Blood Bending

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We all finished the written exam.
"How do you feel?"
"I know I passed. Thanks to you, Katsu." I smiled at him.
"You're welcome Blueberry." he chuckled then kissed my forehead.
"Students. Please change into your hero costumes and come outside to the field." The speaker said in our room.
"See you in a bit." He whispered to me then went with the boys to the boy's locker room.
"C'mon girl!"

We all changed into our costumes and met up in the field.
"Alright brats." Mr. Aizawa stood in front of us.
"I'll give you cards, and whatever number you get is the room you'll go to. in that room will be a pro hero or a teacher from here. Whoever it will fight. If you're able to pin them down or knock them win and pass. There will be a camera and mic in every room to watch and speak to you and we can hear everything. Understand?"
"Yes sir!"
"Good. Now here." Mr. Aizawa came to everyone and gave them their numbers and each of us went to our rooms.
"See you in a bit. Beat whoever it is."
"You too Katsu." He leaned down and kissed my forehead.

I sighed and found my room number. 
I opened the door and...
"What the fuck!?"
"I see you still have zero respect for pro heroes." Endeavor said moving from leaning against the wall. 
"Why are you here?" I glared at him.
"Because I'm the pro hero you'll be fighting."
"Ok, whatever. Let's start."

The wall got a huge dent in it because of my body.
He just slammed me against one.
We've been fighting for an hour now. 
I got a lot of hits on him but he's got more hits on me. 
I mean look at him. He's frikin huge! I'm like a toothpick to him.
I stood up, panted, and wiped the blood off my lip while glaring at him.
"C'mon. What? You can't fight me? I'm too big for you?" He smirked at me.
"C'mon Marinette!"
"You got this girl!"
"I told you guys to shut up if you want to watch!" They all finished their exams and are watching me.
Katsu's probably there too.
"Oi! Fucking brat! Beat his shit! Don't waste fucking time!"
"Aww~ your little boyfriend is helping you~" He cooed.
"Shut up!" I yelled and covered him in ice but he broke it. 
I ran at him and punched him. He threw a punch at me but I dodged and jumped over him kicking his back.
I made an ice block out of the water and threw slices at him. I made a waterfall to drown him. And I even made my arms into the water to attack him. 

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He knocked me back with a huge fire that I couldn't stop

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He knocked me back with a huge fire that I couldn't stop.

"Ugh!" I groaned and sat up slowly.
"Marinette!" I heard my classmates shout through the speakers.
Endeavor came and started punching me with his huge fists.
I could feel some bones breaking.
"Get up!"
"Get the fuck up!!"
"Stop the fight!"
"Fuck no! She got this! She's going to get this! C'mon Blueberry!"
I opened my eyes and used whatever strength I had left to kick him off me. 
He was about to come at me again but I shot my hands out and he froze.
"What the fuck?" I heard my classmates whispering.
I opened my eyes to see Endeavor standing frozen on his spot.
"What are you doing to me?" He groaned.
I moved my hands making his arms fold back and his legs twist. 
"It's called blood bending. I could control your blood meaning I could control your body. It's a trick that was founded by a woman a long time ago when she was held captive. I've been working on it ever since I read about it in a book. I guess you just actually took it out of me."

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I twisted his body parts making him groan and scream out in pain

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I twisted his body parts making him groan and scream out in pain.
I made him kneel in front of me twisting his bones. 
"Marinette wins. Her opponent has been down and can't move. Congratulations. You passed."
"Go, girl!"
I continued to control him and glared at him.
"Let me go," he whispered weekly.
"You passed kid. Go." He whispered again.
"Marinette." I heard Mr. Aizawa warn in the speakers.
I stepped up to him and bent down to his level and leaned to his ear.
"If you EVER look down upon me again or even think about showing me your face...I'll kill you." 
I then let go of him making him fall and groan in pain.
My door opened and my classmates ran in.
I felt arms wrap around me.
"You fucking did it Blueberry!" He kissed my cheek multiple times.
"Thank you for cheering for me." I chuckled and kissed his cheek.
He put me down.
"What's wrong?"
"Everything's spinning," I mumbled then darkness.

I slowly opened my eyes and groaned lightly.
I looked around and realized I was in the hospital room in the school.
I look to the side to see Katsu sleeping with his head on the bed and his hand holding mine squeezing it.
"Katsu?" I took my hand out of his hand and put it in his hair playing with it.
"Mm~" He groaned and turned his head to the other side.
"Katsu~" I gently yanked on his hair.
"Leave me alone, Blueberry."
"....Mari?" He slowly lifted his head, groaning in pain on the way.
"You're awake?"
"Yea." I smiled at him.
He had really bad eye bags under his eyes and they were red. 
"I'm so glad you're awake!" He hugged me putting his face on my neck.
"What happened? And how long was I out for?"
"You were out for 2 days. And after you fight with passed out because of using your new skill to an extreme. So your body got tired."
"Oh...Did I pass?"
"Of fucking course you did! You were fucking awesome! At first, you were losing and then suddenly you went like fucking badass!"
I giggled at him.
"You were amazing." He rubbed my cheek gently.
"Oh, goodie! You're awake dear!"
"Hey, Recovery Girl."
"Your teachers are pushing you, kids, too hard."
"It's alright. I unlocked a new skill." I shrugged.
"Alright. I cleaned all of your bruises and cuts. You got a lot of broken bones. Especially on that pretty face of yours. Aizawa had to tie up Bakugou from attacking Endeavor." She chuckled.
"Anyways. You're good to go. Just get some rest. No training. No fighting. Just stay in bed and drink and eat nutritious foods. I believe Bakugou would take care of you."
"Yes." I stared at Katsu.
"What? I can take care of myself."
"No. I'm going to take care of you. And that's fucking final." He glared at me.
"Fine." I huffed and crossed my arms.

Bakugou x Villain MarinetteWhere stories live. Discover now