That's it!

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"What do you mean your former master's brother…?" Naruto asked. "You mean that Nero's…"
"No." Yamato interrupted him. "Nero was never my master… and stop talking out loud! It looks weird…"
'Sorry… Will this do?'
'So anyway, what do you mean he wasn't your master?! He fought with you against demons!'
"Yes. But he was never allowed to use my special powers… and he couldn't talk with me either."
'T-Then this guy is…'
"My former master's twin brother… Dante…" Yamato finally stated and Naruto's eyes widened.
"Ahh, I see that Yamato told you who I am… which means, you're its master now…" Dante said. "Unfortunately I must take it from you…"
"Damn!" Yamato cursed. "I thought we'll at least have some time to prepare for this…"
'You knew we'll have to fight him?'
"It's… it's… EXCELLENT! I was eager to test my new power anyway, and who is a better test subject if not the legendary demon slayer!" Naruto exclaimed.
"I see you ready to go…" Dante started. "Yeah, let's not waste any time… I wasted long enough." The old demon slayer drew his sword. "One last battle, eh Rebellion?"
A pause…
"Yeah, me too…"
Naruto raised an eyebrow. 'Last battle? Something's wrong. His eyes, they look… Doesn't matter!' "I don't know what you were just talking about…" He unsheathed Yamato in one quick motion. "But there are girls waiting for me!"
One of the temple's towers slid from its bottom and landed on the ground, making a large impact.
"You know…" Yamato replied. "I like you! Now let's beat this piece of trash and get the girls! I never liked him anyway…"
"You know…" Naruto said back. "I think I'm starting to like you too!" And with that, the blond demon made a dash towards his sudden enemy at an impossible speed.
"Young ones of these days have no patience…" Dante said as he put Rebellion in Yamato's way.
Impact. Two swords collided with each other, creating a large shockwave.
"You have the strength, young one… but you lack technique." The demon slayer stated.
Naruto smirked. "Oh, you're disappointed?! Wait for a few minutes!" The blond demon shouted and the dance of death began.
Dante somersaulted backwards… and it proved to be just the thing Naruto wanted.
"Rapid Slash!" Naruto unleashed his new sword in a barrage of slashes… only it proved to be useless, because Dante jumped again. "Hmm… You're fast…" Naruto stated. "But not fast enough! Mai Tsubasa-no Tenshi!" The demon yelled the technique's name and disappeared in a flash of black… reappearing in front of descending Dante. "Take this!" Naruto unsheathed his sword again in a powerful upward slash.
"Guh!" Dante spat as Naruto's sword made a large diagonal gash across his entire torso.
"Hmhmhm… I'm disappointed, you know." Naruto stated. "Is that all a legendary demon slayer got?"
Dante straightened. "Don't be silly…" The wound healed almost immediately. "We have just begun." Now it was the old hunter who made a dash.
'That's right!' Naruto thought, dodging another strike. 'He's a half demon, and he also has much more experience than I. I should not underestimate him…"
"Yes, you shouldn't." Yamato added. "After all, he defeated my former master."
'Point taken…'
In the meantime, Dante had thoughts of his own. 'What's with this kid? I just can't hit him… He even stopped blocking!'
"Maybe he wants to fight on counterattacks…" Rebellion voiced his opinion.
'Then why he did not attack?! He had more than one chance to do so!'
"Perhaps he's waiting for an opportunity to apply critical damage…"
'Well, let's hope it's not critical enough…' Dante thought as he lowered his sword down on Naruto's head, but managed only to cut off some of his hair…
The blond demon calculated his actions. 'No… not enough, more…' He took a defensive stance again.
"Why are you not attacking?!" Yamato shouted in his head.
'Silence! Not now!' Naruto shouted back as he dodged Rebellion again.
Finally Dante had enough. "Stinger!"
Naruto's eyes widened, as the demon hunter slid quickly towards him and thrusted his sword forward. Now Naruto had to block. "Oh! Nice move, old man! I would've clapped, if I didn't have a sword in my arms."
Dante smirked. "Then let it go."
"Haha! Very funny! You know what…? That's it!" The blond demon suddenly shifted his stance. "Come." He said. All playfulness gone from his voice.
