Showing different skills

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Naruto spent an hour given to him to wander around his 'precious' home village. He didn't find it any different except for three things. The first was, of course, Godaime Hokage's head on the face of the mountain.

'…Looks ugly.' Was the first thought that came to his mind. 'Well certainly! They forgot to also put there her best part'.

The second discovery was not of such a large scale, but it still gave young man the creeps. The discovery itself was in the form of a small house, no scratch that, it was not even a house, a small hut perhaps. But there was something strange about this place.

'Hot blooded dojo?! What imbecile would name a place like this?'

Something inside Naruto told him to run away, and never look back. Still, jinchuuriki's curiosity was too much and he decided to come closer… that was until he heard crashing sounds of some punches, kicks, and something about the flames of youth. That same second the black clad shinobi decided to follow the advice of whoever was giving it.

The third and the most unsurprising discovery was his apartment building… or the ultimate lack of it.

'As to be expected from the good loving Konoha citizens.' He thought. "Well, it's not like I will be missing it, but… where the fuck am I gonna stay?!'

Good question and no answer… Hmm, actually that's a lie there was many answers. For example…

'I wonder… maybe ask my good Konoha friends? HAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA! That's a good one! Fucking friends they are…'

There were other ideas.

'Hmm… kill someone and seize his apartment? A good idea actually, but not right now… maybe later.' He was still searching for an answer when he spotted a pair walking down the street. Suddenly an idea decided to visit his head. 'Hmm… catch a girl and crash in her place… Yes! That's it! Hmm, but who?' The alarm in his pocket interrupted his trail of thoughts. 'Oooh! It's time for me to show my skills! Haha, I bet she asked the cyclops to beat the shit out of me. Hmhmhm. Well, she's in for a big fucking surprise.' With that he disappeared in a puff of smoke.

When Naruto arrived, he found that twice in the same day his expectations were confirmed… the training ground thirty six was absolutely empty. 'Damn! They are so predictable, it's almost scary!' The blond boy ventured to a single tree and sat down. 'Well, it can't be helped. I guess, I'm just gonna wait for them to arrive.' Making himself comfortable, he put his hand behind his back and pulled out… a can of cola. 'There you are, my precious!' With a loud pshhhhht, Naruto opened the can and drank the contents in one go. "Ahhhhhh! The drink of gods!" But his enjoyment was interrupted by the sound of footsteps. 'Well well, almost on time even… should be Sakura…' The jinchuriki turned his head, and yes, that was definitely Sakura. 'Of course there could be a slight chance that it was some other girl that dyed her hair pink… yeah right! My chances of being Hokage are better than this.'

Haruno Sakura was walking to the training ground in a good mood. Sure, how could she be not?! Naruto was back from his training trip! That means soon they will receive the mission to get her oh-so-precious Sasuke-kun back! 'I wonder if that idiot learned something new, he was training under Jiraiya-sama after all.'

Oh if only she knew.

Training ground 36. Time: 15:00.

'Now where is everybody?' The pink haired kunoichi thought. 'I was told to come here, but there is no one… wait, someone's there.' Sakura looked at the bottom of a single tree and saw said someone. 'Oh… Ooh… Oooooh! Is this Naruto?! Damn he's… he's…' 'Hot Shannaro!' Was a sudden response from girl's counterpart. 'Yeah, he is… maybe even as hot as Sasuke-kun!' 'Sasuke-kun is better Shannaro!' 'Hmm… maybe, but still…' SHANNARO!' 'Alright, alright! Calm down, geez…' Ending discussion with… well herself, she went to the boy's location.

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