO!" Neji screamed, jumping at Naruto with a juuken strike.

"You're too stressed, Neji…" Naruto replied, delivering a hard roundhouse kick to enraged Hyuga's midsection, which sent him flying through some building. "Take a chill pill, haha!"

No one noticed how Kabuto released the breath he was holding… But everyone noticed how people started to run away in fear.

"ROOT!" Danzou yelled.

"No, Danzou!" Tsunade commanded. "Don't waste your men! They'll just lose their life. Better help evacuate civilians."

Danzou nodded. "Very well."

Someone refused to wait…

"I will avenge Asuma now!" Shikamaru screamed, trenching knives in hands.

Naruto raised an eyebrow. "Oh really?!" He asked. "You know, I actually regret killing him that time…"

Shikamaru's eyes narrowed. "If you think your excuses…"

"I wasn't apologizing!" The demon interrupted. "I killed him only because I had no time. I wish he was alive right now… so I could've killed him much more slowly and painfully! HAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA!"

"Naruto! You bastard!" Shikamaru shouted, already lunging at his sworn enemy… when…

"Everyone stand down!"

Everyone turned to the source of the voice, which happened to be… Hinata, with clenched fists and angry look on her face.

"H-Hinata…" Kiba stuttered. In all his life he never saw his teammate so angry.

"Naruto…" The demon raised an eyebrow at the lack of 'kun'. "I… I loved you, admired you, looked up to you." The Hyuga clan head muttered. "You were like a ray of light in my dark life…"

Naruto snorted. 'Me?! The master of darkness as ray of light?!'

"This girl is hopeless…"

Meanwhile Hinata continued. "But what you're doing now is wrong!" Tears appeared in her eyes. "You're going to destroy everything just for your revenge, and I Hyuga Hinata can't allow you to do that!" She yelled, hesitantly shifting in a juuken battle stance.

Naruto furrowed his eyebrows. 'If right now she'll say, that she brings justice in the name of Moon, then I'm gonna make mincemeat out of her!'

Hinata opened her mouth again…

'Just do it!' The demon clicked his sword open.

"You're not the man you once were!"

'Oh… what a turn off…' Naruto sighed. "Hahaha… stupid useless bitch! I'm not the man I once was?! That man never even existed!"

Hinata closed her eyes. "Then I will have no regrets." She said quietly and then her eyelids shot open. "Amatsu juuken!" The Hyuga clan head shouted as a beam of white light flew out of her palm and hit Naruto straight in the chest.

The demon looked down and raised an eyebrow. "Was that an attack?!"

Hinata's eyes widened. "Why didn't it work?!" She shot some more beams, but all ended with the same result.

"Oh, the answer is simple." Naruto said calmly. "Yes, that's an advanced juuken, but juuken still. And juuken attacks a chakra circularity system… which I don't have anymore. See, simple. Now try some of mine's. Hadou #33 Soukatsui!"

A wave of blue flames flew out of Naruto's hand and was about to hit Hinata, when it was suddenly stopped by a wall of sand.

"What the… Gaara? You're here as well?!" Naruto asked.

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