Not being the one to disappoint, Dante did just that… only to receive a cut on the arm.
"Surprised, are you?" Naruto asked mockingly. "You won't be able to land a single hit on me now!" He stated and rushed towards Dante.
'Head on?' The demon hunter thought. 'Looks like someone became too cocky!' Dante unleashed Rebellion in a powerful upward slash… but Naruto just jumped over him and made a large gash on Dante's back, also cutting his red coat in two.
"Ahh!" Dante gasped and fell to his knees.
"Tsk tsk tsk… Looks like the big bad demon slayer got his ass kicked!" Naruto mocked. "And by an ex-human no less! What an irony?!"
Dante spat some blood. "So… you're not human…" He slowly stood up. "Then I won't feel remorse about this…"
Naruto snorted. "What are you…?" But he wasn't allowed to finish, as the world went white. His smile disappeared immediately.
"Oh no…" Yamato said. Suddenly, a deep cut appeared on Naruto's shoulder.
"What the hell?!" Another cut appeared on his stomach, and another on his back. All this time Dante was nowhere to be seen. "Fuck! What is happening?!" Naruto screamed as more cuts appeared on his body.
"Naruto! This is a time technique!"
'Damn!' The blond demon thought. 'Didn't know he had something like this in his arsenal… AAHHH!'
Suddenly the world returned to normal.
"What?" Naruto said.
"Million Stab!" Dante said from behind.
"Shit!" Naruto only had the time to turn around, and then received a barrage of sword stabs. "AAAAAAAAHHHHH!" When the onslaught finally stopped, all Naruto could do was fall to his knees… releasing his hold on Yamato.
Dante stood over him. "You've been defeated, demon. Any last words?"
Naruto's eyes widened. 'Is… Is this the end? Am I going to die here? After just receiving this power? Accomplished nothing, and failed everyone?' He then furrowed his eyebrows. 'No! Screw this! The power! I have the power! I only need to…' Suddenly a memory flashed in his mind. Immediately he started to raise his shaking left hand…
Dante's eyes narrowed.
"Ha… Hadou no kyuujyu…"
The demon hunter gasped in sudden realization, but was not fast enough to dodge.
"…Kurohitsugi!" Naruto finished the technique's name and Dante instantly was locked inside a cube of darkness. A few seconds later the cube disappeared… and the demon hunter had deep cuts everywhere on his body. Too shocked, he also fell on his knees.
'Now's my chance!' Naruto thought and Yamato flew into his hand. "Take this!" The demon shouted, as he impaled the old demon hunter right through the heart.
Dante's eyes widened in realization of what just happened. He looked down only to see a shining blade piercing his chest.
"Last words?" Naruto said. "Yeah, I've got some. You got careless!" He shouted and in one motion withdrew Yamato from Dante's chest and cut off old hunter's head.
A fountain of blood erupted from Dante's severed neck and his body finally fell to the ground, not moving.
Naruto stood there, panting. "Huff… huff… Fuck! That proved to be harder than I thought…"
"Harder than you thought?! You almost fucking died!"
"Well, almost doesn't count…"
"By the way, where did you learn demon magic?"
"From Kyuubi's memories…"
"Long story, and I need to get out of here." Naruto said and threw a fireball at Dante's body, completely incinerating it.
"A worthy foe…" Yamato stated.
Naruto paused. "Maybe… But his 'almost' victory is not his accomplishment. It's my mistake. I underestimated him…"
"And almost paid the ultimate price for it…"
"Yeah… Anyway, what should I do with this sword?" Naruto picked Rebellion up.
"You already have one bounded sword; another one won't accept you… But you still can give it to someone else…"
"Great idea." Naruto exclaimed as darkness surrounded both swords, and then disappeared with them. "Now where was I…? Oh yes!" He said and disappeared in a burst of flames.
Konohagakure. Shinobi meeting room…
The room was filled with chuunins and jounins of every age, gender and status. Everybody wondered what the meeting was about…
Then Tsunade entered… Along with Jiraiya, Kakashi, Shizune, Sakura, Neji, two hooded men and… Danzou?! 'What the Hell?!' Was on everyone's mind.
