Welcome to eternity

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Kumogakure no sato… (Starting song: Dead man walking by Bloodsimple)

"Naruto-sama!" Hanabi shouted excitedly.

"Ho! Someone's happy to see me!"

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH! That's him! He's alive!" Some guy from the crowd screamed.

"And I guess someone is not too happy…"


The Raikage landed loudly on the ground.

"UZUMAKI! Couldn't you stay dead?!"

Naruto shrugged. "Of course I could!" Then he grinned evilly. "But where is the fun in that? Besides, if I'm gone, who's gonna kill all of you?!"

Kage box…

"Dammit!" Orochimaru cursed. "We have to get out of here…"


"Oi, Tsunade!"


"What's wrong with you?!"

But the not-so-old-anymore Hokage was not paying him any attention.

'He's alive… He really is alive!' She thought, looking down in awe.

'And?! What the fuck are you waiting for?! Go jump down there and hug him!'

'I…' She already began to lean forward…


…When she was suddenly slapped hard across her face.


"Orochimaru? What do you think you're doing?!"

The snake user glared at her. "No, what do you think you're doing?! We need to get out of here!"

The woman looked at him in confusion. "But what about the alliance?"

Orochimaru slapped his forehead. "Are you stupid or what?! It's fucking Naruto, he's back!"

"Thank you, I can see that much!"

"Oh really?!" He replied. "Then here's some question for you, why do you think he's back?!"

Tsunade's eyes widened. "Don't tell me…"

"Exactly! He's going to 'blow this place up and laugh like an imbecile', remember?!"

"Tch." Godaime scowled.

"I don't like this more than you do, but we have to escape this time." The snake sannin explained. "Kumo is already lost, and we shouldn't let its sacrifice to be in vain. We must inform the Order! They are the only ones who can stop him!"

"Dammit…" She looked down again.

'You must choose now!'

"Grr… Fuck!" Tsunade turned around. "Alright, let's go."

Orochimaru smiled. "A wise choice."

'I doubt it…'

'Exactly. Don't regret it later…'

Back with Naruto…

"Ah, so Tsunade has left." Naruto nodded his head. "That's good to know."

"Oh? And why is that?" Ay asked.

The demon grinned. "It's because I don't wish to kill her… not yet at least." His grin widened. "Hmhmhmhmhm… You on the other hand…"

"Uzumaki… Naruto…"

"Huh?" Naruto turned his head once again. "Ho, Gaara. Didn't notice you there. Sorry about that by the way…" He pointed at unconscious Hinata in Kazekage's hands. "I just wanted to give her the stunner so much… Oh! And since she already has the RKO in her collection, now the only thing that's left is a Byakurai through the forehead, and she will have a complete set of my signature techniques, HAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA!"

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