Quality versus quantity

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With Kurenai…

"Sand… a village made out of sand… And what if it actually rains?" Kurenai asked herself, walking down some random Suna street.

"Hello, Sakura-sama!" Someone suddenly greeted.

"Wha…? Oh yeah, good day to you too…" 'Sakura' replied, continuing to walk. 'Damn, next person who will call me Sakura gets my sword through the head! But no, let's wait for that. First I need to get myself a destination. Let's see, pinky is a… medic! That's right, so my target is pretty much…" She turned her head to see the hospital. "Bingo!"

The hospital…

"What is your… Oh, it's you, Sakura-sama!" The reception girl said, making 'Sakura' scowl.

"Y-Yeah, I've been around and decided to help. Is there anything I can do?"

"Of course, right this way!" The girl exclaimed, motioning for 'Sakura' to follow. "It has been a complete nightmare. What happened all of sudden?"

"Haven't you heard?" Kurenai replied. "Suna will be hosting a FIFA World Cup this year!"

The girl looked at Sakura strangely. "Are you okay, Sakura-sama?"

"Sure, sure. Now where are the patients?"

"Over here please." The girl opened the door and 'Sakura' entered.

"Oh, Sakura-sama!" Some doctor said. "Thank god you're here! This man has a severe poisoning! We don't know what to do and…"

"Don't worry, I got it!" 'Sakura' said, taking the med card. "Ah, I see… Of course, the problem is obvious. You just need to give him a few doses of cyanide."

Doctor's eyes widened. "W-WHAT? But it's gonna kill him for sure!"

"Oh no, no, no…" 'Sakura' shook her head. "You see, this poison kills a human, cyanide kills a human. But mixed together they will destroy each other. It's like in math, minus on minus is a plus, right?"


"Okay then, you know what to do!" Kurenai smiled beamingly and left. 'I can't believe he actually bought that! It was the lamest thing I have ever…'

"Ah, Sakura-sama!" Some nurse ran over. "Please, we need your help!" She led Kurenai to another door and opened it. "This woman has pregnancy problems!"

'Sakura' grimaced. "I'd rather not…"

"But you're a medic! You swore Hippocras's oath!"

Kurenai rolled her eyes. "Fine fine…" She muttered, getting in position.

"Please save my wife, Sakura-sama!" A worried husband said. "I will do anything!"

'Sakura' smirked evilly. 'Sure you will.'

"Ah!" The woman screamed. "I can't push it out!"

Kurenai paused. 'What to do, what to do… Oh, I got it!' She smiled. "Don't worry, everything will be alright. Just push… Okay, one more time…"

"I-I can't!"

'Sakura' pressed on woman's stomach. "How about now?"

"Ah! I think it's coming out!"

"That's nice to hear!" Kurenai said with a smile. "Okay, one more time… There we go! Congratunations, you have a son!" She exclaimed, taking the child. 'Genjutsu: Tenma Koutai! (Demon shift)'

"Oh, my son! I have a so…" Father's eyes widened. "What the…?"

Of course, his confusion was natural. The baby was dark skinned… while both parents were not.

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