The logical conclusion

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Iwagakure no sato…

"Everybody out." Naruto said calmly.

"W-What?" Neji asked.

Naruto glanced at him over his shoulder. "Did I stutter? I said out. Your battle is out there." He pointed his finger at the two already fighting armies.

"But Naruto, you can't be serious!" Mei stated.

"Yeah!" Yugito added. "We will fight with you and…"

The Overlord suddenly interrupted her by raising his hand. "This is your final warning." With that he created a small fireball in his hand… and threw it far away. "Katsu."


The enormous explosion leveled at least one fifth of the village.

"Holy shit!" Mei shouted.

"Remember Moon Country." The demon said with a smirk. "I'm gonna do the same."

Neji's eyes widened. "Fuck! Alright, we're leaving!"

"Like hell we will!" Yugito replied. "I…"

"No time to be stubborn!" Neji grabbed her arm and jumped away. "This place is ten minutes from hell!"

"Tch." Mei scowled. "I still don't like this." She said, following them.

"Hmhmhm…" Naruto chuckled. "Now that's better! Nothing more in the way of our nice heartwarming reunion! Who wants to give ol' Naruto a hug? How about you, Orochi-chan?!"

"Enough fooling around, Naruto!" Sasuke shouted. "What have you done to our men in Moon Country?"

The demon raised an eyebrow. "You mean… you still don't know?"

"Don't know what?" Orochimaru asked.

Naruto grinned evilly. "That I'm not playing for keepers anymore…"

Sakura's eyebrows furrowed. "What do you mean by that?"



"Hmhmhm… Hahahaha! How very emotional, Sakura!" The blond laughed. "Do you remember? You were on that mission too…"

"Yes, I do." The kunoichi replied, narrowing her eyes.

"Remember little Hikaru? His father, king Michirou? How about his mother?" Naruto's grin widened.

"What have you done to them?"

The Overlord scratched his head in thought. "Well… Hikaru looked a little… down. And, being the nice person I am, I decided to cheer him up a little! So I took his head and… well, kind off squashed it in my hand."

Sakura's eyes widened. "No… No! Why?! How could you do this?!"

"Oh, but that's not all, my dear!" Naruto continued. "After I did that, his little bitch of a mother just couldn't help but continue screaming his name… so I blew her brains out… just a little!" He said, smiling warmly.

Sasuke glared at him. "How low can you fall, Naruto? They were just unarmed civilians."

"Oh really?! Tell me, Uke-chan, how many unarmed civilians you would've killed, if it could help you defeat me?"

Uchiha's eyebrows shot up.

"Haha, that's exactly what I thought!" Naruto stated. "At least try not to be a hypocrite about such things…"

"Quit it, Uzumaki!" The Tsuchikage shouted. "What have you done to my men?!"

"To your men…?" Naruto rubbed his chin. "Well, if I remember correctly… they are all alive and well."

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