Sport's Festival First Two Games

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We all lined up at the entrance of the race.
Everyone was quiet and I turned to glare at Todoroki one more time.
"Go!" Present Mic shouted in the microphone.

As soon as we started running, these huge robots came.
I was allowed to carry a bottle of water so I used my quirk and made the water go into the robots and made them malfunction. 
The robots got fried and fell making some students dodge and some students get stuck. 
I ran off before it could fall.
I kept running and didn't look back.

There was a mud pile next so I used my quirk to lift myself and push myself to the other end.
While I was getting to the other end I saw the mud freeze and turn into ice.
I saw Todoroki running past me making me clench my jaw. 

Next was a huge log that we had to cross or fall into spikes.
The log was very long too so no one used their quirks unless they would be able to.
Todoroki jumped and grabbed the log and started moving across the spikes while holding onto the bottom of the log.
Everyone else mostly did that or used their quirks and tried to get across.
I didn't want to use my strength so I used my speed and my agile skills.
I jumped onto the log and ran on my tippy toes and pointed my fingers behind me.
I ran with full speed and reflexes and made it to the other side. 
"Will you look at that? Marinette is extremely talented! It looks like she does want to beat Todoroki!"
"Oh my! Looks like Todoroki Bakugou and Midoriya caught up to Marinette! Better watch out Marinette! These three were the winners of last year's race! I don't think they'll let you beat them this easily."

Next were big fists popping out from the ground and you won't know when.
I ran as fast as I could and tried dodging the fists.
"Ooh! That looks like it hurts." I looked back hoping one of the boys got knocked out but it was another student from another class. 
I heard a booming noise and saw Bakugou use his explosion to get passed me.
"See ya little shit!"
Deku ran past me after sending me a small smile and Todoroki used his quirk and got passed me.
I was getting tired from running but then I got an idea.
I quickly found a fist that I thought was about to come out and stood right above it waiting.
"Well looks like the boys did pass her! But oh! Looks like Marinette has got a plan! Let's stay positive for this young lady!"
I sighed and waited for another second when I felt the fist come and push me high up into the air and pass the boys.
I landed in between Todoroki and Baka and I used my quirk to splash Todoroki and I used my quirk to stop Baka's explosion making both of them fall.
I dropped to the floor and rolled then continued running with new determination.
"Woah look at that everyone! Marinette used her brain and got passed the boys! Now that is true skills!"
I kept running and I could see the finish line from here.
I saw Baka running next to me and he grabbed my arm.
I turned and kicked him in the face and ran off passed the finish line.
Baka next then Deku then Todoroki.

The crowds were cheering while we were all panting. 
I had my hands on my knees panting.
"Great job Marinette! That was great thinking!"
"Thanks, Deku.." I whispered while walking towards the water fountain. 
I drank a lot of water and sat down waiting for everyone to finish the race.
I saw Baka so I went towards him.
"That was a nasty kick you gave me." He whispered while putting the ice pack near his jaw. 
"Alright! 50 students are going to the next game!" She continued naming all those 50 people making them stand on one side. 
Most of Class 2-A passed and some of the other classes. 

I went and stood on the winner's side and glared at Todoroki. 
"Great job girl!" Mina came and gave me a high-five.
"Dude! That was awesome!" Kirishima came and punched my shoulder. 

It was time for the next game.
"Alright! The student who won first place in the race has a total of  10,000,000 points. Just like last year. Now you've got 15 minutes to pick your teams."
Everyone turned and glared at me.
"Sorry girl."
"See ya dude!" The group left me making me scoff but waving at them.
"Marinette!" I heard a chorus of voices. I looked behind me to see Deku, Ochaco and this other girl with pink hair and gadgets.
"Hey, guys....."
"We want to join your team! Last year everyone was against me but these guys joined me so this year we'll join you!"
"Really?" I asked surprised.
"Yes! This is Mei Hatsume. Her quirk is zoom. She could zoom in on whatever she wants to see."
"Ok, so three of you guys! We need one more."
"Hey, babe!"
"So I couldn't find a good enough group so I wanna join yours!"
"Sure." I shrugged. 
"Time up! Get your teams ready and wait for the signal!"
"Marinette you ride."
"Ok." Deku was in front with Mei and Ochaco and Kaminari were at the back while I was on top.

I saw everyone with their team ready to go.
Baka and the squad were together with Baka on top. Todoroki was with his group with him on top. The rest were other students I didn't know.
"Ready? Go!" Everyone immediately ran towards us.
"Go!" My team ran away and when some team came too close Ochaco used her quirk and tapped them to make them float away.
Mei used her quirk so she knew where everyone was even if they were hiding. 
Some teams even got others' headbands.
I saw Todoroki's team and we both were glaring at each other.
His team came running towards us and Iida used his quirk and ran at a fast speed towards us. 
They almost got my band but Ochaco used her quirk and floated us and put us on the floor a little away from them.
"You know what?" I grabbed my band and wrapped it around my wrist. 
"Great idea Marinette!"
I could see Baka having trouble with a student with blonde hair. 
My team ran behind that blonde's team and grabbed his headband.
"Oi! That was mine you piece of shit!"
"Tootles!" I waved and we ran off. 
A little while later the timer went off and we all stopped what we were doing and Baka fell mid-air.

"Alright! The four teams that won are Marinette's team in the first place! Next is Bakugou Katsuki's team! Next is Hitoshi Shinso's team! And finally Todoroki's team!"
Everyone cheered and the losers left to inside the school to get patched up.
"Hey, girl! Great job!"
"Thanks. And thank you guys by the way."
"No problem! We had fun! You're really smart Marinette! I hope we meet in the last game."
I nodded at Deku. 
"Great job little shit. I'm still mad about you taking my band."
"Sorry, Baka.." I muttered while staring at this one pro hero that won't stop staring at me.
I know who he is. Touya hates him and his family.
"There will be 15 minutes before the last game starts! Drink water and take some rest! This is going to be bumpy!"

Endeavor"There will be 15 minutes before the last game starts! Drink water and take some rest! This is going to be bumpy!"

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Bakugou x Villain MarinetteWhere stories live. Discover now