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The Netherworld. The pit of Tartarus…

"What the hell is this?"

"Pandora's temple." Athena explained. "Be wary, for it was built by a madman who worshiped gods enough to kill his own family and make keys out of their skulls. Despite all this time Pandora's temple still holds many traps. You must proceed with caution."

"I actually meant the bones…" Sasuke stated.

"Oh…" Athena looked genuinely surprised. "Well these bones are all that remained from Cronos the titan."

"The titan?"

"Yes, he was the last survivor of his kin." Gods' messenger said. "As a punishment for waging war on gods he was tasked with carrying Pandora's temple on his back for the rest of his life. And he did, until…"


"Until a warrior came here in search for the box. Cronos refused to let him enter, so the warrior slew him."

Sasuke's eyebrows rose. "How can someone slay such a thing?! It should've been humongous!"

"That man had his ways…" Athena said as her look darkened. "Besides, you are going to slay Uzumaki Naruto. Do you remember the size of his demonic form?"

"Point taken. Let's not waste any more time." Sasuke said seriously. "Just one question, why was that… warrior looking for the box?" He asked, walking towards the temple.

Athena sighed. "It's a long and difficult story. We don't have time to…"

"Sure you don't!" Asudden voice stated from behind and Sasuke tilted his head to the left immediately, removing it from the way of a flying projectile.

"Looks like we have some company." Sasuke turned around to come face to face with… four demons.

"Damn right you do, boy!" Blazing demon named Berial stated. "Get ready to fight your final battle."

"Naruto's servants." Athena said. "They have found us."

"I can see that, thank you very much!" Sasuke replied, gritting his teeth in frustration. "Better tell me what should I do?"

Athena shook her head. "There is no way out of this, you must fight them off."

"Damn it!" Sasuke grunted, taking out both of his swords.

"Hey, that blade…" Nevan said with furrowed eyebrows.

"Sparda!" Beowulf shouted, rushing forward and throwing a punch at Sasuke.

"Hn." The last Uchiha muttered, disappearing in a flash of yellow.

Sasuke reappeared just in time to meet with lightning.

"Fuck!" He cursed as he was struck head on.

"No point in running, sugar."

"Grrr…" Sasuke grunted again. "These four were able to fight against the entire Summons army! I can't battle them alone, it's useless!"

"You must!" Athena stated. "For if you fall back now they will uncover this location to Uzumaki Naruto. Then it will really be useless."

"Curse it all!" Sasuke screamed. "Fine then! I made the choice to come here! Everyone is still depending on me, I can't fall back!"

"Retreat, honey." Nevan said smiling. "Having Naruto destroy your world is actually not so bad. At least you will be able to see it, right? Hahahaha!"

"Never! I will get past you four or I will die trying!" Sasuke exclaimed as a massive amount of energy erupted from his body.

"What the hell is this?!" Cerberus asked in confusion.

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