Tsunade sat in her chair. "Straight to the point." She said, sounding extremely serious. "I gathered all of you today, because we were betrayed."
"By whom, Tsunade-sama?" Some random chuunin asked.
"We were betrayed by Uzumaki Naruto…" The Hokage answered.
The entire room gasped.
One Yuhi Kurenai covered her mouth with her hands. 'No! Please, tell me it's a lie!'
Mitarashi Anko, who stood nearby, glanced at her red eyed friend and frowned. 'I'm gonna gut the bastard alive!'
"Wait!" That was Rock Lee. "Naruto-kun is one of the most youthful people I know! This cannot be true!"
Tsunade was about to answer that, but was upstaged.
"I'm sorry, Lee…" Sakura said. "I was there and I saw everything with my own eyes."
"And what exactly you saw?" Shikamaru asked.
"We…" Sakura still had a hard time telling this. "We were tracing Sasuke, and have already found him, when… Naruto did something to himself. Or better yet he tricked Sasuke into doing it. And then… he killed our team leader Yamato-taicho…"
That caused a mixed reaction. Somebody, who didn't like Naruto very much from the beginning, was in pure malice. A familiar shouts of "Death to the demon!" started spreading throughout the room. There were also a few people like Lee and Chouji, who were in state of pure shock and disbelief. There were also Kurenai and Iruka…
"Silence!" Tsunade commanded, and immediately the room became silent. "Uzumaki Naruto will be placed in a bingo book…"
Many shouts of approval…
"…However, no one is allowed to come after him."
Many shouts of disapproval…
"Care to explain, Tsunade-sama?" Shikamaru asked. "Why place a man in a bingo book and forbid people to come after him?"
Tsunade sighed. 'As expected.' "You are not allowed to come after him, because as we had recently discovered, we had absolutely no information about his skills… And they had overcome any of our expectations… No one of you will be able to handle him…"
"And where you got the information if I may ask, Tsunade-sama?" Shikamaru asked again.
Tsunade glared at the young chuunin. 'Cunning little bastard.' "From another witness, Shikamaru…"
"And who is that witness?"
Tsunade turned to two hooded men and nodded. One of them stepped forward and removed his hood.
Everyone looked at man's face for about ten seconds, and then…
Anko drew a kunai. "Orochimaru! You're dead!" She lunged at her former master, but was suddenly stopped… by Kakashi. "Kakashi?! What the hell are you doing?! That's a fucking Orochimaru!"
The snake sannin slapped his forehead and Tsunade snickered… again.
"Enough!" Strangely it came from Sakura. "He's not here to fight!"
Shikamaru's eyes narrowed. "How do you know?"
Sakura hesitated. "I-It was I, who brought him here…"
"I can speak for myself, thank you very much!" Orochimaru hissed.
"The last thing we need is to hear your speech!" Anko screamed, still struggling against Kakashi.
"I think…" Maito Gai said. "That I'll voice everyone's opinion, when I ask for an explanation, Hokage-sama…" Everyone looked at Tsunade expectantly.
"Tell them." Tsunade said, glancing at Orochimaru, who nodded.
"I'm here…" He started. "Because I believe we could help each other."
"We don't need your help!" Someone shouted.
Orochimaru snorted. "Oh! I beg to differ! Tell me, how many of you think that you can take me down by yourself?"
No one said anything.
"That's what I thought." The snake charmer stated. "Now the next question. How many of you think that you can take down Uzumaki Naruto by yourself?"
Almost the entire room raised their hands.
"Again just as I thought." He chuckled. "Now it's really shameful for me to say, but I have fought Uzumaki Naruto twice…" He paused. "…And I lost both times."
Complete and utter shock.
"Now, I am here, because Uzumaki Naruto will come and burn this village… And then he will come for me. Now don't get me wrong, I don't really care about this village… But I want to stop Uzumaki from achieving his goal… whatever it is." He said and walked off.
"You still have it in you…" Jiraiya's voice stopped him already in corridor.
Orochimaru smirked. "I learned from the best…"
Some random town…
"I have voices in my head, they counsel me, they understand, they talk to me…" Naruto sang to himself, walking down the street. "The funny thing, it's not a joke anymore…"
"Indeed it's not…"
'Yamato?! I have fucking sealed you! How are you able to talk to me?!' Naruto said surprised.
