The Ultimate Confession Part One

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Konoha interrogation chamber…

Naruto was tied to a chair and felt pretty comfortable…


Or not…

"Ouch!" Naruto spat some blood. "That's what they call Konoha hospitality…"


"You little shit!" Tsunade screamed. "Did you really think you could get away with this?!"

"I already did…"



"How could you!" The Hokage said through gritted teeth. "How could you betray Nawaki and Dan's dream?!"

"Never knew motherfuckers…"


"Ouch! Stop that, it's annoying…"

"Shut up! You will tell me everything right now!" She screamed.

Naruto smirked. "I won't tell you shit! Wait until the trial like every good citizen of Konoha."


"I said stop this." He said in a more serious tone. "I'm not going to repeat my speech twice, so you're gonna have to wait."

"Why did you betray Konoha?" Jiraiya asked from a corner.

Naruto snorted. "Don't give me that! I have never betrayed Konoha…"

"Oh really?! Then how do you explain your recent actions?!" Gama sennin shouted.

"On the trial." The demon said simply.

Tsunade sighed. "Fine, just one last question. Why do you insist on the public trial?"

Naruto smiled evilly. "Oh, a good question. I have a very good reason… yeah, a very good one. Make sure that every good Konoha citizen is there, especially civilians, or I'll fuck this village up in a way you're not even imagining."

Tsunade glared at him, but said nothing and left the room. Jiraiya did the same.

"So?" Orochimaru was waiting for them outside.

"Nothing." Tsunade said. "He keeps saying about his public trial and nothing more.

"Hmm… Something's not right…" Orochimaru exclaimed.

"You freaking tell me!" Jiraiya snapped.

"Enough!" Tsunade shouted. "What goal could he possibly achieve by surrendering to us?"

Jiraiya shrugged. "Maybe he wants to blow himself up along with the village?!"

Tsunade and Orochimaru turned to him with wide eyes.

"What?! It was a joke!"

"Yeah… and a pretty bad one…" Orochimaru added.

Back with Naruto…

"Why are you letting them do that?!"

'It's easier that way…'

Suddenly, the door opened again…

'Oh, they came back!'

But instead of sannins, one Mitarashi Anko entered.

"That can turn out ugly…"

'You don't say…'


"Ouch! What's with this village's women?!"


"Ouch! Stop that!"

Anko drew a kunai. "That's the most pleasant thing I'm gonna do to you now!"

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