When death is not an option

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Remains of Kumogakure no sato…










Kurenai slapped her face. "Will you two morons stop doing that?"

"He started it!" Naruto shouted, pointing at Alucard.

"No I didn't!" The vampire objected. "You called me a jabroni!"

"And it's damn true…"


"Dah!" Naruto fell backwards and spat another bullet from his mouth. "Even if you fire twenty more bullets, it won't change the fact that you're a ja…"


Alucard did fire another bullet… but then something happened. Hanabi suddenly appeared in the way and caught the bullet with her bare hand.

"That is enough." She said dangerously, dropping a piece of metal to the ground.

"Wow." Naruto commented sitting up. "How did you do that?"

Hanabi looked at him and tilted her head to the side. "I… I don't know. It all suddenly became so slow for me…"

Alucard's eyebrows shot up. "Time magic? How the hell could that happen?"

Naruto shrugged. "Beats me. Neither of us has that power, so it will be right to assume that Hanabi became something entirely different from both vampires and demons."

"Yet she drinks blood and has high speed regeneration…"


"Hey! Stop talking as if I'm not here!" The former Hyuga complained. "Now get your ass from the ground and continue with the damn story."

Naruto raised an eyebrow. "What fucking story?"

"About your time in the Netherworld." Kurenai explained.

Naruto smiled sheepishly and scratched the back of his head. "Well, nothing much to tell…"

"How about meeting this guy?" Hanabi pointed her thumb at Alucard.

"Him? Met him on the internet. A site for poor souls seeking love…"

Two girls folded their arms.



Fine, fine! Geez you girls are stubborn…"

"You made us this way." Kurenai said. "Now spill."



Three days later. With Naruto…

"Ouch…" The blond demon muttered, getting up on his knees. "How long I was out?"

"Three days, pal." Yamato stated. "It's a wonder that no one has checked on us yet…"

"Fuck, my head is killing me…" Naruto grunted, massaging his temples. "What did you say again?"

The demon blade sighed. "No. One. Has. Found. You. Yet."

"Oh…" Naruto nodded and a small smile appeared on his face. "Take that you old motherfucker! Remind me to shove a Rasengan right up his ass next time I meet him."

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