Hand to Hand combat

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(Hey guys! So since it's the weekend I decided to make another chapter for you guys! I hope you enjoy it!)

Bakugou's POV:
I couldn't get her out of my damn mind! First of all. she teases and annoys me the whole time! Then she looked so fucking hot in that suit! Ugh! What is wrong with me?! I can't believe I blushed. 

After we left her room I grabbed my supplies and went to the common room to help Shittyhair study.
"Hey, Bakubro!"
"You shouldn't be this happy Shittyhair....you're gonna get fucking beat after this. You don't know shit."
"Ugh. You don't have to remind me. Just go easy?"
"I'll try." I shrugged and started teaching him. 

"So......you got a thing for Mari?"
I spit out the water I had just drunk.
"What the fuck?! Do you think I have a fucking thing for that little shit!?"
"Ummm yea.....I mean it's just the first day and you're always with her. Maybe arguing or something else. Then you blushed when she wore her hero outfit."
".....I don't fucking have a crush on her! I don't have crushes on anyone! That's disgusting!"
"Whatever......but if you do and you need help with anything just come to your favourite bro!"
"yea whatever...I mean! I won't catch feelings for anyone!" I blushed bright red and hit his head with a notebook.

A few hours later it was 10 o'clock. 
Shittyhair went to sleep after finally understanding everything.
I was finishing my studying now when I heard someone sitting across from me.
I looked up and saw the little shit in the same tank top as me with her gym pants.
She asked me to study with her so I did. 
It was hard for me to focus 'cuz her tank top was a bit bigger making the straps fall off her shoulder. I could see her cleavage and I know I'm not a pervert but I just couldn't help it. 

It was 1:00 a.m. and she finally got everything right.
She went to sleep and I packed up and went to sleep too.
I had 4 hours before I have to wake up for training.


My alarm rang way too early and when I checked the time it was 5:00 a.m.
"UGH!" I groaned and changed into a hoodie and shorts.
I grabbed my black bag filled with extra clothes, towels, and a water bottle.
I went to the elevator and pressed the button. 
The elevator was coming down.
"Huh? Who's awake right now?"
The elevator opened and to my surprise, the little shit was in there.
I walked in and saw the button pressed in the Common room.
She was wearing a grey and pink workout bra with grey sweatpants. 
She had a bag probably filled with stuff and she was holding 2 water bottles.
She had headphones on and was bobbing her head slowly.
"Wah!?" She used her quirk and splashed water at me with the small bottle she carries everywhere. 
We both stared at each other. She was panting and I was splashed.
"What are you doing up? What are you doing here? When did you get in here? Why didn't-"
"Shut it! I'm going for my workout! And I came in here and you didn't even notice!"
"Oh...sorry." She shrugged.
"What are you doing up?" I asked while ringing my hoodie.
"Working out. I always wake up at 5 and workout till 6:45 ish." She shrugged again.
We reached the common so we both walked out and went to the kitchen.
We both filled up our bottles at the same time and we both went to the bathrooms to brush our teeth. She went to the girls and I went to the boys.

We have a big room filled with sinks and toilets. And then another big room filled with showers. 
And the same for the girls.

After that, I went to the sofa to grab my bag then I looked down at my hoodie.
It's cold in the morning.
I felt all the water get off my hoodie and body and looked back to see the little shit putting all the water in her small bottle. 
"Sorry again. Anyways see ya!" She walked away while lifting her hand.
I saw her put her headphones in her ears and she started jogging out of the building.
I just stared at her back until I couldn't see her anymore. 
I shook my head and jogged out too.
I looked around the streets and realized she wasn't around anymore.
I don't know why I want to be around her so much.
I sighed and jogged to the gym to workout a bit then I would go to my usual training spot.

