Ultimate duo

431 7 1

Konohgagakure. Torture chamber…


"Ouch!" Neji yelped. "Damn, that hurt!"

"Shut up and start talking!" Tsunade screamed.

Huyga raised an eyebrow. "Excuse me, do what?! How can I talk if I shut up?!"


"Ouch! You could at least restrain a little…"

"Where is Naruto?!" The Hokage asked in anger.

Neji shrugged. "How the fuck should I know?! He's like the devil… wait a second, he is the devil!"


"OW! Stop this, dammit!"

"Calm down, Tsunade, or you'll kill him before he'll say anything." Orochimaru commented.

"Shut up!"

"Please, master…" Sakura pleaded. "Maybe we can talk to him and…"

"Yes, we might actually do better with…" Sasuke added, but was interrupted.

"No, later." Tsunade responded. "Everyone out! I'll talk to him face to face."

"Are you sure, Tsunade?" Orochimaru asked. "We could…"

"Out!" The woman yelled in anger.

"Fine, fine, we're out." The snake sannin said and left with others in tow.

Satisfied, Tsunade put her hand under Neji's jaw and raised it to look him in the eye.

"Now you will tell me where Naruto is." That was not a question.

"Heh, I told you I don't know. He could be anywhere." The prisoner answered.


"Stop that! I mean it!"

"And what will you do if I won't?!" The Hokage mocked.

"Well I…" Neji sighed. "Hehe… nothing I guess."

"Damn right!"



"Ready to talk?"

"Okay, okay… but why are you so interested in his whereabouts? Shouldn't you be asking about weak points or something?" Then he looked at his ex-commander in confusion. "Or have you… oh my… Don't tell me…!"

Tsunade's eyebrows furrowed. "What are you talking about?"

"Please don't tell me he did you too…"

Tsunade's eyes widened.

"Oh. My. Fucking. God… He not only lacks any shame, he lost his common sense somewhere along the way as well!"



"Shut up! I don't know what you're talking about!"

Neji smirked. "Sure you don't!" He spat some blood. "I know that look in your eyes, you want to know what that meant, right?!"

"How do you…?"

"Know? Pretty simple."

"You will tell no one about it, or you will beg for death!" Tsunade stated.

"Of course, of course, Hokage-sama!" Neji exclaimed. "My mouth is shut."

"Alright, then tell me what Naruto's planning."

"As I said, my mouth is shut…"



"Start talking Hyuga!" Tsunade shouted. "I can do this all day, I wonder how long can you take my super powered slaps?"

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