"Yeah, you sealed me, but our connection is limitless. I can talk to you even from another dimension."
'Yeah, whatever. Anyway, I need to rest somewhere…' Naruto walked to a small hotel… but stopped when he heard a few voices from the bar on the other side…
"Please, sir! Don't be so cruel… You have to pay like everyone else…" A young waitress pleaded.
Naruto chuckled. "Some people have no decency… Well, that's not my problem anyway…" He was about to walk into the hotel, when…
"Me?! Pay?! Do you know who I am, girl?!" Someone said with pride. "I am the Dark Flash! The only SSS-ranked criminal in the world!"
Naruto stopped dead in his tracks. "Eh?" He turned on the spot and walked straight into the bar. There stood one small waitress, who covered her face in fear. Around her stood some gangsters and one of them was pointing his… some kind of machete… high into the air… the ceiling actually…
'Ah! So that's the infamous Dark Flash!' Naruto thought mockingly.
"Yeah, and that's his mighty demon blade!" Yamato added.
Naruto snorted. 'Indeed…'
Apparently, the snort wasn't left unnoticed by… the 'Dark Flash'.
"You!" He shouted. "Are you making fun of me?! The great Dark Flash?!"
Naruto smiled. 'Okay, I'll play.' "Of course not, sir!" He even bowed. "I'm actually a great fan of yours!"
The gangster hesitated. "Really?"
"Of course, sir!" Naruto faked an excited smile. "I know you can transport yourself almost immediately to any spot you desire! Can you please demonstrate it?"
The gangster started to look somewhat in panic. "I… Of course I c-can!" He stuttered. "I-I'm just not in the m-mood…"
Naruto smirked. 'Not in the mood, sure… Then how about this…' "Then please, sir, can you at least tell me how is that great technique called?"
The gangster relaxed and a confident smirk appeared on his face. "Of course I know!" He said. "It's called Hiraishin!"
Smile disappeared from Naruto's face immediately. "No it isn't, you imbecile." Naruto said calmly, and next thing gangster knew, he was pierced by a katana through the stomach. "Here's some advice for your next life…" The blond demon twisted the blade and pushed it forward. "Next time when you try and impersonate someone else, at least make sure they're not around." With that he withdrew Yamato from gangster's body and sheathed it with a click. As he did that, a fountain of blood erupted from gangster's stomach and he fell down without any signs of life.
The remaining gangsters immediately ran away in fear.
"Tch…" Naruto spat as Yamato disappeared back into darkness.
"A-Ano…" Someone addressed him.
"Hm?" He turned around to come face to face with the young waitress. "What?"
"Um… Thank you, sir." She bowed.
Naruto raised an eyebrow. "Thank you?! For what?! If you haven't noticed, because of me you now have a corpse in your bar."
The girl frowned. "No, no, it's nothing. Actually these kinds of things are quite usual in this town…"
Naruto looked in her eyes… They showed only pain and fear. He sighed.
"Well, it's not so bad actually…" He threw a fireball at gangster's body and it instantly turned into dust.
The waitress stared with wide eyes and then bowed low again. "Thank you again sir! If there is anything I can do for you…"
"Of course you can!" Yamato said.
'Hey, you perverted sword! She's barely fifteen!'
"Don't hey me! You promised! Here are the drinks, and here's a girl!"
Naruto rubbed his chin. 'You know what…? You're right!'
"Now that's my master!"
"You know, there is one thing…" Naruto said to the girl. "…or a couple of things…" He added as he already wrapped his arms around her.
Konohagakure. Jounins lounge…
"What do you think about all of this?" Asuma asked his colleagues. The colleagues themselves being Kakashi, Gai, Kurenai, Anko and Genma.
"I think its all bullshit!" Anko yelled. "Next chance I get, I'm gonna skin Orochimaru!"
"But…" Gai started, looking surprisingly serious. "Now that I think about it… What he said was true." He turned to Kurenai and Asuma, who were strangely sitting together. "You saw it, haven't you?" Asuma looked down, and Kurenai… looked absent…
"What?" Genma asked.
