Everything you have acomplished

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"How in the blue hell did that happen?!" Naruto's yell echoed throughout Snow country's palace. "Fucking tell me!" He shouted in Raikage's face.

"The…" The Raikage hesitated. "T-The council, Naruto-sama… They sent her on a mission, which happened to be Akatsuki's ambush…" The Kumo leader held a pause. "It must be some kind of mistake!"

"Fucking hell it's a mistake!" Naruto yelled back. "They fucking sold her out!" He started releasing dark energy. "That's it! I've had enough of them!"

Raikage's eyes widened. "No! Naruto-sama, please! You have to give them another…" He was interrupted.

"Another chance?! Are you fucking kidding me?!" Naruto asked in disbelief. "I gave them too many chances already!" He clenched his fist in front of his face. "Once I save Yugito, the council is going down!"

"B-But Naruto-sama! You can't! There are many people in the council! Some of them are loyal!" The Raikage pleaded.

"And some are not enough!" Naruto snapped at him… but then looked curiously. "You know what, Ay? I'm kinda surprised you're defending them. If anything, they're usurping your power, not mine." He cocked his head to the side. "I wonder whose side you're on."

Raikage's eyes widened even more. "How can you say that, Naruto-sama! I'm your most loyal follower and I…"

"Then stop fucking questioning my orders!" Naruto shouted.

Ay looked down, defeated. "Hai, Naruto-sama."

The blond demon smirked. "Still, I understand your feelings. They're your villagers after all…" The Raikage raised his eyes at him. "And good people are hard to find these days. So I'll tell you what… You, my friend, have the permission to tell your so-called loyal people to… let's just say… retire quietly."

Ay's eyes lit up immediately. "Thank you, Naruto-sama! You won't regret this!"

"I'd better not, Ay. So don't fuck this up."

"Of course!" The hidden village leader bowed.

Naruto sighed. "Anyway, where did they send her?"

The Raikage straightened. "The border of Fire country."

Naruto slapped his forehead. "Again Fire country! Man I hate that place! So much trees…" He turned to Raikage. "And who might be Akatsuki members?"

"Itachi and Kisame are laying low for the moment. Deidara hasn't been heard of since Ichibi's kidnapping. So my guess they are Hidan and Kakuzu."

"Hmm…" Naruto rubbed his chin. "Alright. I got it. Once I'm done with them, tell Killer Bee that Akatsuki's going down."

"Hai, Naruto-sama." The Raikage bowed.

"Also…" Naruto continued. "Contact Mizukage-chan… Tell her… Operation "Stormbringer" commence."

The Kumo leader smiled evilly. "Finally…" He said and disappeared.

"Damn… So many shit on my head in such a beautiful day…" Naruto mumbled.

"Ahem…" Someone said from behind.

Naruto turned around. "Oh, hell! Sorry, Koyuki-chan, it just can't be helped…"

The Snow princess pouted. "Damn! It's always like that!" She crossed her arms and turned away from him.

Naruto smiled and walked closer. "Now, now… Don't be mad at me." He said gently, wrapping his arms around her. "You know how it goes. But very soon we'll be able to do whatever the hell we want."

Koyuki giggled. "Sounds promising."

"Yeah, it is…" He said as he caressed her neck. "Prepare yourself, because when I return, I'm gonna show you why exactly I think Icha-Icha is a piece of monkey crap…" Naruto removed himself from her and disappeared in a burst of flames.

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