Ready Pigtails

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It was the next day and we all decided to just chill.
Mr. Aizawa said some days we can chill and some days train. He said this week will be like a field trip, not a hero training trip. 

Katsu and I just came back from our morning run in the forest.
We ended up playing tag with our quirks too.

"Fuck. Take the water off of me dammit!"
"Sheesh," I muttered then used my quirk to take all the water from his shirt. 
"Thank you beautiful. Take a shower and I'll meet you for breakfast?"
"Ok." He pecked my forehead and we both went to the showers. 

I went to the shower and took off all my clothes.
I started rinsing myself with soap and shampoo.
"I can't believe it!" I heard Momo's voice.
"C'mon Momo. Why is it so hard to believe that Bakugou and Marinette are dating?" Jirou asked. Jirou is ok. I hung out with her a couple of times. 
"Because! Bakugou was a strong fighter! Midoriya was too! And Todoroki! And then she comes and beats all three of them!"
"So what? She's got mad skills."
Thanks, Jirou. I said to myself in my head.
"And she seems fishy. Like...she came in the middle of nowhere. I don't trust her."
"I think you're just jealous."
"Of course not! Me? Jealous of her!"
I sighed and came out and changed on the side.
I sighed again and walked away.
"I think....she was here and heard everything."
"I don't care!"

I huffed and went to the breakfast area and flopped down on an empty seat.
"Hey there beautiful." Katsu came and pecked my hair.
"Right on time. I brought you breakfast." he put a plate down in front of me and a glass of orange juice and he then sat down next to me with his legs on either side of the bench so he was facing me. 
"What's wrong?" He asked while putting his hand on my thigh.
"Nothing," I mumbled while grabbing my chopsticks.
"Tell me." He said firmly while taking my chopsticks away from me.
"It's just fucking Momo! That fucking big breasts tall black haired smart girl!" I groaned and slammed my hands on the wooden table making me wince and groan more.
"Baby.." He muttered and gently held my hands.
They were bright red and stung.
He gently kissed my palms making me feel happy.
"It's alright. I love you. She's just fucking jealous."
"I know. But she's getting on my nerves. Like why couldn't she just stay quiet like before? She never talked to me." I pouted.
"It's going to be ok. I promise. I'll always and only love you. You know that right?" He tilted his head to look down at me.
"I know."
"Don't pout. You know I don't like it." He rubbed my bottom lip with his thumb. 
He pecked my mouth making me giggle.
"I love you." He whispered to me staring into my eyes.
"I love you too," I whispered to him staring into his red eyes. 

I saw Momo with Jirou coming to the breakfast area. Momo was looking at us, more like glaring.
I smirked and pulled Katsu by his shirt and kissed him deeply.
"Hm?!" He made a noise of shock but then closed his eyes and kissed me back.
I licked his bottom lip and bit it.
"Mmm~" He moaned.
I broke the kiss by pulling his bottom lip with me.
He was about to pull me back but I got up and left.....after flipping Momo off.

Oh my god! What did I do!? I can't believe I did that.
I was walking in the forest trying to calm down my blush.
"Oh, Blueberry~"
"Eep!" I jumped and turned around to see Katsu walking up to me teasingly.
"I think you need to finish something~" He smirked at me.
"S-Sorry Katsu....I-I don't know what came over me." I blushed even redder when I saw his pants. He was turned on. Oh god. 
"I see you found out what I need?" He teased even more standing in front of me. 
"Umm  I-I need to go." I was about to walk away when he grabbed my arm and pinned me against a tree.
"Not so fast Blueberry~" He leaned down and started kissing the side of my neck.
I closed my eyes letting the pleasure take over my body.
"Fuck. You were so-" He sucked on my sweet spot.
"So fucking hot." He groaned making me let out a small moan. 
"Katsu~" I grabbed his hair and tugged him up for a kiss.
He put his hands on my hips and moved his hips on me making both of us let out moans and low groans.
"Katsu~ Not here." I moaned and pulled at his hair.
He started kissing down my chin to my neck.
I tilted my head up and he sucked right behind my ear. 

"Katsu~" I grabbed his arms and twisted us so he was leaning against the tree and I was in front of him.
"Huh?" He stared at me.
I leaned up on my tippy toes and kissed down his neck.
He groaned and threw his head back.
"Here." He wrapped his arms around my waist and held me up against his chest so I could reach.
I kissed his neck and sucked on a few spots to find his sweet spot.
"Fuck~ Hah~" He moaned and groaned. I felt happy that I was the one to make him feel like this.
"Oh~ Baby~" I looked up at him and he had his eyes closed tightly and his lips were parted letting out small groans and moans.
I kissed his neck one more time and then pecked his lips.
He still held me to his chest while panting.
" were so good." He mumbled then kissed me. 
I blushed and pecked his cheek.

He let me go and we both walked hand in hand to the cabin areas. 
"Hey, guys! Mr. Aizawa said that if we do a little one-on-one combat right now then we can stay up around the camp fire tonight! Let's go! Pick your partners!"
"Partners?" Katsu asked.
"Partners." I smiled at him.
Everyone went to change into our workout clothes because none of us brought our U.A gym clothes. 

I wore a grey work out bra with grey sweat pants. I also wore a thin sweater up top of my work out bra.
I tied my hair up into it's pigtails and went back outside. 

I could see people already started sparring with their partners.
I quickly turned around and grabbed the arm and flipped them over.
"Ugh! How could you do that?"
"Sorry katsu." I smiled at him and crouched down and kissed his forehead.
"Momo." I stood up and glared at her.
"I wanna be your partner."
"What? I'm you're fucking partner!"
"I already sparred with you, Katsu. I'll spar with her today."
"Ready Ponytail?"
"Ready pigtails." She smirked.

Bakugou x Villain MarinetteWhere stories live. Discover now