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(Look at the hot specie up there! Ughhh~ Lol Enjoy!)

I opened my eyes to see darkness.
I sat up and saw a Baka's tank top with me. 
"That's why his smell was still here..." I mumbled sadly.
I looked at my phone and saw it was 1 a.m.
I got up and stretched.

I left my room and went downstairs and looked in the kitchen.
I found a plate in the fridge.
"Hope you feel better Mari! <3" That's what it said on the paper stuck to the foil paper covering the food on the plate.
I ate everything that was in it and went to brush my teeth.
I saw my face and I had red swollen eyes and dried tears on my face.
I washed my face and dried it. 

I went back upstairs and went to my door.
I hesitated to open it.
"Should I go back in? I'm not even sleepy anymore...." 
I sighed and turned around and walked to the boy's side.
I went to Baka's door and knocked on it.
A few seconds later I knocked harder.
"I'm coming I'm coming." I heard.
The door opened and there stood Baka with messier hair and sweats only, showcasing his perfect 6-pack abs and amazing chest. He wore a silver chain around his neck and it fell towards his chest.
"Ya done staring Blueberry?"
"I wasn't staring.."
"What are you doing here?" he leaned against the door frame and crossed his arms. 
"I woke up.."
"I can see that." He chuckled.
"I can't sleep anymore."
"....Can you just let me in!"
"Fine fine sheesh!" He raised his hands in surrender and moved aside for me.
He shut the door once I got in and he went to his small bathroom.

I went and sat on his bed.
"What did you do?"
".....Brush my teeth?"
"Oh...." He came and sat next to me.
"You're not going to put on a shirt?"
"You still have my tank top." He shrugged then smirked.
"Why? Is it distracting?" he teased.
"No...whatever. Don't wear a shirt."
"Whatever...." He chuckled.
We sat in comfortable silence.
"How are you feeling?" He whispered while sitting crossway on the bed facing me.
He grabbed my thighs and pulled me closer to him so we were facing each other.
He kept his hands on my legs.
"Wanna talk about it?"
"It's fine." he massaged my feet. 

"Hm? I'm listening.." He mumbled.
"What would....ok...umm..."
"Take your time." he chuckled.
" had a friend..."
"And she...or he! was like really close to you. You both were amazingly close."
"And you figured out something about that person.....Like a huge secret. No one was supposed to know about would you feel?"
"If I liked that person...and we were extremely close...and I expected them to tell me everything...and to tell me when stuff was bothering them and stuff...then I would expect them to tell me. Sooner the better. First of all...I don't like liars. I hate them!"
"But..." He grabbed my arms and leaned in closer.
"If you have something bothering you....and you're scared to tell can tell me. Ok? I won't get mad or upset. I'll help you."
"No...It's fine." I mumbled.
"Alright. Tell me whenever.." he mumbled while rubbing his fingers on my arms. 
"Lay down with me." He pulled me to lie down on the pillow. He laid down next to me and pulled the blanket over us.
He turned on his side and stared at me.
"What do you think of me, Baka...?"
"What do I think of you? I think you're an amazing person. You're strong, brave, cute, adorable, smart, beautiful, sexy..."
"Mhm." He nodded.
"I heard Mina say that once....'
He chuckled and came close.
"You don't have to worry about it. Just don't let anyone call you that.." 
"Ok.." I chuckled with him.
"And I don't just think all of those things. I know it. You are an amazing person." He moved a piece of hair out of my face.
"Thanks, Baka...."
"What about me?"
"What do you think of me?"
"....You're amazing. You're rude sometimes but fun to be with. You're amazing cook...gentlemen like amazing fighter and I know you'll be an amazing pro hero in the future."
"You'll be an amazing hero too. You could work with me in my agency. We could be partners.."
".....Yea...maybe.." I stared at him. 
" don't think I'm sexy?"
"Yeah, whatever...I don't even know what that means." I chuckled.
"It means you're appealing, interesting, sensual...inviting...I dunno. But remember those underwears you bought?"
"Girls usually buy those to feel sexy."
"Yea..." He chuckled again.
We just stared at each other for a while.
"Stay still," he said then rolled up the top of me.
"Oof! Baka! You're freaking heavy!"
He just chuckled and leaned on his elbows keeping his weight off of me and making his muscles flex.
He was above me staring down at me with his red eyes. His chain was dangling up the top of my chest. 
"You're pretty y'know?"
"....Thank you.." I mumbled while looking down at his chain. 
He grabbed my chin and made me look at him.
"Look at me..." he mumbled.
I stared at his red eyes. 
He was close to me and I could smell his minty breath. 
"Hm?" He looked into my eyes.
"I don't know what to do.." I whispered.
"I'll always....lead you on when you need me. I'll make everything right. ok?"
I stared at him then leaned up and gently pressed my lips to his and pulled back down.
"....." He stared at me for a while then leaned down and kissed me.
"I still don't know what to do.." I mumbled embarrassingly when he pulled back.
"Just follow my lead remember?"
"Ok.." He leaned back down and put his lips on mine and I followed his lead.
His lips were so soft. I put my hands around his neck and put them in his hair pulling on it softly. 
I heard him groan in my mouth making me feel weird.
He started licking my bottom lip.
"Open your mouth.." he whispered and came back down,
I opened my mouth slowly and he pushed his tongue inside.
He moved it around everywhere. He moved it around with my tongue making me let out a weird noise.
"Mm~ Baka~" 
"So fucking beautiful.." He whispered once he pulled away. 
I was panting lightly and I could feel my face warm up.
He rubbed his thumb across my cheek while staring into my eyes.
"I love you..." I said.
"....You don't. You don't even know what love is princess. You like me."
"No. I love you. I know what I feel isn't what you feel for someone you just like. I love you."
"Alright...I love you too beautiful." He chuckled and leaned down and pecked my lips then kissed my forehead. 
He rolled off of me and pulled me to his chest.
"You're mine now ok?"
"And you're mine?"
"You're mine and I'm you're. Always."
"Promise?" I whispered.
".....I promise Blueberry."
I smiled up at him and kissed his chest then closed my eyes.
"Go to sleep princess."
"Good night.."
"Night princess." he patted my head and tightened his arms around my waist. 

They kissed!
And confessed!
What I would do to be in the same room as a half-naked Bakugou with a sexy chain around his neck!

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