First Day dating

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(Why is he so hot up there!)

My eyes opened when I heard a door shut.
I sat up and looked at the time to see it was 6:50. 
"My alarm didn't ring?" I whispered.
"Morning beautiful." I saw Baka walk up to me and kiss my forehead.
He was wearing his uniform and his hair was slightly wet.
"Did you just shower?"
"Came back from my workout. I didn't want to wake you 'cuz you seemed tired."
"Oh...Ah!" I yelped when he lifted me and hugged me.
His face was under my breasts and my hands were in his hair. My feet weren't touching the ground.
"I missed you..." He mumbled.
"I was right here...Now let go!" I whined and moved around.
"Fine fine." He set me down and patted my head. 
"I'm going to shower and change real quick."
"Ok. I'll see you downstairs, princess." He kissed my forehead then I left.
I can't believe we're dating now...
"Mari? What were you doing in Bakubro's room?" Kirishima asked coming out of his room with his bag.
"Leave her alone Shittyhair," Baka said coming out of his room.
"Hurry your ass up or I'm leaving you here idiot." He said to me.
"Whatever Baka.." I mumbled.
(So guys...I messed up and just realized Bakugou is on the 5th floor and Marinette was supposed to be on the 4th floor I think Ughhh well whatever. Just imagine Marinette and Bakugou are on the same floor but different sides. Sorry!)

I got to my room and grabbed my uniform and towel and went downstairs to quickly shower and brush my teeth.
I grabbed some breakfast and put all my stuff in my room and grabbed my bag. 
I left my hair to dry up with the air. I grabbed a ponytail in case I need to tie it up.

I went back down and found the squad and we all started walking to school. 
Baka was standing right next to me with an arm around my waist.
I wasn't used to these feelings so I got flustered and acted weird. 
"You ok?" He whispered in my ear.
"Y-yea..." I mumbled while looking down playing with his hand on my waist.
"Here." He moved his hand and gave me his hand to hold.
I held onto his hand and played with his fingers. 

We finally got to U.A and went to homeroom.
"Good morning class. As you all know...exams are coming up. One week left. Please study and do your absolute best. You guys are 2nd year so you should know what we expect from you. There will be a written test and then a physical test. Be prepared for any surprises. Now a test. Get your pencils out." 
Everyone was putting their stuff away and getting ready for the test. 

After a few classes, it was finally lunchtime. 
I was waiting outside by a tree. 
Baka said to wait here for him.
What would Baka say when he figures out I'm a villain? Would he break up with me? He would! He hates villains. He's going to be a pro hero! He's going to kill me the moment he figures out.
"Hey, beautiful," Baka said sitting down next to me and kissing my cheek.
"I made lunch for both of us so I had to get it from my locker."
"OK...thanks." I smiled at him. 
He smiled back and opened the container and gave me my chopsticks.
"Here." He stuck his chopsticks near my mouth.
I opened my mouth and ate it.
"Yea...chicken." he chuckled. 
He started eating himself while I ate too.
"How do you think you did on the test?"
"Ok." I shrugged.
We talked about stuff and laughed and told jokes. 
"C'mon. We got class." He gave me his hand and pulled me up.
Then he gently pushed me against the tree behind us. 
"Baka?" I whispered up at him.
"A kiss to go?"
I blushed but nodded. I missed his lips anyways
He leaned down and put his lips on mine. 
I copied him and followed along.
His hands were on my waist and mine were on the sides of his neck.
"Open your mouth," he mumbled against my lips.
I opened my mouth slightly and he pushed his tongue inside.
He moved his lips against mine amazingly. 
I gently pulled his hair making him groan making me feel weird again.
My whole body got tingles and I felt weird in my stomach. 
He broke the kiss while pulling my bottom lip with his teeth. He let it go making it pop back in its place. 
His lips were puffy and red and he was panting slightly. 
I bet mine was too.
He leaned back down and pecked my lips then leaned up and kissed my forehead.
"Let's go. Before I destroy here." He chuckled and took my hand and pulled me towards the school. 

"Guys! Where were you two!?" Mina said while jumping towards us.
Mina, Kiri, and Kami said and they stared at us with shock.
"Girl what the fuck happened to your lips!"
"Uhh..." I blushed and looked down.
"Bakubro! You too!"
"It looks like they used a vacuum to suck their lips!" Kami started laughing then stopped and stared at us.
"You both suck each other's faces off!?"
"Shut the fuck up!"
"What the heck did you do to my girl!?"
"She's my fucking girl!" Baka said while wrapping his arms around me.
"......You're dating! Since when?"
"Last night..." I mumbled.
"That's why you were in Bakubro's room."
"What! When was she in his room!? Bakugou I swear if you're just using her I'll fuck you up!"
"I'll like to see you try Pinky! And besides.....I'm not using her...I love her." He whispered the last part.
"Oh my god! My baby boy is all grown up!" Kiri said while pulling Baka's head down to his chest and rubbing his hair.
"Leave me the fuck alone!"
We all laughed and went to our next class.

After classes were over for the day, we all went back to the dorms. 
Baka and I got off the elevator on our floor.
We were going to separate to go to our rooms when he grabbed my hand.
"I'm taking you out tonight ok? Wear anything you want. But nice." He said then kissed my cheek.
"See ya."

Bakugou x Villain MarinetteWhere stories live. Discover now