Pleasurable Event

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(Ok, so I know I only got 8 views but I still decided to post this.  it's lemon here. Whole chapter. I have no idea what I wrote so let me know how it is! Lol.  Another thing. I'm sorry if you guys think Marinette is too weird because she doesn't know anything about sex and stuff. I mean Mina explained stuff but obviously, she still doesn't know much. She was taught to not show emotions because people use that as your weakness and she lived with villains so yea. I hope it is not too confusing. Enjoyyyyy~)

Katsu smiled at me and then started kissing down my neck making me moan.
He let go of my hands so I grabbed fistfuls of his hair and tugged.
"Lift your arms." I lifted my arms and he took off the shirt I was wearing leaving me in my shorts and bra.
"Tell me when to stop, ok?"
I nodded blushing.
"Words Blueberry." He said in a voice that was so strong and it made me feel weird.
"Yes, Katsu," I whispered.
"Good." He kissed my cheek then went back to my neck.

He kissed down my neck and sucked on a few spots. He then kissed down my collarbone and chest.
"I'm going to take this off ok?"
I nodded but then remembered what he said.
"Ok.." He took off my bra and then immediately started sucking on my breasts making me feel so much pleasure.
"Oh~ Katsu~" I moaned and tugged at his hair feeling so much pleasure. 
He massaged my other breast, arching my back and closing my eyes tightly.
He did the same to the other breast later on.
He then started kissing down my stomach making my abs clench. He lovingly kissed all my scars, making me smile and stare at him.
"I love you. Your body's beautiful. You're beautiful."
"Thank you.." I whispered breathlessly.
"I'm going to take your shorts off, ok?"
"Ok." I was nervous but I have Katsu so I'm not that nervous.
He took off my shorts leaving me in my underwear.
"Oh~ Fuck~" He moaned staring down at me.
"Don't stare, Katsu.."
"I will stare. 'Cuz this body is mine. Fuck. You belong to me. So I can stare and touch you whenever I want. Got it?"
"Yes, Katsu," I whispered.

He leaned down slowly and kissed this spot on my underwear making me flinch.
"So fucking wet. Just for me~" 
He leaned down again.
"Katsu wait-" He started licking my underwear making me jolt and moan.
"Katsu~" I moaned loudly.
Katsu chuckled then continued licking my underwear.
I clenched my hand in his hair tightly.
"Fuck~ I'm going to take this off, ok?"
"Ok." He took off my underwear then went back down making me moan even louder than before.
"Be quiet Blueberry." I put my hand on my mouth hoping to lower my moans. 
"You taste so fucking good~"
I felt this feeling in my stomach. Like something was going to explode.
"Katsu...Katsu! I-I-"
"Shh let it out Blueberry."
I tugged at his hair wanting him to move because the feeling was so strong. 
"Let it out," he whispered then continued licking and sucking making me jolt and moan. 
Then I felt the feeling explode.
"Ah!" I moaned and screamed.
"Katsu!" I kept a tight hold on his hair, I was afraid I ripped it.
"Fuck~" He moaned and licked everything up.
"No~ No Katsu~ Too much~" I tried moving him because I was really sensitive now.
I was panting and weak.
He stopped licking for a moment before he went back down and continued making me moan loud and try jerking away.
"One more. Give me one more." He licked faster than I felt a weird sensation down there.
"It's going to be alright. I'm just putting in one finger." He slowly moved his finger in and out while still licking me.
"Katsu~ Hah~" I moaned and threw my head back.
"Come on." He went faster making me moan and groan. 
"Right there. Come on. One more." 
I moaned and screamed his name when I felt the knot break again.
"There you go, Blueberry," he muttered and patted my thighs while still licking. 
He sat up and licked around his mouth.
He leaned down and kissed my lips.
"You taste that?"
"Hmm~" I hummed in his mouth.
"That's how you taste."

He broke the kiss and kissed my forehead.
"You good?"
"I'm tired." I panted making him chuckle.
He stood up and went and grabbed a rag then came back and cleaned me up a bit.
"Let's cuddle." he came into the bed and wrapped his arms around me. One hand rubbing my back and the other massaging my head.

"I-I feel...umm something.."
"What do you feel?"
"That thing again. Did you put something in your pants?"
"Fuck no. Baby. It means I'm turned on. It's my dick."
"You were so fucking hot that I got turned on, baby." He whispered.
"...Umm...Do-How do you umm get it...uhh"
He chuckled.
"Ok." He sat up.
"Just lay there...and look pretty, ok?"
"Ok." I stared at him. 

He sat with my legs between him. He spread out his legs and then took off his sweats and shirt.
He was left in his boxers and I could see a huge thing in it and a wet spot on his underwear.
" a dick. Ok? pant But you could only see mine, ok?"
I nodded blushing like crazy.
He took off his boxers slowly making his dick pop out and hit his stomach.
I gasped. It was huge. And veiny. And long. And the tip was deep red. 
"You like?" He chuckled. He was panting making his chest go up and down.
I just nodded staring at it.
He put his hand around the tip and rubbed it making him groan.
"Fuck." He muttered.
He started moving his hand up and down softly, groaning and making soft noises.
He was staring at my body making me flush.
"Fuck~ You look so fucking good baby~" He moaned at the end moving his hand faster.
He slowly leaned down and put his face on my neck.
I could feel his breath making me moan softly.
He started kissing and biting while moving his hand still. 
"Fuck. Oh baby~"
"Katsu~" I grabbed his shoulders.
"Touch me."
"Touch me. Touch my dick Blueberry." 
I looked down and slowly put my hand around his.
He moved his hand making me touch his dick.
It was soft yet hard at the same time and warm.
"Fuck~ Shit hah~" I slowly started moving my hand up and down.
"Faster~ Faster baby~ Fuck." He was groaning in my neck.
I went faster feeling his dick twitch.
A little while later, he groaned loudly and slumped down on me.
I felt liquid gush out of his dick and onto my hand.

"Fuck...Baby. That was so good. You did so well." he leaned up and kissed me.
"'re heavy."
"Sorry baby." He chuckled and laid down next to me.
I lifted my hand and saw the liquid on it.
"Let me get you something to"
I put my hand near my mouth and gently sucked on my fingers cleaning the liquid off.
"Mm~" I moaned around my fingers. It tasted a little salty but not that bad.
"Fuck~ You're going to fucking turn me on again." He groaned and fell back down and put his arm across his eyes.

I giggled and grabbed his blanket and covered us.
"I love you baby blue."
"I love you too." He kissed my cheek and pulled me to his chest. 
"Go to sleep. We'll finish your packing later."
"Ok." I wrapped my arms around his waist and fell asleep after that pleasurable event.

Bakugou x Villain MarinetteWhere stories live. Discover now