Time to play the game!

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Konohagakure. ANBU training grounds…

"Hakke Kusho!" Hanabi shouted, thrusting her palm forward.

"Very nice!" Naruto said and clapped, watching how Neji's cousin completely destroyed a training post. "What the fuck was that by the way?"

Two Hyugas sweatdropped.

"Umm… a technique Neji-niisan taught me…" Hanabi replied.

"Ah, I see…" Naruto muttered and mocked a pout. "And I thought you will be experimenting with the technique I showed you…" He added sadly.

The girl smirked at this. "Sure I did."

"Say what?!" Neji asked in disbelief. "Where did you get the time?!"

She shrugged. "I'm a hard worker."

"So, what is it?" Naruto asked excitedly.

"Hmm… well, I witnessed Neji-niisan's Hakke training, and it occurred to me…" Hanabi started. "Why not to try and use something with a wide range area effect?"


"Stand back, this might get a little… messy." She stated.

"Wait a second, you will need a partner!" Naruto exclaimed, stepping forward.

"Umm… Naruto-sama, it's a deadly attack…" The girl explained.

"Oh really?!" Naruto became even more excited. "Then give me all you got!" He added and with a quick burst of flame… turned into Sasuke.

"A-Are you sure?"

"Sure! I'll even add chakra circularity system for you!" Naruto replied and did just that.

"Ok…" Hanabi took a battle stance neither Neji, nor Naruto has ever seen before. It was similar to Neji's Hakke Rokujuyonsho stance, only she leaned backwards instead of forward and her left palm was facing down.

"Juukenhou: Hakke Hyakurai no Danketsu!" (One hundred lightning combination)

With that her right arm blurred forward and flared not one, but two lightning bolts in Naruto's chest.

"Niirai!" Hanabi shouted.

"Ouch!" Naruto could only exclaim when his chest was pierced.

The girl however has just begun. Next thing Naruto and Neji saw, was that she blurred out of view and appeared behind the blond.

"Gorai!" This time Hanabi used both her arms and launched three more lightnings at ex-jinchuriki.

"Jurai!" Five more lightnings from the left.

"Nijurai!" Ten more from the right.

Naruto couldn't really see the rest, simply because Hanabi was running circles around him at blinding speed and throwing lightnings every second.

In the end she flipped above him. "Hakke Hyakurai no Danketsu!" And with that she unleashed the rest of deadly bolts.

Meaningless to say, Naruto… or 'Sasuke' to be more precise, looked like a fishnet…

"It's perfect!" The demon exclaimed… behind Neji's back.

"What?! How did you get here?" The older Hyuga turned around… 'Sasuke' was still in place.

"Oh, come on now!" Naruto replied and snapped his fingers, causing 'Sasuke' to disappear. "You know me better than that."

Neji chuckled. "I guess I do."

"Well done, Hanabi! That was an excellent performance!" The demon praised Hinata's sister and even clapped.

"Really?" She asked hopefully.

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