Hero Costume and Studying

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After a few minutes of shouting and arguing we finally got back to the dorms.
No one was in the common room. I mean it was kind of late. They were probably doing homework or something.
I quickly went to the shared showers for the girls and took my shower. 
I had my extra clothes in my bag so I didn't need to go back to my room. 
I took a nice hot shower and scrubbed soap everywhere. I shampooed my hair too, scrubbing the shampoo on my scalp.
After my nice shower, I grabbed my towel and dried myself then changed into comfortable clothes since it was night soon. 
I wore a yellow crop t-shirt with a pair of grey sweat pants low on my hips showing my abs. 
I put my hair in a messy bun and went back to my room to put my stuff down.

There was a test the next day and even though I'm an undercover villain I still wanted to pass

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There was a test the next day and even though I'm an undercover villain I still wanted to pass.
I took out my supplies and started studying. 

An hour later I realized I knew everything we learned today but not anything they learned 2 days ago. That's where the test was from.
So I closed my book and took it with me downstairs.

"Hey girl!" Mina screamed as soon as I came off the elevator.
"Hi....." I mumbled while walking to the sofa. 
"What 'cha doing?"
"Studying... Hey....can you explain this part to me?"
"Oh? Ask Bakugou! He's the smartest out of our group! He's teaching Kiri after dinner."
"Dinner extras!"
"He cooked dinner too?"
"You gotta cook for the whole day." She shrugged. 
The whole eating table was filled with dishes of food and there were empty plates and bowls on the sides.
I sat down with Mina and Kirishima was beside me. Kaminari was next to Mina and Sero and Baka sat across us. Baka was right in front of me. 
I looked at the table and saw so many dishes.
There were different plates of Onigiri. Sushi. Sashimi. And Udon.
"Wow...." I muttered seeing everyone grabbing a little bit of everything with their chopsticks. 
"Great right?"
"Yea...I guess....." I muttered while grabbing an Onigiri. I loved making these with Kurogiri. 
Some of us were talking and telling each other stories.
"So....how was your training Mari?"
"Your nickname! You like?"
"Whatever. It's better than a piece of shit."
"Oi! You call me a Baka! What do you want me to call you!? Oi!" He yelled at the end when I kicked his shin.
"Fucking piece of sh-Ow!"
"Shut up. Anyways yea it was fine. Until I bumped into a certain Baka on my way home."
"Oi! Shit!" he hissed when I kicked his shin again."
"Anyways yea. It was fine." I shrugged while putting some Udon in my mouth. 
"Oh! Aizawa!"
"Mr. Aizawa." He glared.
"This is for you." he handed me a squared suitcase with my seat number on it in green.
"Don't take it anywhere. Only wear it when instructed to. And please don't damage it. And if there is anything you don't like or want to fix tell the tech support." (I forgot who makes the suits!!!!)

"Will do!"
"I don't even know how they made the suit with that drawing." I chuckled while he walked away.
The squad gaped at Mr. Aizawa.
"I beg to differ. Our drawing was amazing!"
"Mina....it was terrible. Anyways I'm gonna check this out. Thanks for dinner Baka!"
"You piece of shit!"
I chuckled while getting to my room.
I shut my door and was about to open my suitcase when I heard knocks on my door.
I opened it to see the squad.
"You wanna see how bad it looks?"
"Wah?! It's gonna be amazing! Can we please watch you change?"
"Watch me change? No way!"
"She means......can we see the suit after you change?"
"Sure. Come on in." I opened my door more.
"You too Baka?" I smirked.
"Shut up! I wanna see how bad it looks on you!" He grunted then sat on my desk chair. The rest sat on the floor or the bed.
"Cool room."
"This is so pretty!"
"You got video games in here too!?"
"......this is you?" Baka asked while looking at my photos above my desk. 
"Yep! My bro took my photos while I was growing up and training and stuff."
"Wow....even when you got beat up?"
"Yep! It's memories of my improvements." I shrugged while going toward the end of my room.
"Ok. Eyes closed."
"Got it." I saw Sero wrap his tape across Kaminari's eyes.
"Sorry man. We don't trust you." The rest all covered their eyes and turned around.
I opened my suitcase and took out my suit and gaped at it.
"Wow...." I muttered.
"Is that a good wow or a bad wow?" Mina asked.
"I'm not saying. Give me a minute."
I quickly took off my clothes and changed into my suit. 

It was black and blue. I had a pointy hood. I had a black mask that covers my neck and a little of my chest. Then I had this black tight shirt connected to the hoodie. It showed a few of my abs and showed my chest a lot. It had blue lines on it. it was like a vibrant blue like electricity. I had one sleeve on my left arm from my elbow to my fingers which were covered with fingerless gloves. I had a belt on with a blue pendant. I had black tights that were connected with my booths. And the tights had blue designs on them. 
Then inside the box had a few tiny bottles filled with water that I realized you could hook onto the belt which I did. 

I looked in the mirror and gasped

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I looked in the mirror and gasped.
I looked so....pretty. So cool. So powerful!
"Huh?" I turned around to see them all looking at me. 
They were all gaping while Baka was looking away with a little pink on his cheeks.
"You look so frikin awesome!" Sero jumped up.
"And sexy!" Kaminari said while jumping up too.
"A sexy heroine! Like, look at those abs!"
"Super manly!"
"Womanly!" He chuckled.
"Ai Kachaan~ You blushing?"
"Wh-what! Fuck no!"
"And I thought it would've looked bad. I never doubted my art side." Mina said while putting her hands on her hips.
"Whatever. I'm gonna change now. See ya guys."
"Aww, man!"
"Shittyhair! You gotta study shut up! Let's go!" Baka said while dragging Kirishima with him.
The rest left after them.
I shut my door and changed and went to read a book on my bed. 

A few hours later I realized I still needed help with my studying.
I sighed and changed into my pj's. 
I wore a black tank top with the U.A High school gym pants.
I put my hair in a messy bun and grabbed my books and went downstairs. 
I saw Kirishima wasn't here anymore but Baka was.
He sat on the floor in front of the table by the couch and had a lamp on. 
He wore the same black tank top that I was wearing with black sweats. 
"Hey, Baka," I muttered while sitting down across from him.
"What the fuck are you doing here?"
"Need help studying since I just came today. Mina said to come to you."
"Why do you think I'll study with you?"
"Because she said you're smart. Unless you aren't?" I quirked an eyebrow at him. 
"Fine....what do you need help with?" He grunted and closed his books.
"So basically....."

A few hours later I finally got everything stuck in my head. And bro now I have a massive headache. Ugh. he shouts too much.
"Fucking finally you got it right."
"Thanks...I'm gonna go get Advil now and get some rest. You should get some rest too."
"Night Baka."
"Night Piece of shit."
It was 1:00 a.m. I have 4 and a half hours to sleep before waking up to train. 
I got to my room and swallowed some Advil. Then I plopped down on my bed and fell asleep just like that. 


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