"Naruto…" Kurenai flinched at the name. "He has defeated me…" Gai responded.
"In a straight taijutsu match…"
Genma spat his sake in Gai's face in shock. "What? Th-That's impossible! I don't think even Hokage-sama could do that!"
Gai frowned. "And yet Naruto did. I wonder why he betrayed us..."
"Have you ever seen how the villagers are treating him?" Anko suggested. "He got it twenty times worse than me!"
"The sannins, they think that this is not the first time he committed an act of betrayal." Kakashi said. "It was just the first time he did it openly."
Asuma glanced at Kurenai, who still looked depressed. 'Damn little bastard! When I find you, you're gonna regret becoming a shinobi!'
Fire temple…
"I hate these fucking stairs!"
"Shut up, Hidan!"
"Go fuck yourself, Kakuzu! I'm gonna kill the man who build all those stairs!"
"The temple was built hundreds of years ago, you imbecile! That man died before you were even born!"
"Fuck! Then I'll kill whoever I find on the top!"
'I'm fucking gonna kill him!' Kakuzu thought. 'I swear I'll find a way!'
"Anyway, why are we even here?" Hidan asked. "I mean, we got the jinchuriki…" He pointed at the blond woman on Kakuzu's shoulder. "What's in that temple?"
"There's a man…" Kakuzu said… Immediately Hidan interrupted him.
"Haha! I knew you're gay!"
Kakuzu growled. "Idiot! He has a large bounty on his head!"
Hidan sighed. "You and your money…"
"Yeah, me and my money. Now shut up and let's go!"
But when Kakuzu reached the top, the view made even him stop dead in his tracks…
"What the…" The bounty hunter replied.
"Wow!" Hidan exclaimed in awe. "Was Jashin-sama here?"
"No, I'm afraid it was something far worse…" Kakuzu searched dead bodies and actually found what he was looking for. 'Hmm… Whoever did that did not come here for the money.' He silently took Chiriku's dead body and placed it on his shoulder.
"Hey, Kakuzu…" Hidan called.
"Check out this one…"
Kakuzu slowly walked towards his partner.
"Look…" Hidan said. There laid a boy… A dead boy… But there was definitely something strange about it… At least to Hidan it was…
"I don't see anything different…" Kakuzu stated.
"Now it is you who are a fool." Hidan touched the body with his scythe, and it immediately crumbled into dust.
"What the hell is this?" Kakuzu asked.
"I don't know, but let's get out of here. Jashin-sama says he does not want to meet the one who did this…"
Kakuzu raised an eyebrow. "You know… For the first time in my life I agree with your Jashin-sama…"
With Naruto. Next morning…
Naruto met this day watching in the small hotel room's window at the incoming sunrise.
"Damn… How I hate morning sun…" He whispered to himself.
"Something troubles you… I can feel it…"
'Yeah, you know… I've been thinking about this Dante… Tell me, you fought him before, was it different this time?'
"Yes, actually I noticed one thing… He didn't use his Devil transformation."
Naruto sighed. 'Well, that just approves my theory…'
"Your theory?"
'Yeah… During our fight I noticed something…' Naruto looked down. 'His eyes… Those were the eyes of a dead man… a man who lost everything. And my theory is… he just wanted to die… To die a warrior's death…'
"Hmm… Interesting theory. To tell you the truth, he looked entirely different, and I don't mean his age. Dante used to be a brash loudmouthed guy, always happy with his life. What could change him so much…?"
A sudden idea appeared in Naruto's mind. 'Say, Yamato… Can you ask Rebellion?"
Yamato held a pause. "Sorry, Naruto. I can talk to my master and no one else."
Naruto smiled. 'Nah, don't worry. I'll ask its next master…' He went to bed and grabbed his jacket and coat. 'Now tell me, do you like snow?'
"Umm… not exactly… why?"
'Well, there is one girl I have to thank, for searching you by the way… But there is a lot of snow there…'
"Thank in what way?"
'That way…'
"Then what are we waiting for?! Move!" Yamato said.
'Did I say that I like you?'
"Yes, yes. I like you too! Now move!"
Naruto chuckled and disappeared in a flash of black…
Konohagakure. Hokage's office…
"So, where are you going, Jiraiya?" Tsunade asked.