Marinette's POV:
After that whole situation with Baka, I got to my training spot and stretched a bit and did my workout.
I was working on my quirk. Strengthened my body and quirk. 
Once it was 6:40 ish, I decided to stop.
I wiped my face and neck with my towel and chugged my water. I brought another bottle to incase I finished. 
I started walking toward the dorm building for a nice shower.
I felt a towel get thrown over my head while walking.
I took it off and saw Baka walking in front of me now.
"Huh?" He turned around with that annoying smirk.
I chucked his sweaty towel back at his face.
"Baka..." I muttered while walking past him. 
"Piece of shit." I heard him mutter.
I saw a puddle of muddy water on the side of the road.
I lifted that with my quirk and threw it at Baka making him curse and yell.
We both got to the dorm buildings and walked to the showers.
Well, Baka ran 'cuz he smelled really bad.

I showered and changed into my school uniform. I put my hair into two pigtails. 
I put some mascara and eyeliner on and then walked towards my room to put my stuff down.
I grabbed my school bag and books and then went back downstairs to now see everyone awake.
Some were either eating breakfast or studying. 
"Come eat breakfast! What d you want? We have cereal there and bars there and-"
"I'll find something."

After everyone ate everyone slowly started leaving for school with their friends or alone.
I grabbed my bag from the sofa and left for school.
"Shut up! It's too early for you to be shouting!" I heard a grumble.
"What do you guys want?"
"What do you mean? We're friends! And friends walk to school together!" They were all smiling at me.....well except for Baka.
I never had a friend. I mean I had my brother and the whole League but they were adults....and only used me if I was useful. Well, not my bro. He loved me. 
"Friends..." I mumbled while turning and walking towards the school.
Mina came and looped her elbow with mine and Kaminari came and threw his arm over my shoulder and they started talking about random stuff and laughed and joked around. 

We reached school and took the test and I think I aced it.
We were all chilling waiting for our marks.
"sigh Whoever got 85 and above great job and whoever got under please.....find a tutor." Mr. Aizawa said while passing everyone their tests.

I looked at my mark and gaped.
I got a 95%.
"What did you get Marinette?" Deku asked while leaning back.
"97%. Great job! Since you weren't here when we learned the past topics." He smiled.
"I got Baka to tutor me." I shrugged and leaned back in my seat.
"Hey, Baka."
"What do you want?"
"100%. I think everything got stuck in my head after studying myself and studying with you and Shittyhair then studying again. So yea." He muttered while shoving his paper in his bag.
I took a quick pic and sent it to Touya.

"Alright....we'll be doing hand-to-hand combat. Everyone pick a partner you didn't have before."
We were all outside in our gym clothes.
Everyone started picking partners.
"Oi! Piece of shit! You're mine!"
"OOh! Kachaan! Get it!"
"Not like that dumbass!"
"Whatever. Ok." I shrugged while walking to the side.
Everyone had to take a turn and we had to watch.

It was finally Baka's and my turn.
We both went to the circle and stood on opposite sides of each other.
"First person to tap out, get out of the circle or get pinned down for 10 seconds loses. Go."
(So you guys know that I don't know how to write fight scenes sooooo beware. lol)
We both glared at each other then he strike first and I dodged him easily.

(Pretend Bakugou got Marinette pinned down then she got herself back up then watch the video below.)

We both stared at each other after I got myself back up. We were both panting and had a few bruises.
I took off my gym coat making Kaminari whistle and left my black tank top that was underneath still on.

(Imagine they don't have knives. And Marinette is the one with blue hair and Bakugou has red hair.)

After I got Bakugou to tap out, I sighed and still laid on him.
That was crazy. I never had such a big fight.
I rolled over and laid on the grass and panted.
"Here." Mina gave me a water bottle and let me drink. I saw Kirishima give Baka a water bottle as well. 
"Great job you too. Bakugou I saw you struggle so now you know what to work on. Marinette good job with getting back up before the 10-second rule. You two may go to see Recovery Girl. Next!"
We both sighed and Mina and Kirishima helped us up.
My stomach is probably purple.

Bakugou x Villain MarinetteWhere stories live. Discover now