Todoroki's Declaration and Marinette's Speech

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The day of the Sports Festival. The day where some people are nervous, excited, scared, or don't even care.
I didn't care. I was a villain. I wasn't trying to impress any heroes. 

I woke up at the same time I always do and changed into a light dark blue workout bra and dark blue sweats.
I grabbed my bag and went downstairs.
And to my surprise, everyone was awake right now. Nobody is awake at this time besides Baka and me. 
Everyone was either eating breakfast, stretching, working out, or training with someone. Everyone was bustling. 
"Hey, girl! Ready for the festival?" Mina asked while doing sit-ups with Ochaco.
"I don't care but yea I'm ready I guess."
"Breakfast is in the kitchen. Bakugou said we should all eat something healthy so we'll be strong enough and at our fullest and beat everyone."
"Ok....." I mumbled while going to the kitchen bumping into the boys on the way. 
I got into the kitchen. 
There were trays filled with all these dishes. I guess Baka made everyone a full breakfast meal.
I decided to work out first and then eat so I went outside and quickly got to my training ground and start working out. 

I trained my quirk and my strength

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I trained my quirk and my strength. 

Once it was 6:30, I sat on the floor panting. 
I wiped the sweat off my face and walked back to the dorms.
"Hey, little shit."
"Baka..." I mumbled walking past him and towards the showers.
I took my shower and wore my black tank top then I wore my gym coat with my pants.
I left my hair open for it to dry and I brushed my teeth.
I put all my stuff in my room and went back down to eat breakfast.
I grabbed my tray and sat down on the sofa and started eating while reading a book. 
"Oi...little shit?"
"Yes, Baka?" I mumbled while still reading.
"Train with me."
"No. I worked out so much and I'm eating breakfast right now."
"Really? You don't want to train with me?"
"We have to get going anyways." I shrugged while putting my tray down and washing my face. 

I grabbed my workout bag and filled it with extra clothes and bandages and water bottles and started going to school with the group.
We got to the school and every class had to go to their locker rooms and wait for their class name to be called.
Class 2-A  was just stretching more and chilling.
Mina was talking to me about something that I was trying my best to pay attention to in case she asked me questions.
"Marinette." I turned around and saw Todoroki staring at me standing in front of me.
By now everyone was quiet and staring at us.
"Sup Todoroki?" I asked while turning my body towards him.
"I don't know what you're hiding......and I don't know what your secrets are...but I don't trust you."
"Ok? I don't care if you don't trust me or whatever."
"Yo Todobro! You gonna do the same you said to Midobro last year?"
Todoroki just stared at me.
"I'm going to beat you today. I'm going to destroy you. And then....I'll figure out your secrets. And then we'll know everything about you. Everything that lies deep within you that you don't want anyone to know."
"......" I stared at him and squinted my eyes at him.
"Oi! Back the fuck off!" Baka came and stood in front of me and put his arm on Todoroki's chest.
"I'll see you in the fight Marinette." He said then left when they called our class name.
Everyone slowly started walking out leaving the group and me behind.
"Well, that was weird."
"You know what? Fuck this! I didn't fucking care about this but now! Oh ho. better watch your fucking back!" I glared at the door and shoved Baka out of my way and rolled my sleeves up and put my hair in pigtails and walked out the door and outside where the rest of the class was.

The stands were filled with people and heroes. Everyone was cheering and making noises. 
I went and stood at the back of the group and the squad came and stood beside me.
Slowly every class came out and stood in their groups close by.

"Welcome to the Sports Festival! Our students have improved a lot ever since last year and we also got a few new students with impressive skills. Now for the speech of encouragement, we are calling up Marinette from Class 2-A."
My class cheered and the squad slapped my back and pushed me to the front.
I passed Todoroki and I glared at him.
"Marinette is one of the new students. She is strong, fierce, kind, and very talented. She loves to read and train and is kind of mysterious. She also loves sleeping but she looks like she doesn't get enough sleep. Kind of reminds me of a friend right Aizawa?"
"Shut up." I heard Aizawa mumble. 
"I mean I can't count how many times we caught her sleeping in class or outside just like how I find Aizawa all the time." Everyone laughed.
I knew the League was watching this right now. Ugh. 
I got into the small stadium and cleared my throat.
I had to pull the mic lower 'cuz it was too high making some people chuckle. 
"Ahem. Names Marinette. First time here. And I just want to say...." I grabbed the mic and turned around and pointed at Todoroki making everyone gasp and look at Todoroki.
"I will defeat you Todoroki. If that's the last thing I have to do. I'm not going down without destroying you! And that is all. Good luck everyone!"
I dropped the mic and walked off the stadium with my hands in my pockets.
"Exactly like Bakubro!" Everyone was cheering and screaming. 
"Good job little shit," Baka said while raising his fist for a fist bump.

"Thank you, Marinette for that encouragement. Now.....the 3 games for today are The Perilous Obstacle Race. The Cavalry Battle. And finally.....the Battle Tournament!"
Everyone screamed and cheered. 
"We'll be calling you guys back out in a few minutes so please go back to your locker rooms and be prepared."
Everyone went back to their locker rooms. Our room was tense and quiet.
I kept glaring at Todoroki and he kept glaring at me. 
"Let's see what you can do Todoroki..." I whispered under my breath while glaring at him more.
"Class 2-A!" Our class got called back out making all of us stand up. 

(Imagine in front of Todoroki is Marinette)

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(Imagine in front of Todoroki is Marinette)

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