Best served cold

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With Hanabi…

"Wow, how many." Hanabi exclaimed, observing people around her. "I feel like a fucking celebrity in this village."

Suddenly a strong current of wind washed over her and out of it…

"You!" Temari shouted with her fan ready for battle. "Tell me where Naruto is!"

"Naruto?" Hanabi smirked. "Oh, he's around. Actually I was about to go look for him…"

Temari scowled in anger. "You won't be going anywhere!"

"Why not?"

Instead of response Temari swung her fan. "Dai Kamaitachi no jutsu!"

"Hn." Hanabi watched in amusement how Temari's jutsu approached her. 'Time to test my powers.' She concentrated and everything became slow again. 'How fascinating!' Hanabi thought, slowly walking to the side.

However minor Order members who were around didn't have such ability. So it's only naturally that they received the hit instead of Hanabi.

"AAAAAAAAAAAHHH!" Several of them screamed as they were sliced to pieces.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Didn't your mother tell you that wasting your men is a bad thing?" Hanabi mocked.

"Shut up! Everyone, attack her!"

"Hai!" All soldiers rushed into combat.

"Ooh! Wanna dance?" Hanabi spotted one of them jumping at her and kicked him in the throat with her heel, breaking his neck instantly.

"Die!" Another lashed out at her with an axe from behind.

Noticing that, Hanabi outstretched her hand backwards. "Raiton: Byakurai!"


"Huh?" The girl asked in confusion, pausing the time again. "Why isn't it working?"

"You don't have yoki, so we'll change it for you…" Naruto's voice echoed in her head.

"Ah, of course!" Hanabi exclaimed. "I have yoki now, so… how did Naruto-sama say it? Ha-Hadou #4 Byakurai!"


A beam of white light instantly pierced Suna soldier's chest.

"Woohoo!" Hanabi exclaimed happily. "You'll have to do better than that, bitches!"

With Kurenai…


"AAAAH!" Another Order member screamed as he was clearly cut in half by Kurenai's sword.

"Damn you're all weak." The red eyed woman stated, stabbing some woman in the chest. "Why are you weak?"


"Because you lack…"


"Fashion sense."


"I mean really." Kurenai relaxed, stabbing Alastor into the ground and leaning on it with her elbow. "Who wears white in this time of the year? It's hideous! I mean look at you and look at me! See the difference?"

Indeed, after becoming a demon Kurenai thought that her previous attire won't cut it anymore. So now instead of her dress she wore a very short black skirt with just as short black top to match it.

"Sure, I like what I see."

Kurenai's eyebrows shot up. "Who said that?"

"Down here…"

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