Sport's Festival Matches

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(So I'm not going to explain every round

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(So I'm not going to explain every round. Everything will be the same. And another thing I know the contestants are the same as the 1st year but I wasn't sure how to change everything y'know. So yea just imagines the teachers wanted to see if they got better than the last year's opponents. Sorry for the trouble)

After Deku beat Shinsou it was Sero and Todoroki's turn. 
"You got this Sero! Beat him up!" I slapped Sero's back making him flinch.
"I got this," He exclaimed while going to his room.

"No! Sero! no no Ugh!" I just watched Sero get destroyed by Todoroki. Whelp. At least I could defeat him now. Or if Deku does. 
"Sorry, Mari..."
"It's fine! I gotta go now. C'mon Kaminari."
"Please go easy on me. Please!"
"Sorry....can't do." I shrugged while flicking his forehead making Baka laugh.
We both walked toward our rooms.
"Hey, Touya."
"Hey, little sis. I saw you on T.V."
"That's nice. How was I?"
"I'm very proud of you. You've gotten way stronger. But I didn't like the part where you wore a cheer outfit. But I'm glad that loud kid covered you up."
"Anyways. I'll let you go. Good luck."
"Thanks, Touya!"
I ended the call and my name got called out. 

"Now we welcome Marinette! Verses Denki Kaminari!" The crowds cheered and I could hear my class cheering for both of us.
"I'm not going easy on you Kami," I smirked at him.
"I don't need you going easy on me princess. I'm gonna rock your world!"
He started using his electricity so I used my water and threw it all on him making him get an electric current and pass out. 
"OOh! Kaminari is out!"
"Hey, buddy..." I  mumbled while helping him up and giving him to the medics. 
"Take good care of him. He's my friend."
"Will do."

I walked up to my friends and Mina handed me my water bottle.
I sat down on my seat next to Mina.
A match later and it was now Mina's turn. 
"Good luck Mina." 
Mina went to her room and a little while later she came out and won the match. 
"Great job Mina!"
Another match later and it was Kirishima's turn.
"Good luck Bro!"
"gasp She called me bro! I'll do my best dude!"
A little while later Kirishima and the other guy came out. They both looked the same but the other guy was made out of steel. 
I leaned against the railing watching the fight. 
"C'mon! C'mon, you got this bro! No...No no! Shit! C'mon Kirishima! Beat his ass!"
"Woah ok! Calm the fuck down! You almost fell off the railing." I felt Baka's arms around my waist pulling me back.
"Hey! I need to watch!"
"You can watch from back here!" He sat down on his seat and put me on the seat next to him and kept his arm around me.
"Hmph! I was perfectly fine there!" I pouted and turned my face to the other side.
"Hey..." I heard him mumble and grab my chin with his 2 fingers gently.
"Don't pout.." He mumbled and used his thumb to rub my bottom lip. He was staring at my lips for so long that it made me feel weird.
"Baka?" I whispered.
"Just stay the fuck here k?" He whispered. 
I just nodded and he turned back around but kept his around my shoulders. 

After Kirishima's match got tied, they were talking still.
I felt Baka's arm slowly fall off my shoulder and down my back and wrapped it around my waist.
"It's my turn now. Cheer for me?" He whispered in my ear.
"Good luck Ochaco!"
"Thanks....I'll need it." I heard her mumble.
I saw Baka and Ochaco leave to go to their rooms.

Bakugou's POV:

The whole time since we sat down at the stands I wanted her to sit next to me but she sat with Pinky.
Even after her match, I was hoping for her to sit next to me. 
When I saw her about to jump off the railing for Shittyhair's match, I thought this was the perfect chance. 
I grabbed her and made her sit next to me.
When she pouted I felt upset that I made her upset.
Her lips felt so soft when I touched them. 
After when it was my turn, I slid my arm down her back and wrapped it around her waist which felt like it was made for my arm.
I asked her to cheer for me and she agreed so I walked away to my room.

I walked out towards the stadium and walked towards the middle.
"Go Bakugou!"
"You got this Bakubro!" I heard my squad screaming but I didn't hear my Blueberry. That's a way better nickname than little shit.
I looked at her and stared till I saw a small smile and she jumped up and stood right against the railing making me scared she might fall.
"You got this Baka!"
I smirked and stared at the shaking Round face. Deku's friend. They could be dating right now from how much they blush with each other.

Marinette's POV:

He won. The guys told me that last year everyone yelled at him and called him names.
He was pretty awesome out there. He was sweating and looked so good for some reason. 
I walked off the stands and went where his room was.
"Hey, Baka!"
" was I?"
"Awesome! That was like so cool!"
"Thanks..." he mumbled with a little pink on his cheek.
"Attention students! You have a half an hour break before the next round starts!"
"Want to eat something?"
"I'm starving!"
"Let's go." he grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers.
He pulled me with him to the cafeteria and took us to the kitchen.
No one was there.
"Here." He grabbed my waist and lifted me and put me on the counter.
"Stay. I'll make something for both of us to eat."


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Bakugou x Villain MarinetteWhere stories live. Discover now