The Ultimate Confession Part Two

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"Where is Ibiki, Naruto?!" Tsunade asked.

The blond demon shrugged. "Hell if I know… Probably got fucked somewhere on the road of life…"

"Yeah, and very deeply I might add…"

The Hokage was about to snap, but Jiraiya calmed her down, by putting his hand on her shoulder.

"Later." He whispered.

"Fine." Tsunade said quietly. 'Let's see what you got… Naruto.' "Honorable council members, you may begin."

The Hyuga clan head stood up. "Thank you, Hokage-sama." Hinata said with a smirk. 'You will regret this, Naruto! No one refuses me!' She walked onto a podium as well. "Uzumaki Naruto. You are charged for murdering of fellow Konoha shinobi and betraying your village. What can you say in your defense?"

For no visible reason, Naruto turned his head to the left and then upwards.

"FINALLY! NARUTO HAS COME BACK TO KONOHA!" He gave a small chuckle. "Welcome, welcome, welcome! Welcome on the first ever evening with Naruto! Naruto's trial! Naruto feels so good, he feels so nice! Why?! Because he's right here in Konoha!" The ex-jinchuriki exclaimed. "I'll tell you what… The absolute best part of Naruto being right here in Konoha, is that in about an hour and a half, Naruto's gonna LEAVE Konoha!"

Everyone raised an eyebrow…

"Uzumaki-san…" Hinata started. "Please, speak only…"

"Shut your mouth!" Naruto shouted. "Don't you ever… AND NARUTO MEANS EVER! Blame me for betraying this village!" He turned to Hokage's lounge. "Or have you forgotten what I told you, Jiraiya?! This village never had my loyalty to begin with!"

Tsunade's… and many other's eyes widened.

"Oh, don't give me that look! What's so surprising! You treated me like trash… Oh, don't give me that, fatty, yes you did! And then, then you just go and say something like… 'Shut up and be grateful!' You… You really thought I would let it slide?!" He changed his voice. "Naruto! He's so nice! Of course he'll forgive us!" The voice returned to normal. "Is that what you think?!"



Tsunade glared. "Then why you have worked for this village for so much time?!"

Naruto rolled his eyes. "Oh please! How old do you think I am?!"

"Fifteen." Sakura said.

Naruto chuckled. "Uh-uh, wro-ong! I'm seventeen!"

"What?! But that's not possible!" Jiraiya screamed. "You were born on the day of Kyuubi's attack!"

The demon waged his finger. "Wrong again! I was already two years old, when Kyuubi attacked!"

"B-But only a newborn could withstand the sealing!"

"And wrong again! The newborn would have died! It requires a child, but at least two years old… do you get what I'm saying?!"

"That's impossible!"

"Nothing's impossible, you fool! And I'm the living proof of that!" Naruto snapped. "Do you know, that I spent two months in coma after the sealing was complete?! Of course not! You were too busy writing your porn!" Jiraiya looked down. "Nah, can't blame daddy though… he was only a useless fool after all…"

"How dare you speak of Yondaime-sama that way?!" Kakashi shouted. "He was Konoha's greatest hero!"

Naruto raised an eyebrow at that. "Oh really?! And what was so heroic that he did?!"

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