"Where else?" The toad hermit answered. "To gather information of course!"
"Alright, take care."
Jiraiya raised an eyebrow. "You sound worried? About me? I'm honored!" He joked… Apparently, Tsunade was not in the mood for jokes.
"I…" She went closer and hugged her ex-teammate. "I don't know what to believe anymore…"
Jiraiya smiled and removed a lock of hair from her face. "Hey, you know, you can always trust me." He tried to back down, but Tsunade just held him closer.
"That's why if I ever lose you…"
They stood like that for a few minutes. Then…
"It's time for me to go, Tsunade…"
"Yeah, I know…" She released her grip. "Please be safe."
"Don't worry, I'll be fine." With that he was gone… never noticing Tsunade's shocked expression.
Don't worry, I'll be fine, nee-chan!
Don't worry, I'll be fine, Tsunade…
Her eyes widened. "Please don't let it be repeated… again."
"You shouldn't let him go, you know…" She didn't even need to turn around. Tsunade knew this voice all too well.
"Yeah. What information did he go for? I am here, other villages are silent, for now at least… Akatsuki? No… He came after him, and you know that."
Tsunade closed her eyes and nodded her head. "What do you think his chances are, Orochimaru?"
Orochimaru sighed. "Do you want the true answer?"
"Not very high…"
Tsunade left the office through the window and sat on a roof. "Why? Why did he betray us…? Why he betrayed me…?" The last phrase was a tiny whisper.
Orochimaru frowned, then walked closer and sat beside her. "You know, there is something I didn't say back then…"
Tsunade turned to him.
"When I was still a part of Akatsuki, I tried to possess Uchiha Itachi's body…"
"And I almost succeeded…"
"So what went wrong?"
Orochimaru paused. "When the process was almost over, I received some of Itachi's memories…"
Tsunade looked at her second ex-teammate and listened closely.
"I expected them to be memories about his accomplishments, his desires, or at least his relatives… though I got a few of later, just not in the way I expected." He took another pause. "Instead there were a lot of memories about the Kyuubi container…"
Tsunade raised an eyebrow at this.
"Yes, the Kyuubi container. I didn't know the name at that time." The snake sannin stated. "And when I saw them… I couldn't believe my eyes. Apparently, Itachi was appointed as Naruto's guardian… And one day he witnessed Naruto's training…" Seeing Tsunade's confused look he corrected himself. "No, not that pathetic excuse of a training he showed everyone. I meant his REAL training. The one that only he knew about. It amazed him. A child, seven years younger than him, could do things not every jounin can…"
Tsunade's eyebrows furrowed. "Wait a moment! Sakura and I talked about that incident in the forest of death, and she said that you didn't know who he was."
"Yes, of course!" Orochimaru exclaimed. "The thing is… In Itachi's memories, Naruto was taller, always wearing black and… had no whisker marks…"
"Wait… you mean?"
"Yeah, Itachi could see through his genjutsu." The snake sannin frowned. "But still, it wasn't enough to defeat him."
Tsunade looked at him skeptically. "What do you mean?"
Orochimaru sighed. "I couldn't recover more clear memories, but I know that Naruto beat Itachi at least once BEFORE the later left the village… And I also know that Naruto is somehow connected with Uchiha clan's demise."
Tsunade put her head in her arms. "It's just one after another…"
Then suddenly someone rushed through the door. That someone happened to be Shizune.
"Tsunade-sama! We have major news! You are needed at the hospital right away!"
"Tch…" Tsunade spat.
Twenty minutes later. Konoha hospital…
"Right this way, Tsunade-sama!" Shizune quickly led her master… and her master's ex-teammate through the corridors of the hospital. "Here it is." She entered one of the rooms.
As Tsunade entered, she saw a bald man, lying on a bed… The first unique thing about him is that he was missing his left arm.
"Tsunade-sama…" Said man noticed the Hokage. "I have news for you…"
The slug mistress sighed. "Let me guess… bad news."
The man closed his eyes. "I'm afraid so…"
"So, what is it?"
He waited a pause. "T-The Fire temple… It's been attacked… many were killed…"
Tsunade paled. "How many attackers? Did they have unique features? What did they want?"
