Favourite Hoodie

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(I couldn't find the pic above without the writing on them! But imagine that's Bakugou. Lol Enjoy!)

After the incident at the mall, I took a train and got back to the dorms.
I went to my room and ignored my other classmates.
I went to my room, dropped all my bags on the floor, and sat on my bed with my legs against my chest.
I cried and cried.
I lifted my head and looked at the device in my hand.
I threw it to the side making sure not to break it.
I turned on my phone to see a bunch of missed calls from the squad.

The whole day, I ignored the squad. Never left my room and if I did, I ignored them.
I ignored Katsu. It looked like he was ignoring me too.

The next day, I was packing everything up in my new duffle bag. 
I packed night clothes, day clothes, and hoodies including my new one. I packed snacks and my toiletries. 
I got my sleeping bag ready.
I made sure my phone and headphones were charged. 
"Where's that hoodie?" I was looking for my favourite hoodie.
"I swear I had it..."
"Oh...It's in his room." I sighed.
I liked that hoodie. It was warm and cozy. And it was from Touya. He gave it to me for my 13th birthday, and since it was so big on me at that time, it still is big on me now since I didn't grow that much.
"It's ok. He's probably not in his room." I stood up and opened my door.
The coast was clear.

I went to the boy's side and put my ear against his door.
It was silent so I tried the doorknob and it was open.
I opened the door and realized he wasn't there.
I started looking around for my hoodie. I looked in his closet, under his bed, in his drawers, in the dirty laundry basket, and it was nowhere.
"Looking for something?"
"Eep!" I jumped and fell onto his bed behind me.
"Bakugou.." I breathed out.
I saw him flinch a bit but ignored it.
"What are you doing here?" He asked while putting his basket of folded clothes down on the side. 
"Nothing." I stood up and went to the door to leave.
"Looking for this?" I turned around to see him holding my hoodie.
"Uhh, y-yea."
"I washed it."
"Oh, thanks. Imma take it and leave." I put my hand out for him to give it to me.
"Come here and get it."

"....Fine." I went up to him and tried grabbing my hoodie but he lifted it in the air.
"Hey! Give it back Bakugou!"
He threw the hoodie to the side and grabbed my forearm tightly.
"It's Katsuki to you. Or Katsu. Or Baka." He glared down at me.
"Whatever. Now let me go. I have to finish packing." I was about to move, but he pulled me and wrapped his arms around my back, holding me to him.
"Wh-what are you-"
"Shut up! Just shut the fuck up! You can't just leave like that! Do you know how fucking worried I was!?"
"Katsu-" I tried pushing away but he held me tighter.
"No! Something's wrong and you're going to fucking tell me! Why the fuck were you crying? Just tell me! You're supposed to trust me! I'm your fucking boyfriend! I'm your friend! Tell me!"
"....The person who told me to come here met me at the mall."
"....Ok. What happened?" He sniffed then rested his chin on my head.
"He threatened me. Said if I mess up he'll kill me."
"But..." He moved me back a bit to bend down at my height.
"You're one of the best ones here. How could you mess up?"
"He's just saying that."
"What else did he do?"
"He weirdly touched me. I didn't like it."
"I'm sorry. Fuck. I should've been there."
"It's alright. I've dealt with him before. Nothing different." I shrugged.
"No, it is different. You have me now. Before you didn't. I should've protected you. Dammit!"
"I'm fine though. Now can I go back?"
"Fuck no! I didn't see you for a whole day and a half! You're sleeping here tonight!"
"But I need to pack."
"Pack later. Let's cuddle right now." He pulled me to his bed and pushed me down on it.

"I love you," he whispered then kissed my lips.
"I love you too," I mumbled against his lips.
He moved his lips against mine slowly and passionately.
"I'm sorry."
"Me too."
"God, I missed you." He groaned against my lips.
He grabbed my hair and pulled it to make me lift my head.
He started kissing down my neck making me moan lightly.
"Fuck." He grabbed my thighs and made me wrap them around his waist and he came closer to me. 
My hands were in his hair tugging on them.
"Mm~" he moaned and then grabbed my hands and pinned them above my head with one of his hands.
He broke the kiss leaving a string of our mixed saliva to keep us together.
We were both panting and flushed.
"Fuck.." He muttered.

Bakugou's POV:

I was pissed. I was beyond pissed. Mad. Upset. Angry. Lonely.
She left me there.

After I found the squad, we all went back to the dorms.
I thought of giving Marinette some time alone so I j, so I  my room and started packing my bags.
It was lunchtime and she didn't come down.
She didn't come for dinner either.
I knocked on her door and she didn't open it.

The next day, I decided to fold my clean laundry.
While I was folding them and putting them in my basket, I found Marinette's favourite hoodie. 
"sigh...She left it in my room."
It is too big for her...I could wear it until she wants it back.
I folded all my clothes and started going back to my room.

I went to her room first and knocked but she didn't open it.
I went to my room and opened my door to see Marinette looking around.

And now...she was under me flushed and panting. Her shirt rid up showing her stomach.
And here I am above her, flushed and panting with a terrible hard-on.

Groaning, I leaned back down and kissed her hard. I had her hands pinned above her head with one hand. I put more pressure on her pinned hands.
"Fuck~" I moaned when I felt her move her hips.
"Don't. Don't move. Don't fucking move." I groaned and put my other hand on her hip to keep her down.
"Hm?" I muttered against her lips.
"I feel weird..."
"Hm?" I broke the kiss and stared at her. 
"Did I hurt you?"
"No..." She mumbled.
"What's wrong?"
She pulled me by the collar of my shirt.
She put her face against my neck.
"I feel weird down there.." She whispered.
I chuckled.
"Baby~ That means you're turned on. That means you like what we're doing."
"Oh.." She blushed even more.
"Do you trust me?" I asked while rubbing her arms.
"Yes.." She whispered.
"Ok. Don't do anything. Just trust me."


Sorry to cut it short lol!
Now you guys have to wait and see what happens on Monday when I post the next chapter~~~~
But.......I might reconsider?
If I get...more than 5 comments, votes, and views by tonight...then I'll post the next chapter tonight!
What do you guys say?
Anyways let's see!
More than 5 votes, comments, and views by tonight and you'll get another chapter tonight!

Bakugou x Villain MarinetteWhere stories live. Discover now