The final truth

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"A Human World… It's been a while…"

"Nice to see you again, Berial." Naruto said, grinning like a… well, a devil…

"Likewise, Naruto."

"This doesn't look well…" Jiraiya stated.

"Definitely." Orochimaru added. "Still, what kind of summon is that?! I never heard of such an animal!"

"Because he's not a summon, you fool!" Manda yelled at his summoner.

"A Noble One…" Katsuyu said. "But how?!"

"And the size…" Manda added.

"I think that's our answer." Gamabunta exclaimed, taking his smoking pipe out of his mouth and pointing it at Naruto, who now stood on top of Berial's flaming head. "Take a look at his sword."

Manda's eyes widened. "Yamato! This isn't good…"

"Let me correct you…" Toad boss replied. "This is bad! This means he can move between our worlds freely."

"As well as summon Noble Ones into this world…" Katsuyu added.

"What are those Noble Ones you speak of?" Shikamaru asked, and summons surprisingly heard him, despite him still being on the ground.

"Noble Ones are demons like us…" Manda started, but wasn't able to finish…

"I'm nothing like you, pathetic worm!" Blazing demon shouted. "You will feel the wrath of Berial! I, the conqueror of the Fire Hell!"

Summons already prepared for evasive actions, when…

"Oh, shut up!" Surprisingly that came from Naruto. "Damn, man. You speak this shit every time! Try something different for once!"

Berial's flames somewhat subsided. "N-Naruto… p-please, don't ruin my intimidation speech."

"Oh, shut your mouth…"

Meanwhile, while two demons were at… 'disagreement', the three bosses glanced at each other.

"So, what's our action?" Katsuyu asked.

"The situation is bad…" Manda started. "We're against this Berial and Uzumaki in his released form. I suggest retreat."

"No!" The toad boss exclaimed. "We have a good chance to destroy one of his allies! We have to give it a go!"

"But how do we separate them?!" The giant snake asked.

"We have to ask humans…"


"Tsunade-sama, I must ask you to draw Uzumaki's attention from the three of us…" Katsuyu said.

"Same goes for you, Orochimaru." Manda added.

"Now wait a minute!" Jiraiya wanted to interrupt, when suddenly Sasuke landed on Manda's head, still in his level two cursed seal mode.

"I'll help you." The last Uchiha replied, glaring daggers at Naruto, who was still arguing with his… 'summon'. "I will do anything just to see him dead."

Orochimaru raised an eyebrow at this. He never heard so much hatred in Sasuke's voice even when he talked about his brother.

"We all will help." Shikamaru stated, as he and everyone else jumped onto giant animal's head. "Just tell us what we're dealing with."

"Very well…" Gamabunta said. "I'll try to cut it short." The great toad started. "You see, there are two types of demons. The summons, or Clans, as we call ourselves, and devils, or Noble Ones, as they call themselves."

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