Am I Dead?

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I walked toward the meetup. I was shaking and sweating from how nervous I was. 
"Fucking finally you're here...." Shigiraki was here. And Toga and Kurogiri. 
"Whatever.." I muttered. Don't show emotions.
"Give me the information then we can all leave." He said while waiting for me to speak.
" see...I tried to get information today....but one of the students caught I had to leave...."
"So no information?" He asked calmly.
"No information...." I muttered while playing with my fingers. 
"I'm sorry! It's just hard to sneak around and do something they never expect me to do! I have a friend group and I can't-" I got pushed down and groaned.
I looked up to see Shigiraki staring down at me.
"Let me made friends? Did you get attached? Did little Marinette get attached to some heroes? To the enemies? To the people that HATE us!?"
"....." My bottom lip wobbled slightly. I'm not gonna cry. I can't cry.
"They wouldn't want to be your friend once they know your secret. They're going to hate you. So fucking much! The moment they figure out....they'll kill you....."
I flinched. 
"Now.....if you don't get me proper information by next week...I swear I'll kill you!"
He glared at me and walked away. I shakingly got up and walked away.
My senses tingled. 
".....Shit!" I turned around but not fast enough and I got stabbed in my shoulder making me hiss.
I looked up to see Toga smirking. 
"Bye!" She waved and ran off. 
I slowly stood up and looked at my shoulder. The small knife went through my shoulder. Blood was coming out.
"Shit...." I mumbled while walking out of the hideout area.
I was walking trying my best to save my blood.
"C'mon...I got this...oh shit.." I mumbled while falling seeing black dots everywhere.
"Young lady! Are you alright!? Honey come help me!" A lady came above me. She looked oddly familiar. 
"....I know you! Honey! Call the brat! I think she goes to U.A too! Hold on. I got you, sweetheart..." She mumbles while rubbing my forehead gently.
And darkness took over.

My body was hurting so badly. Am I dead? No...I can't be dead if I feel pain.
I opened my eyes slowly and saw a black ceiling.
"Huh?" I mumbled while slowly sitting up.
I was in a black room with a mix of red. There was a small desk on the side and a bookshelf with mostly nothing on it. There were a few picture frames but I couldn't see them from here.
All Might figurines everywhere.
I tried moving when I felt pain in my shoulder. 
I looked to see it was wrapped in bandages. 
I was wearing an oversized black t-shirt with a skull.

"Hello, there honey." A young woman opened the door and walked in. She looked so familiar.
"Baka? Did you turn into a girl? Maybe I am dead..." I mumbled to myself.
"Oh, honey! You're not dead! Haha! Katsuki! Masaru! Come up! She's awake!" I heard fast footsteps running upstairs till the door got pushed open roughly and Baka was there.
"What the fuck is your fucking problem little shit!? You wanted to fucking die!?" He flicked my forehead then grabbed me and hugged me tightly.
"Uhh...Baka...Let me go."
"..." He instantly let go and jumped so far away. 
I saw the woman chuckling and a man was in here too. He had brown spiky hair with glasses. 
"How are you doing dear?" The man asked with a soft calm voice.
"I'm doing much better."
"Stop fucking lying."
"I'm not."
"You got fucking stabbed in the shoulder and lost a lot of blood!"
"But I'm fine now. Thanks to...?"
"Mitsuki....and this is Masaru. We're Katsuki's parents."
"No wonder you look so familiar...but I thought you were his sister..." The parents chuckled.
"Let's go downstairs. I made lunch."
"Ok thank you..." I mumbled.
"Here." I felt arms around me lifting me.
"You don't have to hold me, Baka."
"You're hurt." He mumbled while carrying me downstairs and putting me on the sofa. 
"What were you doing? I thought I told you to call me if anything happened."
"I know....I-I...umm got jumped...."
"What did you do?"
"I was distracted and by the time I felt like someone was running behind me they already stabbed my shoulder."
"Is this..." I lifted the collar of the shirt towards my nose and sniffed it.
"Is this your shirt?"
"When my mom called me saying a girl from my class...the one who won the Sports festival got hurt...I knew it was you. So I brought an extra shirt just in case. She said your clothes were filled with blood."

Bakugou's POV:

After Marinette left...I got worried. She's never scared or worried. She never cried in front of us. 
I was just in my room reading a book. My leg was jumping with anxiety.
Half an hour later my phone rang making me jump.
"What do you want hag?"
"Katsuki! Do you know that girl who won the festival? Blue hair?"
"She's hurt! She has a knife in her shoulder! She passed out! Your dad helped bring her into the house! But her clothes are filled with blood! Bring extra clothes! And hurry!"
"Wh- shit shit shit..." I mumbled while grabbing extra shirts from my drawers and grabbed my med kits and keys ran.
I got to my car and drove as fast as I can towards my parent's house. 

I got to my house and got out of the car and ran inside.
"Where is she?"
"Upstairs. Your mother has her in the-"
I ran upstairs and found them in the bathroom.
"Katsuki! She's naked! Don't just walk in!"
"Shit! Here. The clothes."
"These are yours!"
"I don't have her room key!"
"Just leave! I'll call you later!" She pushed me out. 
"What the fuck, hag?"

A few minutes later she calls me in.
I come in and see her with my shirt on. Her eyes were closed and she was breathing slowly.
I got my med kit and started working on her wound. 
I've been on some missions and learned to take care of myself. 
After fixing her wound and stitching it up and wrapping it, I lifted her and put her on my bed. 
I rubbed her hair gently and kissed her forehead when I knew my mom wasn't looking.

We both went downstairs and my dad was sitting there reading a newspaper.
"Ok talk. How did you fucking find her?"
"Katsuki! I did not raise you to talk to me like that! If you want to know what happened ask properly!" She smacked the back of my head.
"Shit. did you find her?"
" we were coming back from grocery shopping when we saw someone on the sidewalk. Just laying there. So we got out and I saw she was bleeding and I realized it was your classmate so we called you and brought her in the car and drove home. There."
"Why? You seem to care for her." She smirked. 
"Shut up!"

Marinette's POV:
Mitsuki made tea with some cookies and treats.
"Now...tell us about yourself."
"Ummm My name is Marinette. I'm a 2nd-year student with Bakugou...And that's about it." I smiled at them. 
"That's nice. We saw you at the festival You were so cool! And the ice thing! That was your first time, right?"
"Yes...I got determined and focused...and I needed to beat him so yea. I'm proud of myself."
"......." I looked at Baka who was just staring at me.
"Stop being so fucking nice and show them how fucking crazy you are!"
"You brat!" He got slapped up his head.
"You hag!" They both started arguing so I looked at Masaru and he started telling me about the Sports Festival.

"Alright. We're going to head back..."
"Alright. Take care Marinette. It was nice meeting you in person. Oh! Can I have an autograph?"
"Sure..." I mumbled while writing my name on a napkin. 
"There you go Mitsuki!"
"Thank you! See ya kids!"
"See ya..."

Bakugou x Villain MarinetteWhere stories live. Discover now