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Unknown area…

"Lady, huh?" Naruto grinned. "Well, at least it's original. Never met a girl named Lady before…"

"By the way, missy…" Kurenai said, pointing Alastor at the newcomer. "I suggest you lower that little thing you hold in your hand."

"Indeed." Hanabi's eyes glowed red. "Or we're gonna have some problems. And you really don't want that."

Lady's eyes narrowed. "Tell me what your goal is."

Naruto smirked. "Nope, not telling."


Lady armed her gun. "Think again."

"Okay, okay! It's world peace!"

Lady started to pull the trigger…

"HAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA!" Naruto laughed hard. "You already tried that, remember?"

"Tch." The girl scowled at him.

"But well hell, I guess I should give you some credits for your guts. So fine, I can at least tell you that this very moment my targets are remaining shinobi villages."

"The Order?"

"Them too."

Lady slowly withdrew her gun. "Very well. Then I wish to join you."

"Eh?" Naruto raised an eyebrow. "I'm sorry, I must be going deaf. What did you just say?"

"I said that I wish to join you."

The Overlord folded his hands. "Now that's a strange one. You were so determined on fighting me before, what changed?"

Lady glared. "The world did."

"What do you mean by that?" Kurenai asked, lowering her sword.

"Many things happened while you two were in prison." Lady explained. "One of such things is me becoming a number one enemy of the Order."

"Hahaha!" Naruto laughed and clapped. "Well congratulations but…"

"What the…?" Lady suddenly exclaimed when two long hands appeared from the wall she turned her back to and wrapped around her, holding the girl in place.

"You didn't really think that I would let a former enemy walk freely, did you?"

"Tch." Lady scowled again.

"Hmhmhm…" Alucard's head appeared from the same wall. "She's strong, can I have her?"

"Later." Naruto stated. "I want to hear what she has to say first."

The captured girl glared at him. "Release me, Uzumaki, I won't attack or run. Attacking is useless and I have nowhere to run to."

"Well, that may be so…" Naruto said, taking out a cola can. "But I don't know that. Now speak before I lose my patience."

Lady sighed. "Fine. Many questions rose after your defeat. Like what that Order was and where did it come from. But only a chosen number of people asked them, the rest were too overjoyed by the fact of your demise… or simply scared of the Order's strength. In fact I only know one other person who started to ask questions beside myself."

"And? Who was it?"

"Senju Tsunade."

"Hmm…" Naruto thought for a moment. "Release her."

Alucard raised an eyebrow. "Why would I do that?"

"Because I said so. Now…"

"Fine, fine…" The vampire muttered, releasing his hold.

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