Hanging with Baka

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A few days have passed ever since Girl's night. 
Mina told me about a lot of things. Like dating, kissing, cuddling, making out, and sex. 
We heard our exams will be coming up in 2 weeks. 
I have to tell Shigiraki about the field trip.

We had all just came back from school and most of us went to the showers.
I was taking my shower when I heard all the girls talking while taking their showers.
"Trust me. Marinette has bigger boobs than me." I heard Mina say.
"Mina...please don't talk about my breasts."
"Ugh, girl. Say boobs! And you have bigger boobs than me."
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?!"
"S-sorry B-Baku-Bakugou!"
"I think that was Mineta," I said while wrapping myself in my towel. 
"And lover boy~"
"Mina." I blushed and looked down.
I went through my bag and grabbed a shirt and sweats.
"Omg! Isn't that Bakugou's shirt!?"
"Uhh, yea...When I got hurt he gave me this shirt 'cuz mine was dirty."
"Oh my god! You look adorable!"
"Whatever," I muttered while leaving the bathroom and drying my hair.
"Here.." I felt someone take my towel and start drying my hair.
"Thanks, Baka..." I muttered while feeling a blush form on my cheeks from Mina who was wiggling her eyebrows.
He started massaging my scalp making me lean back against his chest.
"Mm~ Feels so good~" I closed my eyes and let myself rest against his body.
"C'mon." He pulled my arm and dragged me towards the elevator. 
We got to our floor and he pulled me to my room I unlocked it and we both went in.
He shut the door behind him.
He pushed me onto my bed and sat behind me and started massaging my head and drying my hair with the towel.
"Wh-What are you doing?"
"Just relax. You had a long day..." He mumbled.
I sighed and closed my eyes. 

I woke up to the feeling of someone playing with my hair. 
I opened my eyes and saw black. 
"You're finally awake? How'd you sleep?" I tilted my head up and saw Baka staring at me.
I was laying on his chest and he was playing with my hair.
"How-How did this happen?"
"You fell asleep, idiot."
"And what were you doing?"
"Watching you." He shrugged and continued with my hair. 
"We're going to hang out later on."
"With the rest?"
"No. Just me and you."
"Sit up." I sat up and stretched. 
I saw Baka comb my hair with his fingers then he made a braid. 
"Go change. I'll change and meet you here. Alright?"
"Ok." He patted my head and left my room.

I wore a black workout bra with a white top that shows the sides of the workout bra. I wore a big jean jacket and black leggings. 

I grabbed my phone and took a picture

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I grabbed my phone and took a picture.
"Oi! Let's go." He grabbed my hand and interlaced our fingers and pulled me to the elevator and the exit.

"Where are we going?" We decided to take the train.
We were standing up because there weren't any seats. 
I was holding this bar thing because I was too short to hold the strap above. Baka's hand was right above mine on the bar thing.
"Just somewhere.." He mumbled while looking around.
I could see his hand moving down so stupidly I let go and almost fell because we went over a bump.
"Oi!" Baka grabbed my hand and pulled me right in front of him and put my hand on the strap above making me tippy toe with his hand on top of mine.
"Be careful." He wrapped his other arm across my stomach and pulled me back to his chest lifting me a bit so I don't have to tippy toe. 
"Hey, sweetheart. How 'bout you sit here?" An older man who looked disgusting said while patting his thigh.
I just ignored him.
"Oi! Princess. I'm talking to you."
"Can you shut the fuck up! I'll kill you if you talk to her again!"
"Whatever man.." He muttered while looking down.
"Here." Baka made me switch spots with him so he was facing the man and I was facing another side. 
"You're mine." He whispered in my ear.
"Yours?" I mumbled while looking up at him.
"Yes. If any guys flirt or ask you out or whatever...you say you belong to me."
"I belong to Baka?" I smirked.
"Ye-What no! You say Katsuki..."
"Your first name?"
"Yes. Call me Katsuki now. But you call me Baka anyways so yea whatever."
A few minutes later, our stop came so we got out. 

"We're at a mall?"
"Yep! We could go shopping and stuff. Then we can eat here. And hang. Y'know?"
We both walked in and went straight to the clothing store.
I grabbed a few outfits I liked. 

Bakugou x Villain MarinetteWhere stories live. Discover now