Tell me what you cherish most

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Naruto woke up due to a warm feeling of a beautiful woman snuggling to him… and morning sunlight hitting his eyes. He turned his head to the window and saw a small hole between the curtains.

'Mornings. How I hate them… Destroying darkness… Nothing's uglier than mornings and more beautiful than sunsets.'

"Mmm, warm." Kurenai said, snuggling closer to him.

Naruto smiled. 'How cute.' Then, right in this very moment, he just had to remember that soon he has to be in Hokage's office. It brought him back to the fact that Kurenai was almost lying on top of him. 'Damn. How in the hell am I gonna to get up from here…?! Not that I want to, but still…' He made a few attempts to get out unnoticed, but failed. 'No choice then…' He removed a few locks from her face, leaned closer and kissed her on the lips.

Yuhi Kurenai woke up that day to the beautiful feeling of someone kissing her. She took a deep breath and opened her eyes. "Hey you. Good morning."

"Mornin'. How your sleep was?"

"Better than ever."

He kissed her again. "Good to hear that." Then… "As good as it is I have places to be…"

Kurenai sighed. "How sad." She moved herself from him, giving him a room to get out of bed.

"Hey, don't be sad, I'll be back…" 'I probably won't, but you don't need to know that…' With that he sat up.

"Sure… Hey, what's on your back?" She asked, noticing a large seal engrafted into his back.

Naruto looked behind his shoulder. "Oh that? Just a little seal for some technique. Ask me later about it okay?"


He quickly dressed and was already on his way to the door, when suddenly stopped.



He took a pause. "Tell me what you cherish most."

Woman's eyes widened. "W-What I ch-cherish most?"


"I-I don't know…"

"Just think about it. Is it this village, your home, your friends, or something else?" And with that he was gone.

Time 13:00. Hokage's office…

Naruto arrived in Hokage's office, to see all of his teammates already there. "Oh, I'm the last one again? I like that."

Tsunade glared at him. "If you're late one more time, then you will be doing D-rank missions for three month!"

Naruto seemed unaffected by the threat. "Don't worry, Hokage-sama…" Tsunade flinched. "I don't think I will be late ever again." He smirked.

"Good for you. Now Naruto, Sakura, meet your new teammate Sai." Naruto finally noticed other presences in the room… and then laughed hard.

"Ahaha! Well if it isn't the dickman!" Everyone raised an eyebrow at him… except for Sai of course, who was still smiling.

"You know each other, Naruto?" Sakura asked.

"Yeah, you can say that…"

"Ahem!" Everyone turned to the Hokage. "Good to have your attention again. Now Sai here will be a temporary replacement for Sasuke." She expected an outburst from Naruto, but instead it came from Sakura.

"Are you joking, master? There is no way this guy could be even placed in the same category as Sasuke-kun!" To her surprise, Sai's face showed nothing.

"Well…" He started. "I'm glad that you think of me that way. I wouldn't want to be linked to a weak shit-for-brains Orochimaru clone that only cared for power and ran off to Orochimaru, betraying Konoha." He paused. "Especially by ugly bitches like yourself."

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