The Greatest Twist

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Orochimaru's hideout…

Yakushi Kabuto, the snake sannin's right hand man… was beginning to tense. Why you ask? Because his master, the snake sannin himself, was even more tense, and that is not a very common thing.

"Orochimaru-sama, why are you so tense…? And why was that stop really necessary?"


Orochimaru, Kabuto and Sai were currently passing towards sannin's base, when he suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong, Orochimaru-sama?" Kabuto asked.

The sannin waited a few seconds. "You both… Take all your clothes off, now."

Sai raised both eyebrows and Kabuto… blushed. "Right here, Orochimaru-sama?! We could at least wait for until we return to base!" The medic stated.

Orochimaru growled. "Not that, you fool!" He paused. "I need to check on something…"

End flashback…

"So, as I was asking, what have you checked on?"

Orochimaru twitched… due to some unpleasant memory no doubt. "I was checking if you have any… unusual seals on."

Kabuto furrowed his brows. "What seals if I may ask?"

"Tch…" Orochimaru scowled. "Tell me, Kabuto, do you know why Uzumaki is still not here?"

Kabuto tried to look smart. "It's because we lost him." The sannin cut him off.

"No, you idiot!" He yelled in rage. "First, he let us go. Second, you're wrong. He will be here any moment… That's why we must evacuate this base immediately."

Kabuto rubbed his chin. "That still doesn't explain why the sudden stop…" Orochimaru interrupted him again.

"You're really stupid, are you Kabuto? If you had his seal on you, then he would've already been here, the three of us would've been dead right now, and he would have my…" He stopped in mid sentence after taking a quick glance at Sai. "He is not here right now because of only two reasons. He had to follow us to our base and at the same time keep at least some appearance in front of his Konoha… friends." He said, this time receiving a quick glance from Sai. Then the three of them entered a large room with a huge snake statue in it.

"You're late…" Someone said in a calm manner. Three newcomers turned their look at the bottom of the statue, where a young man's silhouette was sitting.

'Uchiha Sasuke…' Sai thought.

Orochimaru narrowed his eyes. "We're evacuating the base."

Sasuke opened his already Sharingan activated eyes. "Why?"

This time Kabuto spoke. "Apparently your Konoha friends are coming for you…"

Sasuke's look hardened, eyes starting to spin. "Then let them come." He said. His voice still calm with only a hint of rage. "I'll show them the futility of their attempts." With that he left the room.

Orochimaru gritted his teeth. "Stupid arrogant fool!" He hissed.

Kabuto readjusted his glasses. "Maybe we should tell him…"

Orochimaru shook his head. "No, Kabuto. I want him to confront Uzumaki and see for himself…"

Kabuto's eyes widened. "B-But what if Uzumaki kills him?"

The snake sannin chuckled. "No, he won't…"


"Because of Itachi…"

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