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I slapped the off button on my alarm.
5:30 a.m.
I sighed and sat up and stretched. 
I stood up and went to my bathroom.
I brushed my teeth and washed my face.
I got out of the bathroom and looked around my room.
It wasn't that big but big enough for me. It was all stone walls. No windows. No pictures or anything. Just a dresser for my clothes and a mirror that was a little broken. There was also a punching bag that was a little busted but that's it. 
I sighed and changed out of my short tank top and shorts to a pink and white workout bra and grey sweatpants. 
I tied my hair into a ponytail and opened my door as quietly as I can.
I slowly walked towards the kitchen and grabbed a granola bar. 
I started eating it while leaving the hideout. 

I got to the clearing that I always use. 
I sighed and breathed in and out and started my training.
I was trying to improve my skills with water. Trying to use my quirk way longer than I usually could. Trying to slice stuff with it. Trying to slice thicker stuff like boulders and trees. 

It was finally 7:00. I decided to go back. I was starving so I had to hurry. 
I got home and saw everyone awake in the kitchen.
"Hey, pipsqueak. She's home! Get the feast ready!" Touya or as he likes to be called Dabi called out to Kurogiri. The main cook. 
"I'm gonna take a shower real quick." 
I quickly took a shower and wrapped a towel around myself.
I went back to my room and saw the uniform I had to wear today.
Shigiraki decided to make me go undercover at the hero school, U.A. Meaning I had to wear their skirts. Ugh.
I changed into a shirt and skirt. I didn't wear the tie and unbuttoned the top 2 of my buttons. I left the coat open and pulled up the sleeves to my elbows. I combed out my hair and put them in two pigtails. 
I walked out of my room and to the kitchen to see all the food.
I sat down and started eating everything.

After eating it was 7:45. I had to be at the school by 8.
I walked towards the door seeing Dabi standing there with my school bag.
"Let's get going, kid." He gave me my bag and walked with me out.
"How're you doing kid?"
"You going to be ok?"
He ruffled my hair.
"Just be yourself. Train harder. You could use your water quirk there. They won't know you're Sabre." He said referring to my villain name.
"Get information and come to the meet-up once a week with info. And call me if anything happens and if you feel like you can't tell anyone else."
We got to the spot Dabi can't pass. He bent down a bit to become eye level with me.
"I'm your bro kid. And I'm proud of you. I got you." He patted my head and pushed me towards the road.
"See ya kid!"
"Bye." I waved.

I walked towards the road and started walking towards the school. 
I finally got to the school and saw students running in 'cuz it was late.
I quietly walked towards the entrance.
I was whistling while showing my hands in my pockets. 
Some students looked at me and some ignored me.
"Hey, dude! You new here?" This boy with red spiky hair asked. I simply just ignored him and walked away. 
"Oi! Who the fuck do you think you are?" Another voice spoke up but I didn't see who it was and just walked away. He had a deep raspy voice. 
"Oi!" I felt a hand grab my arm tightly.
"I'm fucking talking to you! Who the fuck are you walking around our school like that!?"
By now everyone in the hall was quiet and stared at us.
I slowly turned my face towards him and glared sharply making everyone on his side gasp. He didn't move but was confused and only tightened his hand around my arm.
"Let. Me. Go," I said glaring at him and then shoving him by his shoulder.
I started walking towards the principle office again.
"Hey! You-"
"Bakubro leave her alone!"

The bell rang so the students ran to their classes. 
I got to the principle office and walked in.
"Ahh, you must be Marinette. Welcome. Come in. Sit." This mouse man said setting his teacup down.
I sat down on the chair stiffly.
"So we don't have your last name."
"Any last name?" He asked sweetly while taking a sip of his tea.
"No last name," I mumbled.
I didn't want my parent's last name anymore in case someone figured out who I was and wanted to take me away from Touya my brother. 
"So your quirk is water. And you have lots of skills with it but you are still learning. Here is your timetable and your homeroom teacher will do a quick test once you get to his classroom. Now go one. Classes started by now. Have a good day!"
I nodded and walked out and looked for my homeroom.
I saw the door and it was huge.
"Why?" I whispered to myself.
I opened the door without knocking. 
And everyone's eyes snapped towards me.
"It's you! What the fuck are you doing here?" The same boy from the hallway stood up and glared at me.
"Bakugou shut up. Please." Eraser Head said while rubbing his eyes. My brother and Eraser head fought a lot. 
"Yes please," I said while glaring at him.
"Oi! I-"
"Shut up."
"Sorry, sir." He muttered.
"Who are you and what are you doing here?"
"Marinette. New student. You're my homeroom....unless you're not Aizawa?"
"Mr. Aizawa. And yes you're here. Introduce yourself then we'll take a quick test."
I sighed and went to the front of the class.
"Marinette. Water quirk. I like to train and work out. I can bake, and I like reading and sleeping. Don't talk to me and we'll be fine." I said then nodded. 
"The fuck?"
"Hi! I'm Mina!"
"Denki Kaminari! But you can call me yours."
"Kirishima! Your manly bro!"
"I already have a bro. And you both are different." I mumbled remembering Touya. 
"Izuku Midoriya! But you can call me Deku!"
"Doesn't Deku mean like useless? Or can't achieve anything?"
"Pfft!" The loud boy started laughing while some of the students just stared at me.
"Bro you have some low self-esteem. I'm sorry man." I mumbled.
"Uhh n-no! It's my hero's name! I-I'm just gonna shut up now." He mumbled while walking away.
Everyone introduced themselves to me.
"Alright. Let's go take a quirk test. Let's go, everyone."

Bakugou x Villain MarinetteWhere stories live. Discover now