I don't have a whole day, you know

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A quiet peaceful morning…

"Ah, yes! Fuck me more!"

…or not…

"Holy hell, Yuki! We've been doing it the whole night and you still haven't had enough?!"

"No, I haven't!" She screamed, moving her hips back and forth as fast as she could. "Now shut up and fuck me!"

"Damn I like this girl!" Familiar voice echoed in his head.

'Shut up, Yamato! I'm about to…!' One blond demon thought. "Shit! Y-Yuki, I'm about to cum!"

The princess leaned over to him. "Do it, baby! Hold nothing back!" She whispered in his ear.

"FUCK!" Naruto shouted, grabbing her hips and thrusting as deep as he could.

"AHHHHHHH!" A very happy smile appeared on Koyuki's face and tears flew freely from her eyes as pleasure hit her wave after wave with every drop of sperm Naruto has released inside her.

Finally they both were done and she collapsed on top of him, panting heavily.

"Huff… huff… Icha Icha sure is crap…"

A satisfied smile appeared on Naruto's face. "I told you so…"

"Anyways, where have you been all this time?!" She asked.

"Well, I was kind off busy you know… fighting against Konoha and everything…" The demon answered.

"I heard about that." The princess stated. "Poor Jiraiya…" She added mockingly.

"Yeah, I just couldn't help it." Naruto said. "So, I heard you released a new movie again…"

Koyuki giggled. "Oh come on! You heard me releasing all night, why do you care about some movie?" She replied. "Besides, unlike those poor fools who can only watch me on the screen…" The princess took his hand and placed it on her exposed breast. "You can touch all you want."

Naruto licked his lips. "I like the sound of that!"

"Still…" She continued. "How the hell did you manage to make me give myself to you when you were just thirteen?!"

The demon chuckled. "Natural magnetism."

"Don't bullshit me!"

Chuckle turned into a full blown laughter. "Okay, I killed your uncle, returned your country to you, gave you a new reason to live… in other words I took advantage of you."

She slapped him lightly on the shoulder. "You ass…"

"No, no, no… You ass!" Naruto pointed at her. "And I'm going to take that ass right now!"

With Konoha team…

"Are you going to try that on the meeting?" Tsunade asked her ex-teammate as they ran through some forest.

"Maybe… The battle is inevitable and you know it." Orochimaru answered. "Are you sure you're not upset with me doing it?"

The Hokage shook her head. "No… they threw their lives away for the sake of the village, and now we give them a chance to protect it once more… I think they will only thank us for that." She said with a frown.

Not far behind Sasuke and Kakashi followed.

"What are they talking about?" The last Uchiha asked.

Kakashi raised an eyebrow at this. "I thought you of all people would know…"

"Orochimaru never taught me the most powerful techniques in his arsenal." Sasuke replied. "He said I should have my own."

"And he was right." Jounin said. "No matter how hard you try, you will never be able to surpass the mastery of technique's creator."

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