Girl's Night

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It was finally Friday. The whole week, we took tests and did battles. 
We were back at the dorms and were just chilling.
"Hey, girl. C'mon. Let's go." Mina said.
"Where are we going?" I asked while concentrating on the game, Baka and I were playing.
"Shopping. We're gonna buy snacks and stuff. For our Girl's Night."
"Alright. One....sec...Yes!"
"Aw shit!"
"Alright. I'll go change and meet you here."
I went up to my room and looked through my clothes. 
I wore a white hoodie and black pants. I combed my hair and left it open and wore a black cap.
I grabbed my phone and wallet and put them in my pockets.

I opened my door to see Baka standing across from my door

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I opened my door to see Baka standing across from my door.
"Where are you going?" He asked while slipping his hands into his pockets and following me to the elevator.
"Out. With Mina."
"Girl's night. We gotta buy stuff."
"You're going alone?"
"With Mina."
"But alone."
"I can take care of myself," I stated while getting out of the elevator.
"What if guys flirt with you."
"I don't even know how to flirt. So I'll just ignore them."
"Can't I come with you?"
"It's for girl's Baka."
"Bakugou leave her alone. Let her have some alone time with a girl only."
"Fine..." I walked away but he jogged up to me.
"Call me if anything happens. Please?" He whispered.
"Fine.." I mumbled.
"Great." He walked away.
I went with Mina and we both took the train to get to the city side.

"Let's go in there." Mina dragged me to a store and we looked around and bought chocolates and chips. 
"We need these."
"What are those?"
"Face masks."
After buying a bunch of stuff, we finally left and took a train back to the dorms.

"I'll change into my pj's in my room. And I'll meet you in your room, ok?"
I went to my room and changed into my pj's.
I changed into a grey crop top hoodie with grey sweatpants. 

A few minutes later, Mina came walking in with our bags

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A few minutes later, Mina came walking in with our bags.
"Girl's night!"

We were sitting on the floor with a bunch of blankets around us. Pillows were everywhere. We had bags of chips opened and sodas. 
Mina was doing my nails right now. I wanted dark blue so she's doing that.
"Alright...let's start. A crush."
"Is someone you like? Romantically. want to be with them. You find them attractive. Sometimes it's a small thing. But sometimes you really like them and actually wanna be with them."
"Ummm example?"
"Let's see...Like me. I like Kiri. He's attractive. Nice. Sweet. Kind. Manly. I've liked him for a while now. But I don't want to confess my feelings in case he only sees me as a friend."
"Is when you confess. Like when you tell them. Then if they like you too like how you do, you might get into a relationship. Like boyfriend/girlfriend or boyfriend/boyfriend or girlfriend/girlfriend. Ya get it?"
"Hmmm, I think."
"Ok. So....any questions?"
"Ok!" She said excitedly.
"I.. feel a certain way when I'm with someone."
"Tell me."
"Like...I used to hate them...but now...I like it when he's around. I like it when he's protective over me and when he's around me or touches me. He sometimes just holds my waist or puts his arm over my shoulder and I act like I'm fine but I get tingles and get a weird feeling in my stomach."
"Oh my..."
"You're in love..."
"In love?"
"Tell me...Would you rather be with him right now or with me? And be honest. I don't care."
" would you feel if he was hanging out with another girl?"
"What if he treated other girls like how he treats you?"
"I'll be mad."
"Who's the first person that comes to your mind when you need help or something?"
"You like Bakugou?"
"Y-Yea...I-I mean you said if I feel this way then I love them...."
"You feel this way with him?"
"Yes..." I mumbled while looking down.
"Omg! He totally feels the same way about you!"
"How do you know?"
"'Cuz he likes being with you. Duh. He always wants to be with you. And is so protective of you. I ship! Uhh, Bakunette!"
"Yea! Like a name with both of your names mixed. Bakugou, Marinette. Bakunette."
"Cool.." I mumbled while looking down trying to cover my blush.
"Are you blushing? Omg! You are!"
"Cut it out, Mina!"

Bakugou's POV:
I wanted too badly to go and see what they were talking about but I didn't.
A few hours later, when I was sure everyone was asleep, I went up to my room.
I saw Marinette's light off too so I knew she was asleep. 
I went to my room and fell asleep.

My eyes opened and I saw the time.
It was 4 in the morning. 
I decided to go get some water. 
I went downstairs and went to the kitchen and grabbed a glass.
I filled it with water and drank it.
"Hm?" I heard a noise coming from the small gym we had here in the dorms.
I went and peeked my head in to see Marinette punching a punching bag.
I walked in and closed the door.
I started walking towards her.
She was wearing her pj's still I think.
"Oi!" As soon as she turned I ducked avoiding her kick.
"pant Baka? What pant are you doing pant here?"
"What are YOU doing here?"
"Taking out some steam. I couldn't sleep." She shrugged.
"C'mon. Take out your steam on me." I got into a stance.
"Fine." She mumbled.
She started punching me and kicking me. I blocked or dodged but never attacked. 
"Ugh! I don't understand this shit!" She kicked me again making me groan.
"I just don't! Why am I not normal? How come everyone understands but not me? Ugh!" Suddenly I got pushed back with water and got thrown to the floor.
"Fuck!" I hissed.
"Woah...." She was panting.
"I-I.....used the water from my sweat."
She used her quick and took off all the water from me.
"Thanks, Baka. Night." She started walking away.
"Hold up!" I grabbed her wrist. 
"Where the fuck do you think you're going?"
"Back to my room." She mumbled. 
"Tell me what's bothering you."
"Tell me."
"I don't understand this feeling shit!"
"What feelings? Does this have to do with your girl's night?"
"Talk to me."
"Mina said I have a crush on this guy I told her about. I told her how I feel around that guy and she said I love him."
"Who is this guy?"
"He's.....Ummm I'm not sure I could tell you."
"Why not? I thought we told everything to each other?" I grabbed both of her shoulders and pulled her closer to me. 
"Tell me...please?" I whispered. 
She looked up at me with her big bluebell eyes. 
I leaned down and rubbed my nose against her cheek.
"Tell me. Who is it?" 
"I can't..." She mumbled. 
Both of us were staring at each other. My nose touched her nose. 
"Tell me soon?"
"Ok..." I leaned more down and kissed the corner of her lips making her gasp. 
"Good night.." I mumbled and walked out. 

Bakugou x Villain MarinetteWhere stories live. Discover now