A promise kept

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Two months later. Konohagakure no sato. Hokage's office…

"Damn, here we go again…" Tsunade muttered, overlooking a big stack of paper. "Dreaded paperwork…"

"You don't have time to slack off, Tsunade-sama." Shizune stated, placing another stack in front of her master.

Godaime Hokage sighed, resting her head in her hand. "Yeah, yeah, I know… Just leave me, Shizune. I wish to be alone for now."

The black haired woman nodded. "Very well. Just be sure to get your work done, master." She said and left…

…And once she did, Tsunade pulled out a bottle of sake.

"Damn it all…" She muttered again, pouring sake in her cup. "It has been two months already, and I'm still…"

Indeed, two months has passed since the final battle of the Fourth Great Shinobi War. It has been two months since the victory of Konoha-Suna-Iwa alliance. And the most important thing…

It has been two months since presumed death of Uzumaki Naruto.

Yes, despite the absence of his body, every fact points to his imminent end. What facts? Well, first of all it was reawakening of Overlord Baal. From summons' words, no one beside Naruto could possibly do that.

Then something really frightening happened. Baal's tower collapsed. This could only happen in case of Supreme Overlord's death… which at first brought Clans to think that Uzumaki Naruto has killed him.

So they waited in fear for their sudden but sure destruction. Of course there was no way Uzumaki Naruto would let them live, right?

Wrong. The destruction never came. After a whole month of shaking in anticipation summons grew curious and started to search. What they found made them happy beyond measure.

A totally devastated area with a lake-sized crater in the middle. They had no idea who caused that explosion, and quite frankly they didn't wish to know. The only thing they cared was that no one could possibly survive it… and the biggest prove of this was the presence of Naruto's demon blade. Yep, it was stuck right in the center of the crater.

So the summons came to a conclusion: two Overlords simply destroyed each other. There was no other explanation. And shortly after it was finally announced…

Uzumaki Naruto was dead.

The war died almost immediately afterwards. All small countries, which were allied with Naruto, surrendered almost without hesitation. Of course, they had no chance against four of five great shinobi villages.

Did I say five? I'm sorry for my mistake…

Kirigakure was another thing whatsoever. Despite losing their Mizukage and the death of Naruto himself, they refused to surrender and stood to the end. But no matter how bravely they fought; one hidden village against four? Well, you get the thought…

So now there are only four great shinobi villages, and, as a result, Water Country lost its place as one of the great nations.

Then there was the announcement of Naruto's death… Needless to say, it brought endless joy to many people. Almost the entire Konoha population was among said people.

Actually, the joy was so high, that people brought up the idea of what was dubbed as 'the Great Alliance'. What is that? Take a guess. After so much horror no one wanted to participate in another war. Besides there was no loser… Well, there was, but since Kirigakure was completely destroyed there was no one to actually disagree.

And four Kages gathered together… And they signed the deed… And agreed to never attack each other again…

The peace has come.

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