Darkness is right here

467 9 1

With Naruto…

"What the fuck?"

"Who are you asking?"

"I don't know…" Naruto muttered. "Where are we?"

"Duh, Silent Hill. You said it yourself." Yamato commented.

"Yeah, but where the fuck is this Silent Hill?!"

"Why the fuck do you care?! Just teleport yourself out of here!"

Naruto sweatdropped. "How come I didn't think of this myself…?" He tried to teleport and… nothing.

"What's wrong?"

Naruto paused. "I don't know… I tried to teleport us out of here, but… it didn't work."

"Oh, it won't work."

Naruto turned around sharply.

"You don't have the power here… no one has." Some little girl with long messy black hair stated. "The only way you can leave is if you find the exit."

"A-A-A…" Naruto pointed at the girl. 'Am I seeing things?'

"I guess not." Yamato replied. "I can hear her pretty well."

'So I need to find the exit… Well, let's try this…' Naruto located the sign again… and moved in the opposite direction.

"Where are you going?" The girl asked in amusement.

Naruto completely ignored her and moved forward… for five more steps.

"What's wrong? Why did you stop?"

Naruto rolled his eyes. "Well maybe because the land ended?!"


"Yeah, oh indeed…" Naruto muttered as he watched down the seemingly bottomless hollow.

"Hmhmhmhm!" The girl giggled from behind him. "You can't leave like that! The exit is right there in this town."

The blond demon sighed in frustration. Then he turned around and kneeled in front of this annoying little girl.

"Well hello there!" He said, smiling kindly. "Tell me; what's your name, little one?"

The girl smiled in a very ungirlish manner. It was more like a smile of the devil…

"I have many names. Which one…"

"It doesn't matter what your name is!"

Her eyes widened when Naruto suddenly grabbed the front of her clothes and threw her over his shoulder, right into the abyss.

"A pity…" The demon said, looking down again. "She didn't scream… I love it when they scream…"

"So, what are you going to do now?" Yamato asked.

Naruto shrugged. "What else? Look for this exit of course!" He paused. "Though now I see why no one has returned from here before…"

"And why is that?"

"I lost my demon powers…"

"Say what?!"

"Yep." Naruto nodded and started to walk into the town. "I checked it already. I cannot change my form, cannot do any demon magic, hell, I can't even do a genjutsu. The only things I have right now are my skills as a fighter and you."

"Gee, thanks. It's nice to be appreciated."

"Don't mention it…"

Netherworld. Clan Coalicion Army headquarters…

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