"No, Tsunade-sama… there was only one… and he was dressed only in black… and… oh my god! That was insane! He ri-ripped them apart with his bare arms!" The man stated.
Orochimaru, who stood behind Tsunade, frowned. "I don't like the look of this… Was he blond haired?" He asked.
"Y-Yes, he was…" The man stuttered. Obviously it was difficult for him to remember. "He also wore sunglasses…"
Orochimaru sighed. "Yeah, that was him…"
"But what could he possibly gain from the attack on the Fire temple?" Tsunade asked.
"H-He said something a-about some sword…" The man stuttered.
"Whatever it was, he might still be nearby! Shizune!"
"Gather every available chuunin and jounin, NOW!"
Half of an hour later. The rooftop of Hokage tower…
"That's everyone I could find."
"Thank you, Shizune. It's quite enough." Tsunade said.
"It's not… but still…" Orochimaru added
Tsunade glared at him and then turned to gathered ninjas. "I gathered you all here, because the Fire temple has been attacked."
Everyone paled, but Asuma had it worse of them all.
"What's the damage?" He asked immediately.
"Many monks were killed… along with monastery's head."
'Chiriku…' Asuma gritted his teeth. "Who was it?!"
Tsunade took a pause. "The temple was attacked by Uzumaki Naruto."
Everyone stood silent.
One Yuhi Kurenai's heart ached. 'No! It can't be him!'
Suddenly, a puff of smoke appeared nearby. Everybody tensed, but when the smoke cleared, there stood only… Jiraiya, the toad sannin.
"Jiraiya?" Tsunade asked confused. "Weren't you off, gathering information?"
Jiraya panted. "Huff… huff… Yes, I was… And then I received a message. The Akatsuki have been spotted in the vicinity!"
Tsunade slapped her forehead. "Damn! It's just one after another!"
"What?" Jiraiya asked.
"Naruto has destroyed the Fire temple." Orochimaru answered.
"Anyway…" Tsunade turned to ninjas. "Your mission is to spread through the country and search for any traces of Uzumaki Naruto AND Akatsuki!"
Kakashi raised his arm. "Tsunade-sama, I'm not sure it is a good idea to send all of us out, with him…" He pointed at Orochimaru. "…still in the village…"
Tsunade was about to answer, but Orochimaru already beat her to it. "No… Because I'm coming also…"
Hokage's eyes widened. "You don't mean…"
Orochimaru glanced at her. "That's exactly what I mean! It's Uzumaki along with Akatsuki. With me there's at least a chance…"
"Then I'm coming too…" Jiraiya stated.
"Come on, Tsunade. Someone has to keep an eye on him…" He reasoned.
Tsunade massaged her temples. "Okay… Be careful… All of you…" She glanced at Orochimaru. "Dismissed!"
Next moment she was already alone…
Snow country palace…
Naruto appeared just as he disappeared. In a flash of black.
"Brrr… not warm…"
"Naruto-sama!" Koyuki immediately threw herself at him. "I have waited the entire night! Did something happen?"
Naruto frowned a little. "Yeah… got into a tough fight…"
"So… did you have it?" The princess asked.
A sheathed katana appeared in Naruto's hand. "That's one sword."
"Oh, it's beautiful!"
"True…" Yamato disappeared. "…not as beautiful as you though. Oh! And I have something for you!"
"Your reward of course!" Naruto shouted as he picked her up bridal style.
"Nice said!" Naruto commented as he kicked the bedroom door open and placed Koyuki on her king sized bed. "Were you waiting for this?" He asked seductively as he removed his coat and vest.
"Oh yes!" The princess shouted.
Naruto was already undoing his belt, when a large silhouette appeared behind him.
"Naruto-sama!" Then the silhouette noticed… circumstances… "Oh, sorry to interrupt, but we have major problems!"
Naruto growled. "This is better be important, Raikage…"
"Naruto-sama, It's Yugito!" The Raikage said. "She's been captured by the Akatsuki!"
Naruto stood still for a few seconds… Then he turned to Kouyki… then to Raikage… then to Koyuki… then to Raikage… then to the ceiling. "That's it! Somebody's gonna get it!"

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