When devils cry

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Mundus castle's outskirts…

"Don't give up, brothers and sisters!" Some tiger encouraged his brethren. "If we lose now, our families will…"


"GAH!" Tiger fell over.

"Shut up, dammit!" Trish exclaimed. "Why do these idiots talk so much?"

"What else is there for them?" Cerberus asked back. "It's not like they are fighting… I mean come on! We eradicated at least a half already, and I'm not even tired. I beat ol' Beowulf didn't even get a good warm up!"

"Damn right I didn't!" Said demon stated, crushing large wolf's head in his hand. "I swear I could take them all out myself!" He added, sending a barrage of cutting wings towards another group of summons.

"You?!" Berial asked in disbelief. "Hell no! But I could…"

"Oh yeah?! First I'll kick your ass!"

"Easy boys!" Nevan spoke. "Naruto's order was to fight together; and if you don't want your asses handed to you once again, I suggest you do just that."

"I can't argue with that…" Berial replied, returning to his task.

"Fine. I always enjoy one-way fights…" Beowulf added.

"Nice save." Trish commented.

"Thanks, but…"

But the red haired demoness was suddenly interrupted by a loud thunder crash.

"Wha…? What is this?" Nevan asked.

Trish's lips curled into a smile. "What else?!"

Moon Country. Palace's rooftop…

"There is no response, Shikamaru-sama!"

"Try again, dammit!" Somewhat angered Nara commanded.

"Yes, sir!" The shinobi did a few hand seals. "Kuchiose no jutsu!"

A large puff of smoke, and… nothing.

"Fuck!" Shikamaru cursed.

"How's your progress?" Temari asked, walking into the room.

"Can't you see?!" Shikamaru snapped. "Damn summons just won't come out!" He gritted his teeth. "What are you up to, Naruto?"

Temari paused. "Is… Is it hopeless?"

The new toad sage stood motionless for some seconds.

"Tight? Yes. Hopeless? No. I still have some tricks up my sleeve…" Shikamaru looked down from the palace roof.

The battle was at its peak.

"And I think it's about time I use one of them… Commence operation 'Dead eyes'!"

Moon Country. Neji's camp…

"What do you think?" The Mizukage asked.

Neji pursed his lips. "It may seem that we are winning…"

Mei raised an eyebrow. "Aren't we?"

Hyuga shook his head. "No. We're at stalemate with enemy forces. Our men are better trained, but they have territorial advantage. It's their turf after all; they had more time to prepare…"

"So, what's your prognosis?"

Neji smirked. "What's my prognosis?! Take a guess! Naruto said to whip this country's ass, and that's exactly what gonna happen! That Nara motherfucker has no balls to fight against me. Besides, I heard their not-so-secret-anymore plan and got ready for it!"

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