A new hope

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Konohagakure no sato. Portal station…

"Wooooah!" One Uchiha Sasuke flew out of the portal along with several large rocks.

"Sasuke-kun!" Sakura rushed at his side. "What happened? Why are you back so early?"

Sasuke gritted his teeth in anger. "I am back because there is nothing really to protect at Sunagakure anymore… In fact, there is not even a Sunagakure anymore."

Sakura's eyes widened. "Oh my god…"

"Cough… Gaara…" Bandaged Kankurou raised his voice. "What about Gaara and Temari?"

Sasuke said nothing…

So Sakura decided to take it in her hands. "Don't worry, Kankurou-san. Your brother is strong; I think he's found a way to…"

"Save it, Sakura." Sasuke interrupted.


"I said save it." The last Uchiha looked Kankurou straight in the eye. "Your siblings are dead, accept it."

"Sasuke!" Sakura yelled at him. "How can you…"

"No, he's right." Kankurou interrupted with a dead voice. "Excuse me please. I'd like to be alone for a while."

Sasuke and Sakura simply watched his retreating back in silence.

Finally the kunoichi decided to break the silence. "So?"

"So what?"

"What happened in Suna?"

Sasuke lowered his gaze. "As you know I wanted to return to battle, but when I came back through the portal I saw… Well, you can call it the Savior's last moment. I only had about two seconds to make a decision… So I decided to return through the portal."

Sakura's eyebrows shot up. "So you…"

"Yeah…" Sasuke punched the wall. "I backed down." He then sat down and leaned on the same wall. "I can't, Sakura. Naruto is just too strong…"

Sakura couldn't believe her ears. "B-But perhaps we could…"

"He took down the Savior, Sakura!" The Uchiha shouted. "They were the same size! What can we possibly do against…?!"


Sasuke touched his cheek in shock. "S-Sakura…?"

"Huff… Huff… Now listen to me." She said seriously. "Perhaps you are right; perhaps Naruto is way too strong. Perhaps we can do nothing to stop him, but what we certainly can not do is give up! Thousands are dead and much more will follow them in hopes of stopping what was once our teammate. And if they are not going to give up, what right do we have?!"

Sasuke looked at her in shock for a few moments and then…

"Hmhm… Hmhmhmhahaha! Never thought you will teach me morals." He smirked. "Okay, I'm with you. What should we do?"

Sakura bit her lower lip. That was the question she hoped to avoid

"Well… I guess first of all we must inform Hokage-sama."

Sasuke nodded. "Not a bad idea actually. Medics can tend to the wounded, let's go."

Naruto's hideout…

"Have you managed to retrieve the files?"

"Of course I have!" The silhouette replied. "Who do you take me for?"

Naruto smirked. "Yeah, sorry. So? Do you have good news for me, or perhaps I should attack Konoha right now?"

The silhouette looked down at this. "I got their records, but…"

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