Date Night

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I did my homework and took a nap.
"Mina...I'm sleeping. Leave me alone." I groaned and put my pillow over my face.
"Girl! You're dating the rudest grumpiest boy in this school! And he loves you!"
"And you both are going on a date and you're sleeping!? He's already taking a shower and stuff."
"What time is it?"
"...Oh shit! I slept for too long!" I quickly grabbed a tank top and shorts, ran to the showers, and jumped in.
After washing myself and my hair, I changed into my tank top and shorts and returned to my room.
"Here. I picked your outfit."

I wore a maroon shirt tucked into dark blue floral pants. I put my hair in pigtails. I put on lipgloss and mascara and eyeliner. 

"How do I look?""Cute!""Alright

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"How do I look?"
"Alright. I'll go. He's probably downstairs."
"Have fun. But not too much!"
"Bye Mina."
After grabbing my phone, I went downstairs.

I saw Baka with Kiri.
He was wearing a white shirt with a maroon and black jacket with jeans. 

"Woah! Looking good Marinette!""Thanks, Kiri

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"Woah! Looking good Marinette!"
"Thanks, Kiri."
"I'll see you guys later!" We watched Kiri leave.
"You look beautiful," Baka said while rubbing my cheek. He leaned down and kissed my forehead. 
"Let's go." He interlaced our fingers and pulled me with him.

"Where are we going?"
"Shh. Su-"
"Surprise. I know." I pouted.
"Don't pout. We're almost there."

"We're here!"
"Yep! And much more." He grinned and I ran up to the entrance.
"Hold up!"
I giggled and walked inside. 
"Hello! How may I help you?"
"Reservations for Bakugou," Baka said catching up to me.
"Alright. Follow me." She guided us to a table.

We both sat down with our menus.
"Get anything you want."
"Alright." I smiled.
I figured out what I wanted so I started looking around. 
It was really pretty and organized. Lights and flowers. Jack. Deco-Wait Jack?
What's he doing here?

You must be wondering who Jack is. He's someone I had to work with. He's a huge flirt and thought he could get with me. But Touya beat him up and I just ignored him. 

I looked down immediately and covered my face with my menu. 
"You ok?"
"Yep!" I smiled at him.
I tensed. 
Baka looked up and saw Jack.
"Hey. I knew it was you when I saw your blue pigtails."
"What do you want Jack?" I mumbled while looking down.
"Hey. Why are you so cold? Can't I come to say hi to his partner?" He chuckled.
"Partner?" Baka questions looking at me.
"We're not partners anymore. Now leave me the fuck alone before I tell Touya you're bothering me." I seethed.
"Chill beautiful. Anyways. You look beautifully sexy today." He smirked.
"Oi! Leave her the fuck alone."
"And what are you going to do?"
"I'll fucking kill you." He said calmly.
"....Fine. I'm getting bored anyways. See ya beautiful." He left.
"Who was he?" Baka whispered.
"Just someone from my past. I haven't seen him for a year or two."
"Are you mad at me?"
"No. But what was he talking about being partners?" 
"...It was nothing. Just a thing he says."
"Ok. Ready to order?"

After our dinner date, Baka decided to take a walk in the park.
"...My parents left me when I was little."
"And I had nowhere to go and no one helped me."
"Not even the heroes?"
"I lived in alleyways and on the streets for a while. Then when I was 7 I bumped into a boy. He was 14. He ran away from home so he took me in. He lived in an abandoned building so he took care of me. He protected me and fed me and cleaned me. That's when we considered each other siblings. Then when I turned 10 and he turned 17 he found a group of people who were willing to let us live with them if we did work for them. My brother didn't want me to do work for them so he did a lot of work for them. I had to do a little bit. Like the smallest things, I could do.
Then later on I figured out I had a quirk and my brother taught me how to use it and trained me and made me work out and keep fit. The person who let us stay told me to become a hero. Like, be useful. And if I ever disagreed with him he would hurt me. Every time my brother wasn't around he would hurt me. Beat me. Everyday. That's why I'm like this. I used to be funny and crazy and happy and laugh every day. But then he destroyed that side of me. I'm scared of him. Like a lot. But my brother doesn't know. Jack is just someone who had to work with me for the small things I did. Or even babysit me. He's a huge flirt and my brother would beat him if he touched me."
"Oh...I'm sorry you had to go through that. I never knew."
"It's fine. I never told anyone." I shrugged.
"I got you now. And no one ever going to hurt you. Ever." He looked down at me and smiled.
"I know." 
"C'mon. I bought tickets for this movie. You still wanna go?"

We got to the theatre and he gave the man our tickets and we got popcorn and sat down in our seats.
"What movie is it?"
"Why? You scared?" he teased.
"No!" Yes. Scared. I always hated horror.
"If you say so~" The popcorn was in my lap, and we ate from it. 
The movie started and it was fine at first.
Until.....blood covered the whole screen making me gasp.
"N-Nothing," I muttered while eating more popcorn.
This creepy guy came out of the bathroom and he was ugly. With blood all over his body with a wicked smile. 
I froze.
I looked beside me and saw Baka. he was just sitting there slowly eating popcorn and watching the show.
"What?" he mumbled still watching the screen.
A few seconds later I felt him move the divider between our seats and came closer to me throwing his arm over my shoulder and pulling me closer.
"I knew you were scared from the beginning." He chuckled right by my ear.
"I got you." He mumbled while rubbing his hand up and down my arm. 
He kissed my forehead.
"I got you Blueberry."

"That was so scary!" I whined once we left the theatre.
"C'mon~ It wasn't that scary."
"It was!" I crossed my arms and pouted.
"Don't pout." He whispered and leaned down and pecked me. 
"Let's go."
"Somewhere." He pulled me and wrapped his arm over my shoulder.

We walked till we got to this empty street. The lamppost is our only source of light and the moon. 
He got his phone and went on it for a while then put his phone back in his pocket.
"Come here." he put his hand on my waist and his other hand held mine. My other hand was on his shoulder.

Once the song started, he started moving. 
We went in circles and he would sometimes push me away and then pull me back. 
He twirled me and then would pull me back to his chest.
I slowly laid my head on his chest and closed my eyes.  and I felt him putting his chin on my head.
We then went in circles slowly. 
I felt him let go of my hand and put both of his hands on my back rubbing up and down. I put both of my hands around his neck.
"I love you." I heard him whisper in my ear.
"I love you too," I whispered against his chest. 
"Let's go home.." He mumbled.
"Ok." He let go of me and held my hand as we walked back to the dorms.
"Here. You're cold." He gave me his jacket leaving him in his white short-sleeved shirt.
"But you'll be cold."
"I'm fine."
"But I feel bad."
"It's fine... wait. Give me this." he took the jacket back.
"I saw this on the internet and always wanted to do it." He put his jacket on and then pulled me in front of him.
"Here." He lifted me by my waist making me squeak. 
"Wrap your arms around my neck." I did that.
"Wrap your legs around me." I did that too and I could feel his hands under my butt. 
"Now hold on." He zipped up his jacket and put his hood on keeping my arms warm. 
"Yep! But I'll be too heavy."
"Baby you underestimate my strength." He smirked and made me lay my head under his chin.
"Hold on. Close your eyes. I'll wake you up once we get there."
"...I love you Blueberry." He mumbled then kissed my forehead. 

Bakugou x Villain MarinetteWhere stories live. Discover now