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Konohagakure no sato. Hokage's office…

"No… It can't be!"

"Yeah, it's good to see you too… baa-chan!"

"Naruto?" Tsunade asked with wide eyes.

'Orochimaru' rolled his eyes. "No, I'm the prince of Persia!"

"You bastard!" The Hokage shot up from her seat and went for a punch… only to freeze in the middle of it, after witnessing how 'Orochimaru's eyes turned black.

"Sure I am!" A quick burst of flames and 'Orochimaru' was replaced by Naruto. "You forgot the part where I'm a son of a bitch… oh, and quite a greeting by the way."

"Tch…" Tsunade hissed in anger. But slowly this anger started to turn into desperation. She couldn't move anything but her eyes and lips.

"Don't give me that look, Tsunade!" Naruto exclaimed. "Let's have a nice reunion hug!"

"Why are you here for?" She asked, trying to keep her cool and failing miserably.

"All business, huh?" The demon stood up. "Okay then. I came to kill you." He said and pointed two fingers at her forehead. "Hadou #4 Byakurai!"

Tsunade shut her eyes tight and prepared for the inevitable… Then she felt something touch her forehead… and push her back into her chair.

"Sorry, Tsunade. Another time." Naruto said and started to laugh at her expression.


"HAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA! You should've seen your face!" He shouted, falling back into his chair.

"Why…? Why didn't you kill me?" The Hokage asked, noticing that her body control has returned.

"Ahaha… Sigh… Don't be ridiculous." The demon replied. "If I really wanted to kill you, I would've done so just after I entered."

"Then why…?"

"Am I here?" He finished for her.

The slug sannin nodded.

"Can't I just want to talk to you?" Naruto asked.

Tsunade's eyes narrowed. "Not funny."

"You're right, it's not."

"Are you going…?"

"To answer your question?"

"Am I that predictable?"


"Well, are you?"

"Sure! I'm here because… one time you called me worthless. I am not worthless!" He stated. "You said I can't do a shit, well tough luck! I learned how to dance Bacchkoi! I'll show you!"

Tsunade's eyes widened. "No! Please no! Anything but that!"

Naruto smirked. "Hmhmhm… Fine, fine. You know, we're quite similar you and me…"

"We have nothing in common!" She spat in anger.

The demon rolled his eyes. "Oh pu-lease! How about favorite sex position? I like it most when girls are on top! What about you?"

Tsunade's cheeks turned slightly pink. "What are you talking about, you idiot?"

"Sex position." Naruto repeated. "Do you like to be on top? Honestly?"

"Fuck you!"

"Oh, come on, don't be like that! Just tell me already!"

"Yes, I do!" The Hokage admitted in anger. "You happy now?!"

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