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Previously on Everyone has darkness…

"Well I'll be damned!" Naruto exclaimed, finally withdrawing his hand from Orochimaru's body…and in said hand was one little ring…

"NO!" Orochimaru screamed.

"YES! YUNIFAI!" Orochimaru's ring merged with Naruto's and kanji for 'ten' appeared on it.

"Hmhmhmhahahahahaha… AAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Earlier with Kakashi and Ay…


"Dammit!" Kakashi cursed when the Raikage blocked his sword slash with bare hand and kicked him in the ribs afterwards. 'Sasuke told the truth, this sword can conduct lightning… but this guy has much more control over this element than I do…'

"Haha! Your swordsmanship is impressive. However it won't be enough to defeat me!" The Raikage stated and lunged at Kakashi with his insane speed.

The Konoha jounin managed to block first three punches, but then his eyes widened when Ay simply grabbed Kusanagi sword by the blade with his bare hand.

"Too slow." Ex-Kumo leader stated and punched Kakashi in the stomach. The jounin gasped as air was knocked out of him and released his hold on the sword. "Hmm… not a bad weapon." Ay grabbed Kusanagi by the handle and channeled his chakra into it. "Yes, not bad indeed!"

Kakashi's teeth clenched while he struggled to his feet. 'Is that my limit…?' He asked himself. 'Was I able to achieve anything only because of that eye?'

"Great Hatake Kakashi…" The Raikage continued. "What a disappointment." He said, raising the sword over his head. "It is over."

'Is it…?' Kakashi asked himself again. 'Will I die here?' His eyes closed slowly and suddenly he remembered a moment from his past… the face of his dead best friend.

"Never give up!"

'I won't!' Kakashi thought just as sword made contact with his skin. "Bushin Daibakuha!"

Raikage's eyes widened as his already defeated enemy blew up right in front of him. "What the…?" He asked, regaining his composture.

"Kage Bunshin no jutsu!" Kakashi exclaimed, creating two copies of himself.

"You actually think that will help you against me?" The dark skinned man asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, I do!" All three Kakashis stated and made different handseals. "Fuuton: Daitoppa no jutsu!" The first one shouted.

"Suiton, Suiryuudan no jutsu!" The second added.

"Katon: Goukakyuu no jutsu!" The third screamed.

Ay just stood his ground while three jutsus approached him almost simultaneously.

"Don't underestimate me!" He stated. "Ninpo: Raigeki no yoroi!" The large man shouted as lightning enveloped his body completely… and then three techniques hit him.


A massive explosion echoed through the area… Kakashi however knew it was far from over. Immediately he uncovered a small scroll and cut his finger open.

'Please work!' He thought just when he slammed both of his hands into the ground. "Kuchiose no jutsu!"

Meanwhile Ay stood in the middle of a large smoke cloud with no significant injuries on his body.

"Is that all you got, jounin?" He asked mockingly. "I thought you will be more of a…"

Words died in his throat, when a large dog lunged at him from below the ground.

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