And the Mole is.....

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"Just give up, Momo. You don't stand a chance against me." I huffed while putting one of my feet on her back keeping her pinned down.
Everyone was finished and was watching us from the sideline.
Momo just doesn't want to quit. I even forgot how many rounds we finished. 
"I'm going to destroy you!" She screamed and tried getting out from under me. 
"This is pathetic. I don't even know how you managed to get to 2nd year." I scoffed.
"I'm done with you." I sighed and walked away.
I got out of our circle and continued walking toward the showers.
"Momo no!"
I turned around and got hit with a pole.
I fell to the ground and groaned.
I touched the side of my head and felt blood.
"Oi! That was unfair! The match was fucking over!"
"Momo stand down!" Deku shouted.
"I hate you! You ruined everything for me! Everyone loved me! I was the best female fighter! I had the beauty! The brains! The skills! But you came out of nowhere and took everything from me! I wish you were dead!"
Everyone was quiet. 
I was staring up at her from the ground.
She was panting holding the pole she used to hit me. 
Everyone had wide eyes and didn't know what to say or do.

I sighed and slowly stood up holding my head seeing everything spin.
"He-" I put my hand up to stop Katsu from coming any further.
"You know what?" I looked directly at Momo. 
"I hate myself too." I smiled at her but everyone knew this smile was broken. 
"I hate everything about myself. I never wanted to come to this school. I never wanted anything to do with you guys. I don't even have a family. I lost my parents when I was very young. Someone found me and made me his little sister and we found someone who can take us under their roof. In exchange...we had to do work. I couldn't do the work he wanted me to do. I was abused. Beat. Whipped. Forced to train and use my quirk. Forced to wake up early in the morning to work on my quirk and become his prize possession. I never asked for that. I never asked for any of this. He made me join this school saying I can be useful coming here. So I'm sorry if I took your place on the charts. I'm sorry that I got a real family here and met amazing people that I don't deserve. I'm sorry, Momo." I sighed and walked away bumping into Mr. Aizawa on the way.

It's time for the campfire. And here I the forest resting on a tree. I've been here for so long.
Katsu would walk around looking for me but I would jump onto another tree and stay hidden. 

"There you are!"
"Ah!" I got pushed off the tree branch and got tackled onto the ground making me groan. 
"Ugh!" I opened my eyes to see red eyes glaring down at me.
"What the fuck is your problem!? Running off like that!"
"Fuck no! I hate it when you do this! You run away from your problems and then I have to fucking find you! Do you know how worried I was? I don't want you in this forest fucking alone!" He sat up and pulled me on his lap.
"I was worried about you.." He mumbled into my neck.
"I'm sorry, Katsu." I kissed his cheek.
"Are you ok?"
"Yea. Why?"
"What you said back there. I'm sorry she made you say all of that."
"It's fine."
"You wanna go back? Everyone's probably eating marshmallows and shit. And it's getting dark."
"Fine." He pulled me up and held my hand while we walked back.

"We're far from the campsite."
"I know. I'm sorry. You kept on finding me so I ran off."
"You kept on running?"
"Yea." He started laughing making me laugh. 
I stopped walking and looked around.
"What's wrong?"
"I feel like something bad is going to happen. And I feel like someone's watching us."
"....Let's get back, yea?" He pulled my hand.
"Ok." He held onto my hand tightly and made sure I was right next to him.
Please don't say they're here. Please!
"Watch out!" He pulled me behind him and shot out an explosion.
We both looked down and saw an ugly creature now dead.
"Villains." He nodded.
He started pulling me so we can get back but...
A bunch of those ugly creatures jumped out of the trees and surrounded us.
Katsu and I put our backs together and got into a stance.
"Aha!" We both fought them off.

"Shit!" The thing bit me.
"Let the fuck go of me!" I threw my arm back making the creature fly off.
"There! Let's go!" Katsu grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the campsite.
"There's smoke!"
"There already by the campsite! Let's go!" He pulled me faster with him and kept looking back to make sure I was there.

Once we got to the campsite everything was destroyed.
The cabins, the bathrooms, the cafeteria, everything was turned to ashes. 
The ground was broken and some tree was on the ground too. 
We turned to the side to see all of our classmates and Mr. Aizawa facing the villains.
I knew they would want Sabre to come so I stayed at the back of the group so I can sneak out once it's time.

"What the hell do you guys want?! How did you guys fund us again!?" Mr. Aizawa yelled.
Everyone was ready.
Deku was ready to fight. Todoroki was ready. Katsu was ready. Everyone was ready.

The villains had a huge group. Looks like Shigiraki found more villains. They had Nomus, changelings, robots everything. Guns, knives. 

"What we want...-" Shigiraki chuckled.
"Is to kill you heroes."
"How did you fund us again!?"
" guys have a mole." He chuckled again.
Mole. He won't rat me out, right? That wasn't the plan.
"A mole!?"
"Who could betray us like that!?"
"And the mole is......."

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