Why do you fight?

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"Yamato?" The woman asked unbelievingly. "The legendary sword that rumored to be able to cut through anything?"

"And allow the wielder a free access to hell…" The man added.

"Yep." Naruto answered. "That's the one."

"B-But Naruto-sama!" The man started. "This sword is long since lost! It could take years to find its location!"

The demon smirked. "Hmhmhm… It could… and did…"

"What do you mean?" The woman asked.

Naruto sighed. "I meant that it could, if I started right now… And by 'did' I meant that I was already searching for it for years…"

The man raised an eyebrow. "But when?!"

The smirk widened. "You didn't actually think that I searched for it by myself?"

"Oh…" Both of them said.

"Exactly. Now I have a very good link to the sword's whereabouts." He ran a hand through his hair. "You see, the sword was once possessed by a great demon. Then he gave it to his own son as a gift. So it belonged to him… until he lost a fight and died… but the sword remained. Soon it was found by a human. Said human used its power to fight against demons… and fought well actually. But he wasn't immortal, so he grew old and died. But before he did that, he passed the sword to someone for safe keeping. And for over three years, I'm trying to find the one… or ones… who possess the sword right now." The demon sighed. "They are hiding pretty well, and I don't know how much more time this search could last… but lady luck was on my side this time."

"What do you mean?"

Naruto continued. "Apparently, there was one man who also sought the sword… and found it!"

"Really?" The woman asked excitedly. "Who was it?"

Ex-genin of Konoha gave an evil smile. "That's what I'm about to find out." He exclaimed and put two fingers onto his necklace again… A few seconds later another female silhouette appeared in the cave.

"Oh! Naruto-sama!" The newly appeared woman bowed down.

Naruto chuckled. "Please… A princesses should not bow down, right… Koyuki-chan?" The Snow country princess straightened. "That's better…"

"Naruto-sama! Tell me please!" Koyuki started. "Have you finally accomplished your goal?" She asked pleadingly.

Naruto smirked. "Yep, I did."

Koyuki's face lit up. "That's wonderful news! Are you going to proceed with your plan?"

"Yeah… Now tell me, have you managed to discover his hideout?"

The princess giggled. "Yes, I have."

"Who was it then?"

Koyuki giggled again. "You should probably come and see for yourself. You will be most amused… Besides, I have a… congratulation present for you."

"Oh no you don't!" Another woman in the room exclaimed. "I am going to be the first to congratulate him, not some cheap actress!"

The Snow Country's ruler scowled. "Shut up, you ugly bitch! He's going to visit me first, right, Naruto-sama?"



"ENOUGH!" Naruto slapped his forehead. "I will gladly visit you both… but my sword comes first."

Koyuki gave a victory smile. "Of course, Naruto-sama! Should I expect your arrival?"

"Yes, you should."

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