I Never Felt This Way

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It was the next day and I had just gotten back from my workout. 
I went straight to the showers and changed into my uniform.
I let my hair down for it to dry and went to put my stuff back in my room.
I grabbed my headphones and school bag and waited for the elevator.
I put my headphones in my ear and turned on a playlist. 

"Morning." I heard someone say. 
I turned towards the voice and Baka was there in his uniform with his bag.
"Morning," I mumbled.
I was tapping my foot with the beat.
Once the elevator came, we both walked in.

We both got down and ate breakfast with everyone. 
After that, we all walked to school. I was with the squad.
"So girl don't forget about girl's night ok? This Friday."
"Yep sure."

Once we got to school, we all sat down at our desks.
"Alright, class. Hope you enjoyed your break. Good morning."
"Good morning Mr. Aizawa!" We all screamed because we know it annoys him. 
I quickly put my hair back in my pigtails but was struggling with my other one.
"Here." I felt hands take my ponytail and finish off my last pigtail.
"Thanks, Baka," I muttered while patting my pigtail. 
"Whatever....anyways. Surprise test. You got 30 minutes to finish it." He said handing everyone in the first row papers to hand out to everyone behind them. 
Deku passed it to me and I passed it to Baka behind me. I felt his fingers touch mine making me drop the papers on his desk before he could grab them.
"What the heck?" he whispered and picked up all the papers and handed them behind him.
We all started. It was pretty easy. 
I finished and put my pencil down and leaned back.
I heard Baka put his pencil down too and saw Deku put his pencil down too.
I put my fist back and another front and both of them gave me a fist bump.
That's our thing. We always do it after we finish a test. 
"Time's up." Everyone gave their tests to the person in front of them and we gave them to Mr. Aizawa.

"Ok. Now we are going to go outside and do hand-to-hand combat."
Everyone stood up and went to the locker rooms to change into our gym clothes.
Soon, we all got outside and lined up. 
"Ok....whoever your name is paired with is who you will be going against."
He pressed a button and on the screen, all the names were mixing.
A few seconds later all the names stopped.

Iida                              Yaoyorozu
Midoriya                    Uraraka
Bakugou                    Aoyama
Ashido                       Asui
Ojiro                             Kaminari
Kirishima                  Koda
Sato                             Shoji
Jiro                              Sero
Tokayami               Todoroki
Marinette                Mineta

"Alright. Stand next to your partners and find a sport and start. The first one to call or get pinned down is out. 
"I wanna switch!"
"Why Bakugou?"
"Give me Marinette. Or give her someone else."
"Why should I do that?"
"She's with a fucking pervert! I don't even know why he's still in the class. He's probably thinking of ways to grope her!"
"Mineta. If I see you do anything inappropriate, I will give you detention."
"How can you think so low of me Bakugou?"
Everyone went to their sides but Baka grabbed my arm. 
"If he does anything, beat him up."
"And YOU! Don't you fucking touch her!"
"Wh-whatever B-Bakugou!"
I sighed and went to the side. Mineta came across me and stood there.
I saw Baka start his fight close by.

"Let's start." I stood in my stance and waited for him.
He ran at me and I jumped over him and kicked his back making him fall. 
It was really easy defeating him. I knocked him down and pinned him down for 10 seconds making him lose.
"See ya," I muttered and was about to walk away when I felt him cling to my body. I felt his hands touching my body. He put his hands on my butt and my boobs. It felt disgusting having him touch me. 
"Get the fuck off of her!" I felt Mineta get pulled off of me.
I looked back to see Baka punching Mineta.
"Baka..." I muttered.
he stopped suddenly and came towards me and hugged me tightly pushing my face into his chest. 
He had one arm around my lower back and waist and another hand playing with my pigtail. 
"I got you...I got you. That fucker won't touch you again."
"I'm fine," I mumbled into his chest.
"Bakugou! Marinette!"
"That fucker touched her! he fucking groped her body!"
"Mineta detention after school."
"Detention? He should be fucking suspended! Killed! What kind of future hero gropes every girl he sees!"
"Enough Bakugou. You and Marinette can take the day off. Go back to the dorms and stay out of trouble."
"Fine," Baka muttered and pulled me towards the school.
"Go change and meet me right here." He said. 
"Fine." We both went into our locker rooms and changed back into our uniforms. 

Once I changed back into my uniform, I came back into the hallway to see Baka wasn't there yet.
I heard voices so I went to see who it was.
I saw Mr. Aizawa and the principal talking in the hallway.
I hid behind the wall and listened.
"I want to take them on another field trip again. But I'm not telling anyone about it in case it gets out again and the League figures out. So I'll keep it to myself and just tell the students a few days before that we're going somewhere."
"Alright, Aizawa."
Another field trip. I could tell the League that. 
I started tiptoeing back to where I was supposed to meet Baka.
"EEP!" I squealed and kicked the person.
"Baka? So sorry!"
"It's fine. Ugh." He groaned. 
We both got our bags and walked toward the dorms. 

We made small talk on the way and made it to the dorms.
"I'll make something for us to eat. You go change." He said while putting his bag on the sofa.
"Ok," I said while going to the elevator and my room. 
I changed into my black tank top with a white hoodie and blue jean jacket. I wore shorts that got covered by my hoodie. I wore a white and black cap and left my hair open. 

After changing and grabbing a book, I went downstairs

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After changing and grabbing a book, I went downstairs. 
"Hey....it's almost ready. Just keep an eye on it. I'm gonna go change."
When he walked past me, he grabbed my waist and leaned down and kissed my ear making me confused.
"You look gorgeous." He whispered then left. 
I just stood there feeling my face heat up.
I shook my head and stood in the kitchen while reading my book.
Why do I like it when he touches me?
Why does he make my face heat up?
Why do I want him to touch me?
I thought I hated him.
Maybe I do need to have a girl's night and learn about all of this stuff. Maybe Mina can help me.
"Marinette! Shit!" 
I came out of my daydream to see smoke coming out of the pot and the fire alarm ringing.
Baka came and opened the pot and started swinging a towel at the fire alarm. 
I opened the doors and windows.

We both were staring at the pot of what was supposed to be chicken and rice.
It was all brown and stuck together.
"Uhh...I know a great pizza place.." I chuckled nervously.
"Remind me to never leave you alone in a kitchen again." He said while pulling his hand down his face.
"Uh ok. I'll go order us some pizza." I mumbled while going to the common room to order. 
I ordered 2 large pizzas. One extra spicy and one just spicy.

"It'll be here in 20 minutes."
"Yea ok." He mumbled while throwing the food away and cleaning the pot.
"Sorry....about the food," I mumbled while rubbing my arm.
"It's fine. I should've known not to leave you alone with the food." He chuckled.
"Hey..." He mumbled while coming up to me.
"It's fine. It was a fucking mistake. We're getting pizza right?"
"Yea.." I whisper while looking down at his sock-covered feet.
"Oi." He lifted my chin and rubbed my cheek with his thumb gently making me feel something in my tummy.
"It's alright. As long as I'm here you won't ever have to cook!" He leaned down and kissed my forehead.
"Why what?" He chuckled. 
"Why do you treat me like this? Why do I get butterflies in my stomach every time? Why do I like your touch?" I whispered while looking into his eyes. 
He stared at me. 
"You feel that way?"
"Yes. And I don't understand it. I never felt this way." I was frustrated. 
He sighed and leaned down more pulling my face up.
Our faces were so close making my heart beat like crazy. His lips were an inch away from mine.
"Pizza delivery!"
We both jumped away from each other. 
"I'll go get that."
"I'll get my wallet. Wait." He mumbled and covered his face.
He got his wallet and paid the pizza guy and we both sat in the common room eating our pizza and watching t.v.  

Bakugou x Villain MarinetteWhere stories live. Discover now